I must be old school


I take aas no peptides except when I want to tan melanotan 2. I also have used bpc157 for elbow pain.
Both are long time well used peptides. But lately there are so many peptides, a lot are new and zero feedback of real effects from users.
This scares the shit out of me.

Before I did aas I had built my base (8-9 yrs) and studied the crap out of all the ones I could get and use. Im talking serious hrs and days of research. Basically I needed to know everything before I chose my first cycle and this was back in the 90s.

You can build an amazing physique with just tons of food, recovery, proper training, and a decent cycle (based on your level and experience).

My opinion is that these young guys need to slow down. Stick with the basics. If you can eat or train properly, and reduce having all those long nights out you will see growth pretty quickly. Even basic genetics should reep the rewards.

My first cycle was the old pyramid cycle logic. 8 wks...200mg, 300mg, 400mg, 500mg, 500mg, 400mg, 300mg, 200mg. Test cyp one shot per week. Talk about moonface. We didn’t have good AI back then. I gained 20lbs. Went from 200lbs base to 224lbs with gear. Went completely off and lost 10lbs over the weeks. Gained it back naturally while in military. Took about 2 months to recovery completely but the military kept me training (pushup and situps and running Basically...oh ya and fucking burpys)

Basically it can all be done. You can grow but it takes time. Young people please stop trying to be huge within a yr pumping all these things you know little about into you're body.
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Yeah I agree there are a lot of Peptides now

I dont use any Peptides either, aside from GH (if you'd consider that a peptide), and semaglutide/tirz, although I have been wanting to add MT2 for the summer months to get a nice tan

I think gear gives you the best bang for the buck, and that a lot of people spin their wheels and piss away money trying to run some mega peptide stack
Ipa/cjc or tesa is one of the more prominent peptide stacks. Tesa and cjc have both gone through rigorous clinical trials. I don't think Ipa has but there's a lot of anecdotal evidence.

They give an endogenous boost to GH production. The impact is small, 1-1.5 iu per day, but you can do it virtually forever. That dose won't put on mass, but it will preserve muscle during a cut and helps a ton with sleep. Plus Ipa and CJC No Dac are cheap and easy to get.

No they don't compare with gear for impact, but they have their own use.
I utilize bpc157, tb500, mots-c and epitalon pretty regularly. Bpc and TB for healing reasons obviously, then mots-c and epitalon for overall longevity, wellbeing, cognition, and overall better mood.

In fairness, I don't use them for muscle growth at all though, and dont look at peptides in that light.

They are ridiculously expensive unless you're ordering kits from chinese suppliers. The benefits from mots and epitalon are so incredibly worth it though (the most expensive of the 4 comparatively)

Epitalon for 30 days at 10mg/day, then mots C for 60 days at 5mg 3x week. Give it 3 months off then roll again for twice a year total.

Aside from that, I leave them alone. I'd rather just run GH than any GHRP/GHRH combo.
I utilize bpc157, tb500, mots-c and epitalon pretty regularly. Bpc and TB for healing reasons obviously, then mots-c and epitalon for overall longevity, wellbeing, cognition, and overall better mood.

In fairness, I don't use them for muscle growth at all though, and dont look at peptides in that light.

They are ridiculously expensive unless you're ordering kits from chinese suppliers. The benefits from mots and epitalon are so incredibly worth it though (the most expensive of the 4 comparatively)

Epitalon for 30 days at 10mg/day, then mots C for 60 days at 5mg 3x week. Give it 3 months off then roll again for twice a year total.

Aside from that, I leave them alone. I'd rather just run GH than any GHRP/GHRH combo.
I gotta check out this mots-c and epitalon.
It's not black and white. I agree that anyone should do their due diligence before putting any compound in their body. I think a lot of guys do, but there's definitely reckless people who just inject things willy-nilly. Some of the old school methods are great and some of them are crap. I can say the same about modern usage.

I think peptides are excellent tools. They're not a magic bullet, but when used correctly they can be very effective. I'm especially impressed by the healing peptides.

There's always going to be guys who use way too complicated cycles and too high of doses no matter how much they read or how much experienced people make good suggestions to them. The '90s were well before my time but I'm sure there was a lot of guys doing completely stupid crap back then as well.

One thing that's for sure is that good information is at everyone's fingertips now. There's no excuse for not not doing things in a reasonable manner with a reasonable amount of safety. Poor decision making can only be attributed to laziness, recklessness, or thinking you are somehow smarter than what hss been proven.
Epitalon for 30 days at 10mg/day, then mots C for 60 days at 5mg 3x week. Give it 3 months off then roll again for twice a year total.

How do you like mots c? I've thought about running that for the health benefits. Do you know if the mitochondrial benefits are permanent or do they return to a baseline after you stop using it?
I've made good use of bpc/tb plus some gh for help in recovering from an Achilles tear, so peps aren't all that bad.
It's not black and white. I agree that anyone should do their due diligence before putting any compound in their body. I think a lot of guys do, but there's definitely reckless people who just inject things willy-nilly. Some of the old school methods are great and some of them are crap. I can say the same about modern usage.

I think peptides are excellent tools. They're not a magic bullet, but when used correctly they can be very effective. I'm especially impressed by the healing peptides.

There's always going to be guys who use way too complicated cycles and too high of doses no matter how much they read or how much experienced people make good suggestions to them. The '90s were well before my time but I'm sure there was a lot of guys doing completely stupid crap back then as well.

One thing that's for sure is that good information is at everyone's fingertips now. There's no excuse for not not doing things in a reasonable manner with a reasonable amount of safety. Poor decision making can only be attributed to laziness, recklessness, or thinking you are somehow smarter than what hss been proven.

"Lowest effective dose" is a simple but effective rule I try to follow with all substances. But it can be difficult. If something works well, the urge to use more can be very hard to resist, even when you know better.

I'm on 20mg/day isotretinoin. My bacne's virtually disappeared. Only side is chapped lips. I have no complaints. My plan is working out better than hoped for. But with a big supply, I find myself having to actively resist going to 40/day. Why? Just "This is great" thoughts lead to the "but more must he better!" impulse.
I’ve used ipa/cjc for years now. My wife does also. I never wanted them for size or strength they are for recovery and overall wellness. I’ve used the bpc/tb combo as well but I prefer oral bpc now for gut issues. I’ve used a couple of other ones such as melanotan for tanning which makes me dark as hell, and selank which was pointless. Just like any supplement or tool they have their uses if used correctly and within someone’s training regiment. I went through the sarm goblin stage also and the only one I keep is rad 140.

I did mad research in my early 20’s, made mistakes, made some more mistakes, but also learned more than most about truly advancing one’s physique and health overall. Right now the young ones are going to blast a cycle or 2, feel like shit after because they don’t know what they are doing, and never train again. It happened all the time in the past but because social media wasn’t what it is now we just didn’t hear about it.
There was a study done about how prevalent steroid use is among the gym goers in the US, and the numbers is astounding considering the percentage of guys who look the part is not on par.

Maybe, its the same, those same guys who can’t grow with roids or lose fat with clen are the ones utilizing these peptides and glps but still look the same every year.
Peptides for bodybuilding are usually underdosed because they're too expensive to use consistently at efficacious doses.

Manufacturer tells people they can use 250 ug/d when efficacious dose is 2000 ug (2 mg), but they can't expect customers to shell out that much money for largely untested peptides with unknown side effects.