I thought it would be common courtesy to attempt to handle this kind of thing by PM before airing the dirty laundry.
There's a lot of fan boy behavior in this thread. When you find a source that you're happy with it's natural to give them the benefit of the doubt in times of trouble, but it's important to remember that Meso is a member's board, not a source board. When members start turning on other members, particularly new members, because they don't like the fact that their favorite source is getting criticized, it defeats the purpose of the forum. It also makes it difficult to separate fact from fiction, and discourages other members with similar complaints from coming forward. Bad sources love that.

I'll point out that when GETM started getting complaints of bunk gear, the complaints were discredited because they came from new members. It wasn't until senior members started complaining that the complaints were taken seriously and finally led to the truth coming out. Unfortunately, the delay resulted in many more members receiving bunk gear than would have had the earlier complaints been taken seriously.

I'll also remind everyone that it wasn't very long ago that we saw the disgraceful treatment Johnny and Brutus received from Karius and his dick riders for having the audacity to complain about getting bunk gear. It wasn't right when it happened to them and it isn't right when it happens to anybody else. Meso is better than that.

The myth of reverse scamming needs to be put to rest once and for all. Even referring to it as 'scamming' puts it on the same level as source scamming which it is not. People need to keep in mind that the customer is always at the mercy of the source. Unless the source has agreed to COD terms, the customers has no choice but to place his full trust in an anonymous person who has their money. If reverse scamming is happening at all, it is so rare as to be insignificant - especially when compared to frequency with which sources scam. And the fault lies with no one other than the source. Sources need to be held accountable for the kind of customers they accept. Unfortunately, greed usually takes precedence over customer selection criteria and the result is bad customers, including dishonest ones.

Now that MW has admitted there is most likely a problem with the gear, the member being criticized has some vindication and the fan boys have egg on their face.

Props to MW for doing the right thing by admitting there are problems.


I just got another email about a LM
from someone I told to post here about it,
and it looks like this guy is telling the truth..

I was really hoping it was the raws
and not another guy trying to scam and it
looks like the Prop might not be good..
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@johnnyBALLZ , I was hoping you'd get that. I remember going to see that film in the theater when I was a kid. Went with my buddy and his very hot and notably promiscuous older sister. She gripped my arm so tight for 2 hours that my fingers went numb... Parlayed that into a hand-hold (yeah, I was kinda scared, too) some snuggling and a little tongue action... I ended up with one of the most incredible sexual experience of my young life later that evening. Only downside was the notably strained relationship with my buddy afterwards. But it was well worth it - he was kind of a dick anyways...
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I thought it would be common courtesy to attempt to handle this kind of thing by PM before airing the dirty laundry.

What's wrong with bringing it to the open board?

This label is already being discussed on the open board anyway so it's hardly a matter of the sources security. It's been made pretty clear by now that security isn't really a top priority for this source.

'Keeping it to PM' only benefits the source and pretty much fucks everyone else.

The community gets left in the dark while important information about a sources product / service gets withheld as a 'courtesy' towards the source.

This is how I would have handled it, so I see nothing wrong with the results being posted.
I could care less if a source black lists me. We should be looking out for each other, and I believe this should come before furthering our own interests with a source.

As far as I'm concerned, the results being posted openly like this was the correct thing to do.
There's a lot of fan boy behavior in this thread. When you find a source that you're happy with it's natural to give them the benefit of the doubt in times of trouble, but it's important to remember that Meso is a member's board, not a source board. When members start turning on other members, particularly new members, because they don't like the fact that their favorite source is getting criticized, it defeats the purpose of the forum. It also makes it difficult to separate fact from fiction, and discourages other members with similar complaints from coming forward. Bad sources love that.

I'll point out that when GETM started getting complaints of bunk gear, they were discredited because they came from new members. It wasn't until senior members started complaining that the truth finally came out.

I'll also remind everyone that it wasn't very long ago that we saw the disgraceful treatment Johnny and Brutus received from Karius and his dick riders for having the audacity to complain about getting bunk gear. It wasn't right when it happened to them and it isn't right when it happens to anybody else. Meso is better than that.

The myth of reverse scamming needs to be put to rest once and for all. Even referring to it as 'scamming' puts it on the same level as source scamming which it is not. People need to keep in mind that the customer is always at the mercy of the source. Unless the source has agreed to COD terms, the customers has no choice but to place his full trust in an anonymous person who has their money. If reverse scamming is happening at all, it is so rare as to be insignificant - especially when compared to frequency with which sources scam. And the fault lies with no one other than the source. Sources need to be held accountable for the kind of customers they accept. Unfortunately, greed usually takes precedence over customer selection criteria and the result is bad customers, including dishonest ones.

Now that MW has admitted there is most likely a problem with the gear, the member being criticized has some vindication and the fan boys have egg on their face.

Props to MW for doing the right thing by admitting there are problems.


Yes, no knob goblins (gobblers?), please. It undermines the credibility of both member and source alike. It is frowned upon here.
He's a year older than I am and I'm 12. Hahaha

You thought wrong. Meso is about full disclosure.

I don't think @Burrr meant the sweep it under the rug kind of PM, but rather getting some feedback from the source before running out crying foul. Personally, I would rather rather have all the info I can before posting potentially damaging or potentially positive information. For me, I'd rather not have to come back later with any "and's" or "but's" about info I post here. Getting a clear picture via PM first can help prevent that. My .02 worth.
I don't think @Burrr meant the sweep it under the rug kind of PM, but rather getting some feedback from the source before running out crying foul. Personally, I would rather rather have all the info I can before posting potentially damaging or potentially positive information. For me, I'd rather not have to come back later with any "and's" or "but's" about info I post here. Getting a clear picture via PM first can help prevent that. My .02 worth.

OTOH, members who are left in the dark could be ordering the same products while the individual with the issue is attempting to 'fact-find' in PM, instead of sharing the results right away.

Timing is very important, the sooner that results get shared with the community the better.

Post the results, provide the disclosure and background info, and let the fact finding process happen on the open board. Trying to do it in PM before posting the results is at best an unnecessary waste of time, and at worst it could lead to other members ordering the poor quality product and getting screwed out of money. A completely avoidable situation.
@johnnyBALLZ , I was hoping you'd get that. I remember going to see that film in the theater when I was a kid. Went with my buddy and his very hot and notably promiscuous older sister. She gripped my arm so tight for 2 hours that my fingers went numb... Parlayed that into a hand-hold (yeah, I was kinda scared, too) some snuggling and a little tongue action... I ended up with one of the most incredible sexual experience of my young life later that evening. Only downside was the notably strained relationship with my buddy afterwards. But it was well worth it - he was kind of a dick anyways...

I remember those days and a very similar experience at a drive-in movie with a French girl - brunette, smoking hot body and the sexy accent was the icing on the cake. Man! She was a lot of fun. At the time, I thought those magical teenage moments would last forever. Alas, time proved me wrong. Whenever I hear this song, I think of her.

There's a lot of fan boy behavior in this thread. When you find a source that you're happy with it's natural to give them the benefit of the doubt in times of trouble, but it's important to remember that Meso is a member's board, not a source board. When members start turning on other members, particularly new members, because they don't like the fact that their favorite source is getting criticized, it defeats the purpose of the forum. It also makes it difficult to separate fact from fiction, and discourages other members with similar complaints from coming forward. Bad sources love that.

I'll point out that when GETM started getting complaints of bunk gear, the complaints were discredited because they came from new members. It wasn't until senior members started complaining that the complaints were taken seriously and finally led to the truth coming out. Unfortunately, the delay resulted in many more members receiving bunk gear than would have had the earlier complaints been taken seriously.

I'll also remind everyone that it wasn't very long ago that we saw the disgraceful treatment Johnny and Brutus received from Karius and his dick riders for having the audacity to complain about getting bunk gear. It wasn't right when it happened to them and it isn't right when it happens to anybody else. Meso is better than that.

The myth of reverse scamming needs to be put to rest once and for all. Even referring to it as 'scamming' puts it on the same level as source scamming which it is not. People need to keep in mind that the customer is always at the mercy of the source. Unless the source has agreed to COD terms, the customers has no choice but to place his full trust in an anonymous person who has their money. If reverse scamming is happening at all, it is so rare as to be insignificant - especially when compared to frequency with which sources scam. And the fault lies with no one other than the source. Sources need to be held accountable for the kind of customers they accept. Unfortunately, greed usually takes precedence over customer selection criteria and the result is bad customers, including dishonest ones.

Now that MW has admitted there is most likely a problem with the gear, the member being criticized has some vindication and the fan boys have egg on their face.

Props to MW for doing the right thing by admitting there are problems.


You bring up good points CBS. We really need to save the fanboy shit, anybody remember BioLogic ? Now I'm not saying this is the same situation, but when things started going bad with the Great and Almighty Stretch there were so many dick riding fan boys willing to fall on their swords for him it was ridiculous. It actually kept myself from speaking about the garbage.

In regards to GETM when new members began to speak up about issues with them early they we're discredited by senior members who indeed vouched for them, in fact anytime there was an issue they would defend them. When things really went bad you didn't hear too much lol.

My point is let these sources defend themselves, if they're worth a damn they can handle their own shit.
Yo I see where everyone is coming from and maybe I should've stayed mute, but the way I felt is the way I felt. Everybody thought the guy was right and maybe he was, but the thing that bothered me was nobody questioned it. I'm not taking up for mw, it could've been hotdog, bam or anyone...and idk if this fanboy stuff is in relation to me, but it's kinda hard to be a fan of someone's gear that I've never ran.
a member had voodoo tren e sent in recently for testing and it came back bunk.. I think it was Harry?
See Johnny this won't work, because there
have only been a few batches and we see
all the plutonium glowing Tren out there..

The Tren also gets the greatest feedback
so there is no way it could ever come back bunk..

If you wanna get into that Bunk HPLC test
I will, but I let that shit go many months ago..

There is also no reason for ANYONE else
to be posting anything on here unless it's ME,
the guy who got the Prop bloods, or anyone
else who has anything on this Prop.. PERIOD

V should clean house and only accept members by invites and then only if they meet the requirements....but that's in a perfect world

That might piss some of you off, but I don't care...good sources are hard to come by these days and when a source opens the doors to everyone quality will go to shit...we've seen it again and again...

Especially when you have guys who dump all kinds of money into gear,food,labmax,MS/HPLC and blood work...Then you have the ones who come here and just look for a source and have no intentions of contributing to the community...

Y'all wonder how all these private sources produce 10-11x bloods it's because they don't open the doors to just anyone and they can control their quality...
I didn't say your statement applied to all new members.. I said posts like your's discourage new members from posting bad bloods..
No one is discouraged from posting anything bad about Voodoo..

Flenser posted his Test E bloods and LM..
Bigmesc posted his 3,500ng 700mg/week Prop bloods
and do you think begmesc would not have posted them
if they were 600ng?

Hell yea he would have because I would have
told him too.. Just like I told this guy to..

I am hoping the Prop is bad, so
I can keep this guy as a customer and move on

There is also no reason for ANYONE else
to be posting anything on here unless it's ME,
the guy who got the Prop bloods, or anyone
else who has anything on this Prop.. PERIOD


That's why I think in this case it should have gone PM first. MH is not naps, and has control of his operation. If it were me, I'd have shot him a PM and expected him to send me some cyp or ent as a refund, and for him to hold off on selling any mor prop till he gets shit figured out.
Unless I thought MH was gonna rip me off, or keep selling his prop, why go public? I bet the next "private" src that heisenberg contacts will be telling him to fuck off.
V should clean house and only accept members by invites and then only if they meet the requirements....but that's in a perfect world

That might piss some of you off, but I don't care...good sources are hard to come by these days and when a source opens the doors to everyone quality will go to shit...we've seen it again and again...

Especially when you have guys who dump all kinds of money into gear,food,labmax,MS/HPLC and blood work...Then you have the ones who come here and just look for a source and have no intentions of contributing to the community...

Y'all wonder how all these private sources produce 10-11x bloods it's because they don't open the doors to just anyone and they can control their quality...
See Johnny this won't work, because there
have only been a few batches and we see
all the plutonium glowing Tren out there..

The Tren also gets the greatest feedback
so there is no way it could ever come back bunk..

If you wanna get into that Bunk HPLC test
I will, but I let that shit go many months ago..

There is also no reason for ANYONE else
to be posting anything on here unless it's ME,
the guy who got the Prop bloods, or anyone
else who has anything on this Prop.. PERIOD


I don't know what you're saying won't work? I was making a point. I've seen great reviews on your tren A, don't recall any on the tren E. I know you realize they're different. You make a blanket statements about your tren but we're talking about 2 separate compounds.

As far as no one else posting besides the above mentioned you know that's not how it works when you're sourcing here and there are problems..
No one is discouraged from posting anything bad about Voodoo..

Flenser posted his Test E bloods and LM..
Bigmesc posted his 3,500ng 700mg/week Prop bloods
and do you think begmesc would not have posted them
if they were 600ng?

Hell yea he would have because I would have
told him too.. Just like I told this guy to..

I am hoping the Prop is bad, so
I can keep this guy as a customer and move on


I know you weren't.. I think you missed my point.