No one tells their raw source:
"Hey you know what... I won't ever be testing your raws,
so send me whatever you like" :rolleyes:

I will accept a simple SORRY when
all this plays out ;)

Just got My package and im missing some stuff... :/ il email who're see if we can fix this out! T/a is pretty good. But communication is confusing at times. But I guess that was my fault. Since I didn't know who I was talking to at times.
Just got My package and im missing some stuff... :/ il email who're see if we can fix this out! T/a is pretty good. But communication is confusing at times. But I guess that was my fault. Since I didn't know who I was talking to at times.
In talking to MW earlier, I think some things may be shipping from different locations. Keep us posted wether or not the rest shows.
Just got My package and im missing some stuff... :/ il email who're see if we can fix this out! T/a is pretty good. But communication is confusing at times. But I guess that was my fault. Since I didn't know who I was talking to at times.
Usually comes in two separate packs, depends on who has what.
Just got My package and im missing some stuff... :/ il email who're see if we can fix this out! T/a is pretty good. But communication is confusing at times. But I guess that was my fault. Since I didn't know who I was talking to at times.

Orals ship seperate
Yea but I still have to respect everyone..
UNTIL I find out someone is lying..

You are right about taking on new guys..
I am a nice person, and I always feel the new guys
are the ones left behind..

I agree, but you can't be the guy that comes to every noobs rescue just because they don't have a source...
so when bad results come from someone that's been here for less than a month and less that 50 posts who do we blame?
I agree, but you can't be the guy that comes to every noobs rescue just because they don't have a source...
so when bad results come from someone that's been here for less than a month and less that 50 posts who do we blame?

@MANWHORE this^..i wish voodoo would've stayed the way it was :(, now i've gotta share
I mean the dude just joined, has multiple handles, and acts all nonchalance about his poor "blood work" if you look at the thread he was basically dissing voodoo from the jump, prior to posting this so called bloodwork
We need to see more bloods for sure... If he was a respected member it'd be different. And I'm not defending anyone....I just need to see more.
That's why I said I wanted to see bloods from other people. Preferably wkms .. It isn't that hard to take an old blood test and change the date
I just got another email about a LM
from someone I told to post here about it,
and it looks like this guy is telling the truth..

I was really hoping it was the raws
and not another guy trying to scam and it
looks like the Prop might not be good..

I write this all fast as I have to go
out for something and won't be back all night,
but please be neutral on this thing..

I don't trust LM too much but it's
something, so let me get my brothers bloods in 10 days
and everyone else who has info on this Prop please post everything..

Just stop the Prop now..
I will take care of the gear, but right now
I want to know if it is bunk..
