Yeah that's my bad... I just read that I had an email I didn't read which stated that the rest of my stuff would be in separate. Il still keep y'all updated.
I am still getting to know the community and trying to get out here enough so people at lest know I'm putting forth effort to be apart of around here I just wanted to say I haven't done any of their gear yet but have been on some Bullshit from another ugl and am happy as to how I've been treated with these guys very excited to try this ave but again I'm a jm so I know this don't mean shit but it's the tens on the hour my way regaurdless
I am getting all kinds of info now..

I really am glad a lot of you guys are
on my side, but I still have to see the bloods...

Things just don't add up and some
things are so obvious... Once the bloods come
and more info on this, then I will show what I have..

I just got another email about a LM
from someone I told to post here about it,
and it looks like this guy is telling the truth..

I was really hoping it was the raws
and not another guy trying to scam and it
looks like the Prop might not be good..

I write this all fast as I have to go
out for something and won't be back all night,
but please be neutral on this thing..

I don't trust LM too much but it's
something, so let me get my brothers bloods in 10 days
and everyone else who has info on this Prop please post everything..

Just stop the Prop now..
I will take care of the gear, but right now
I want to know if it is bunk..


Thanks for clearing that up. I am a new member so what I'm just looking for a good UGL like the next guy! In fact I did the research on my own and found Voodoo before he went public. If I was posting around asking for a source it would be a diff. Story but that was not the case. These were my bloods on his prop. I'm thankfulk he was willing to make it right!
Thanks for clearing that up. I am a new member so what I'm just looking for a good UGL like the next guy! In fact I did the research on my own and found Voodoo before he went public. If I was posting around asking for a source it would be a diff. Story but that was not the case. These were my bloods on his prop. I'm thankfulk he was willing to make it right!

Why are your bloods missing lh, fsh, and estradiol levels?
I mean the dude just joined, has multiple handles, and acts all nonchalance about his poor "blood work" if you look at the thread he was basically dissing voodoo from the jump, prior to posting this so called bloodwork
Multiple handles how do u figure?
Dissing vodoo prior to bloods? I was on his gear when this thread popped up and said I would go elsewhere because of him going public. I really did ha e high hopes for the prop as it was a private lab and I had to say tubesox had referred me.

Y'all are to quick to crucify people here lol.

I only tested TT because that's all I can afford at the moment...
Multiple handles how do u figure?
Dissing vodoo prior to bloods? I was on his gear when this thread popped up and said I would go elsewhere because of him going public. I really did ha e high hopes for the prop as it was a private lab and I had to say tubesox had referred me.

Y'all are to quick to crucify people here lol.

I only tested TT because that's all I can afford at the moment...

Its not that we crucify quickly, the guys who have been around for awhile have seen lots of shady shit happen here. Mw is a good dude and he'll right the wrong, its just youre new and some who know mw may be skeptical of you. Hang in there bro, its all good.
I mean the dude just joined, has multiple handles, and acts all nonchalance about his poor "blood work" if you look at the thread he was basically dissing voodoo from the jump, prior to posting this so called bloodwork
Fucking definition of a reverse scammer

You just joined too man!! What the fuck?! Give this guy a break. This kind of bullshit stops newer members from posting bad bloods.

You know, a lot of new guys here lately are jizzing their pants when a "private" source lets them in. Let MW deal with this, you don't need to defend him out of loyalty or whatever you want to call it.

I've got news for you folks, there is no perfect ugl, public or private. I've had issues with pretty much every single lab I've used. It's inevitable.

For some of you to think this is just not possible you've got a lot of learning to do. Unless I'm mistaken a member had voodoo tren e sent in recently for testing and it came back bunk.. I think it was Harry?
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You just joined too man!! What the fuck?! Give this guy a break. This kind of bullshit stops newer members from posting bad bloods.

You know, a lot of new guys here lately are jizzing their pants when a "private" source lets them in. Let MW deal with this, you don't need to defend him out of loyalty or whatever you want to call it.

I've got news for you folks, there is no perfect ugl, public or private. I've had issues with pretty much every single lab I've used. It's inevitable.

For some of you to think this is just not possible you've got a lot of learning to do. Unless I'm mistaken a member had voodoo tren e sent in recently for testing and it came back bunk.. I think it was Harry?
I didn't JUST join and when I got here the first thing I posted wasn't Bloods discrediting a WKM. Do I think mw is a good dude? Yes, and everyone knows anything is possible but that goes both way like a bi sexual. Just like MW could put out bunk Gear, the dude could be lying as well. Don't Generalize my statement and apply it to all new members, I said I didn't believe the guy why? Because I Didn't and I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt that way but I'm the one to have the BALLZ to say it. I don't have beef with anyone I'm just speaking my mind, simple as that!
I didn't JUST join and when I got here the first thing I posted wasn't Bloods discrediting a WKM. Do I think mw is a good dude? Yes, and everyone knows anything is possible but that goes both way like a bi sexual. Just like MW could put out bunk Gear, the dude could be lying as well. Don't Generalize my statement and apply it to all new members, I said I didn't believe the guy why? Because I Didn't and I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt that way but I'm the one to have the BALLZ to say it. I don't have beef with anyone I'm just speaking my mind, simple as that!

I didn't say your statement applied to all new members.. I said posts like your's discourage new members from posting bad bloods.. You had no basis to say what you said and you were making shit up when you said he had multiple handles.. How could you possibly know that?

And ok, you didn't JUST join, you joined a whole month ago.. You're hardly on any ground to call someone out for "just joining"..

Whatever man, have a good night.. :)
I didn't JUST join and when I got here the first thing I posted wasn't Bloods discrediting a WKM. Do I think mw is a good dude? Yes, and everyone knows anything is possible but that goes both way like a bi sexual. Just like MW could put out bunk Gear, the dude could be lying as well. Don't Generalize my statement and apply it to all new members, I said I didn't believe the guy why? Because I Didn't and I'm sure I'm not the only one who felt that way but I'm the one to have the BALLZ to say it. I don't have beef with anyone I'm just speaking my mind, simple as that!

You called the guy a reverse scammer. You also accused him of having multiple handles.

Care to substantiate any of these claims with evidence?

And what is this shit about 'discrediting a wkm'? All that WKM / respected vet bullshit goes straight out the window when gear starts changing hands for money. I don't care how many years someone has been here, how much titles or status they have. It means nothing.

You want examples of guys that were considered good bros / well respected screwing people over and using their status and their followers to discredit naysayers? Don't think it can't happen.
So I can't call bs when I think something is bs? How does my post discourage new member? I called out one fucking person! My basis was my instinct and I DON'T feel any different. You told me to let mw handle his own ish, your handle should've been Johnny Cochran the way you're defending this guy.
So I can't call bs when I think something is bs? How does my post discourage new member? I called out one fucking person! My basis was my instinct and I DON'T feel any different. You told me to let mw handle his own ish, your handle should've been Johnny Cochran the way you're defending this guy.

Haha, I like that.. Hey, maybe I am captain-save-a-new guy!! I'll take that any day over captain-save-a source... ;)
weighted chinup, post: 1228880, member: 66851"]You called the guy a reverse scammer. You also accused him of having multiple handles.

Care to substantiate any of these claims with evidence?

And what is this shit about 'discrediting a wkm'? All that WKM / respected vet bullshit goes straight out the window when gear starts changing hands for money. I don't care how many years someone has been here, how much titles or status they have. It means nothing.

You want examples of guys that were considered good bros / well respected screwing people over and using their status and their followers to discredit naysayers? Don't think it can't happen.
I coudlve sworn I said Anything could happen and we all know this...I mean I guess I'm the only one who can that. I called him a reverse scammer because I didn't believe him, at the time he was the only person out of many yelling foul play. I said he has many handles because for all I know he is know nothing..I agree that status means nothing, I said wkm because he is a wkm.