I once heard of Naps from an OG

I heard all this weak talk from you same buttheads. Same lines. None of you know me. This is my very first post on any forum ever. Say what yall say tho and do what yall do
Yall probably get a discount for trying to go hard on your keyboard to new folks repping a bigger store than yours. Willing to bet ya never used napsgear. Had u done so you wouldnt be bustin my balls

If discounts were given for all the bad shit that could be said about Naps, people would be getting lifetime cycles for free.

P.S. Shills are never welcome around here.
Half of you losers are just bullies with nothing to do but try and impress your virtual homies. Get a life

The other half watch out for the best interests of the rest of us.

Like taking down scammers and shills and shills with multiple handles.

So, big time. What ya gonna spend that store credit on? A little Viagra for the Missus?
How many of you have actually put in 1 order with napsgear? You personally. Not your virtual homie you never met, you.
The other half watch out for the best interests of the rest of us.

Like taking down scammers and shills and shills with multiple handles.

So, big time. What ya gonna spend that store credit on? A little Viagra for the Missus?
Id opt for any and all antibiotics, personally.
How many of you have actually put in 1 order with napsgear? You personally. Not your virtual homie you never met, you.
OK why should we order from Naps when there's a lot of other sources out there? Do you know Naps keeps personal info on every buyer? Now think how you feel if that personal info of yours was compromised and leaked. Would you feel differently?
My review is 100000% truth. My name is Jamie and I have never made a post anywhere. I do not know this "big time" fella and I dang sure wouldnt make up some fake review to get a discount from a website that would rip me off. Will they give me one for writing a review, ya because they ballin.
If it were leaked that would suck but like I said the OG i heard about this site from has been ordering from them for many moons and never had an issue. I went for it because of a personal review from him. I didnt have to search online and get ripped off 3 times before I found a legit source.
@12thMan....what agencies you work for ASSHOLE!
Also please do us all a favor and seriously never make a thread here again, as a matter of fact, delete your account you fucking idiot!
Jamie, just drop it man.
Better yet apologise and then drop it.

Id suggest never mentioning any source here, ever again.
Save your reviews for eroids. And include some bloodwork.

Yes, naps is a huge player in the game.
Many of us have ordered.