I really like Modafinil - even at low doses

Big thanks to @Ghoul for all the knowledge bombs you drop, really informative.
I just tried modanifil for the first time this week and really liked, and now have a pack of 100 modalert on the way :)
That is telmisartan, minoxidil, metformin, modanifil, accutane I take now that is thanks to your posts. With pharma clen on the way to try your clen approach too. Thanks again man!

Glad to hear it, all of those are life improving game changers imo, esp moda, (with the exception of clen, but enjoy your experience, good move to only use pharma).

I learn a lot here too, but mainly, by summarizing my scattershot research I'm forced to organize my thoughts, recheck facts, and it acts as a "sanity check" to ensure I'm making the right decisions for my own use of substances.

I definately don't want to become an example of "don't do what that guy did" to any great extent, lol.
Does anybody have experience with taking Modafinil while on Bupropion?
I want to try Moda and have read it should be fine to take together, but at least want to have some anecdotal advice.
I take 100mg Bupropion and 200mg Moda everyday first thing in the morning. I used to take adderall, but switched to Moda about 3 months ago. It’s been much better for me. I hated the crash at the end of the day on adderall and the clenching of my jaw. I take the Bupropion for the antidepressant effects, but haven’t had any bad sides because of it.
I know there's all sorts of controversy out there regarding the different brands, with "underdosed" and "bunk" tossed around a lot.

I've never seen a lab of any Moda brand showing its underdosed.

I think it comes down to two factors.

First, Modafinil is subtle. I describe it as being a psychostimulant without the "physical" stimulation every other stimulant including caffeine induces. I consider this a positive for long term use, but someone expecting an adderall, or even caffeine pill like effect won't feel like they're getting much.

Secondly, the speed at which you reach maximum blood plasma concentration determines the intensity of the effect. This is dependent on the formulation of the tab, the excipient ingredients, and most importantly, the particle size of the active ingredient.

If the particles are too large, not only does it take longer to take effect, the peak is lower, and tapers off more quickly. So despite all of the brands having 200mg of modafinil, actual bioavailability varies widely. The difference could be as much as 50% more or less modafinil being absorbed.

A surprising amount of companies make modafinil active ingredients, almost all outside of India, and I suspect suppliers are changed frequently which could explain some batch variation.

I find Modalert most consistent. Sun is part of a serious pharma conglomerate and has the manufacturing capability and expertise others don't, with HAB, makers of Artvigil (a very good Armodafinil, and 2 brands of Moda, Modvigil as well as Modawake), in second place.

I go into the particle issue here:
Yes I found Modalert to be one of the best if not the best.

Yeah of course digestion of Moda and how fast you break it down plays a role. Also I was on Tirzepatide for a little while and using Moda. Although I’ve used it off and on for a decade now. And always found it subtle.

I’m not sure if you’ve tried Tirzepatide but it majorly slows down how fast you process various substances. That time on Tirzepatide also coincides with me falling asleep with a 200mg caffeine pill and a 200mg Moda tab. Woke up ready to go after my body finally digested the tabs fully lol
Yes I found Modalert to be one of the best if not the best.

Yeah of course digestion of Moda and how fast you break it down plays a role. Also I was on Tirzepatide for a little while and using Moda. Although I’ve used it off and on for a decade now. And always found it subtle.

I’m not sure if you’ve tried Tirzepatide but it majorly slows down how fast you process various substances. That time on Tirzepatide also coincides with me falling asleep with a 200mg caffeine pill and a 200mg Moda tab. Woke up ready to go after my body finally digested the tabs fully lol

Been on Tirz for over a year now. I take my "main" dose of 150 armodafinil as soon as I awake, even if I go back to sleep, and a 100 mg of Moda when I get up and take my other meds with breakfast. Mainly because the S-isomer in Moda kicks in a lot faster than the long lasting R, but also because the Armodafinil effect feels like it's missing something the Moda has. a more "emotional" component, likely accounting for the enhanced ability to "read" other people that's been mentioned in some studies.

If I don't need to be too productive on a day off I'll go with just Moda.
I think i've found the cheapest modalert source for eu (modafi.eu), but not sure if legit. 18.90€ for a 200 mg strip, 5€ shipping.

How is the hunger suppresion btw? I don't remember it anymore. Can you eat normally?

Also should i expect any problems while on 300/300 test/tren? I don't have any sleep problems from tren, at least not more than usual.

I'm really kind of fucked atm because i dropped all my adhd meds few months ago and i need to get a lot of shit done asap
I think i've found the cheapest modalert source for eu (modafi.eu), but not sure if legit. 18.90€ for a 200 mg strip, 5€ shipping.

How is the hunger suppresion btw? I don't remember it anymore. Can you eat normally?

Also should i expect any problems while on 300/300 test/tren? I don't have any sleep problems from tren, at least not more than usual.

I'm really kind of fucked atm because i dropped all my adhd meds few months ago and i need to get a lot of shit done asap

Modawhale is cheaper.

Take it first thing in the morning. If you find it wears off too early in the day take half at waking half a few hours later,

Its impact on sleep is nothing like ADHD stimulants. I can take a nap at the peak of 400mg if I choose to. The main issue is you don't feel like you need sleep, when you should be sleeping, not "I can't sleep" after laying down.

And be patient, it takes a few weeks of regular use to really maximize the ADHD improvement. Not like adderall where it's instant.
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I think i've found the cheapest modalert source for eu (modafi.eu), but not sure if legit. 18.90€ for a 200 mg strip, 5€ shipping.

How is the hunger suppresion btw? I don't remember it anymore. Can you eat normally?

Also should i expect any problems while on 300/300 test/tren? I don't have any sleep problems from tren, at least not more than usual.

I'm really kind of fucked atm because i dropped all my adhd meds few months ago and i need to get a lot of shit done asap

Also, I've never seen definitive evidence of "fake" Modalert. It's so cheap in India and the markup is so high I don't see much benefit in someone going through the effort.

The appetite reduction is effective, like coffee or cigarettes. Around 25% is common. Research shows children who used Modafinil for a decade or more are much less likely to be overweight adults.
Have some modalert on the way, hope it will help me to get some shit done.

Also seems it might help managing prolactin while on tren

Modafinil has been shown to lower prolactin levels in some studies. A single dose of modafinil 200 mg caused a decrease in blood prolactin levels in healthy adults. This effect on prolactin appears to be distinct from modafinil's effects on other hormones, as the same study found that it did not affect human growth hormone or thyroid-stimulating hormone levels.

The mechanism by which modafinil lowers prolactin is likely related to its effects on dopamine signaling. Modafinil has complex neurochemical actions, including effects on catecholamines like dopamine. Since dopamine typically inhibits prolactin release, modafinil's dopaminergic effects may be responsible for the observed decrease in prolactin levels.

It's important to note that this prolactin-lowering effect was observed with a single dose of modafinil. The long-term effects of modafinil on prolactin levels or the consistency of this effect across different doses and populations are not well-established based on the provided information. Additionally, while modafinil lowered prolactin, it did not affect other hormones like cortisol, oxytocin, or vasopressin in some studies. This suggests that modafinil's hormonal effects may be somewhat selective rather than broadly impacting all endocrine functions.
Have some modalert on the way, hope it will help me to get some shit done.

Also seems it might help managing prolactin while on tren

Wow that's fascinating. That's not only good for body composition, it likely explains at least some of the reduction in "excess emotionality" people experience with Modafinil.

Please post links when quoting info like that, thanks!
LOL, that is quite a leap there. I don't about any quotes existing but @ksm2 at least gotta run some bloods to test out that theory.

Based on feelz, onty thing that comes to mind for me is one of two things: He couldnt get hard or jizz unless he was on moda and/or he was lactating and he stopped lactating when he was on moda

Not sure what's a leap here. High prolactin is correlated with obesity, reducing it results in body composition improvements, and it's one of the primary components in the psychological symptoms of PMS. Problems if it goes down too low, but that's not an issue for most men, especially if using gear. I hate caber so this is a nice bonus.

I dug up the source

Not sure what's a leap here. High prolactin is correlated with obesity, reducing it results in body composition improvements, and it's one of the primary components in the psychological symptoms of PMS. Problems if it goes down too low, but that's not an issue for most men, especially if using gear. I hate caber so this is a nice bonus.

I dug up the source

Well, maybe it isn't a leap then. I never associated modafinil with helping to lower prolactin. Ill have to check out your link. Thanks for the share.

Now I feel ashamed. :confused: My attempt at being funny failed miserably.
Well, maybe it isn't a leap then. I never associated modafinil with helping to lower prolactin. Ill have to check out your link. Thanks for the share.

Now I feel ashamed. :confused: My attempt at being funny failed miserably.

It's all good :)

If you missed it, it boosts testosterone by around 20% as well, by slowing the process that breaks it down. This is really an under appreciated aspect of the drug. I had no idea under just recently.
Never heard this before, can you share the reference?

Does that only apply to endogenous test or are you saying it's making my current cycle 20% more effective?

Since the mechanism of action is slowing the breakdown and elimination of testosterone via interfering with the enzyme responsible for metabolizing it, in my layman's understanding, the source of test, endogenous or exogenous, shouldn't matter.

Since the mechanism of action is slowing the breakdown and elimination of testosterone via interfering with the enzyme responsible for metabolizing it, in my layman's understanding, the source of test, endogenous or exogenous, shouldn't matter.

I wonder how the slowing of test metabolism effects aromatization and other downstream actions
Got my modalert from modafi within 2 days (Poland to Germany), they seem legit.

Started with 200 mg today, it's very subtle compared to other adhd drugs but still noticable. No jittery, anxiety or adrenergic sides, which is good.

If it doesn't fuck with my sleep and appetite too much i will probably stay on it for a while.
Got my modalert from modafi within 2 days (Poland to Germany), they seem legit.

Started with 200 mg today, it's very subtle compared to other adhd drugs but still noticable. No jittery, anxiety or adrenergic sides, which is good.

If it doesn't fuck with my sleep and appetite too much i will probably stay on it for a while.

Many coming off adderall mistake "subtle" and "no side effects" for "weak". That's certainly not the case, and its impact on cognition reveals itself in unexpected ways...
Glad to hear it, all of those are life improving game changers imo, esp moda, (with the exception of clen, but enjoy your experience, good move to only use pharma).

I learn a lot here too, but mainly, by summarizing my scattershot research I'm forced to organize my thoughts, recheck facts, and it acts as a "sanity check" to ensure I'm making the right decisions for my own use of substances.

I definately don't want to become an example of "don't do what that guy did" to any great extent, lol.

Just tried my first moda 200mg this morning and I'm liking it. I did like the tesofensine as well but after 2x days my stomach started gurgling. Also my Weiner game went from 150% down to about 80% so slightly less than standard TRT levels.


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