I thought I was going to start TRT


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Like me the title said, I went to PCP with symptoms of low T. Got bw, 145 test level. Sent me to urologist. He wanted 2 bw 1 week apart at 8am. Did it. Results were 195 and 355. Now he said another bw at 8am in 1 month because I am at lowest normal range.

My testosterone is low due to chronic opiate usage/abuse. I've been clean for over 5 years due to following in love with lifting heavy weights. That is my therapy.

I am so bummed that a medical doctor won't help me. I have two choices, look for another doc or treat TRT myself.

Any suggestions on how to proceed from folks that have similar experience?

I had same shit. T levels 300,265,192, and 360. I asked doctors for TRT sorta, or not directly but implied it. They all said they won't start me, but if a doctor does start me they said, they can take over and prescribe me it(in it for the money). So I did test myself and went to my doc with a level of 3000. Said I got a test booster at the gym and some kid said just to take it and I'll get big. LOL Some bullshit like that. Now the doctor that said he won't help me, is going to monitor my levels and give me TRT. Doctors are fucking ridiculous. I understand why they said no. Who wants shitty T levels though? O yea he gave me prescription AI. I can get all the caber or anti gyno I need, PCT shit. Which is much better then UGL AI's. Which did nothing for my high estro. O yea my low T was and is from subs.
I had same shit. T levels 300,265,192, and 360. I asked doctors for TRT sorta, or not directly but implied it. They all said they won't start me, but if a doctor does start me they said, they can take over and prescribe me it(in it for the money). So I did test myself and went to my doc with a level of 3000. Said I got a test booster at the gym and some kid said just to take it and I'll get big. LOL Some bullshit like that. Now the doctor that said he won't help me, is going to monitor my levels and give me TRT. Doctors are fucking ridiculous. I understand why they said no. Who wants shitty T levels though? O yea he gave me prescription AI. I can get all the caber or anti gyno I need, PCT shit. Which is much better then UGL AI's. Which did nothing for my high estro. O yea my low T was and is from subs.

Thanks for your reply. Do you know what causes test level to fluctuate so much? Or is that is retarded question because so much variable at play that it is nearly impossible to pinpoint the root cause of why the fluctuation? Gosh, I am probaly going to go UGL route but that is another long process that requires countless hours of research. I've been slowly reading many threads in the underground area. Damn some long ass threads. However, I enjoy the reading and learning.
There are centers that this is what they treat. There are docs in there that want patients and will try to find a way to justify you as one. Just make sure your insurance covers it. They do periodic blood tests and like to do weekly shots.
So far only 1 TRT clinic that I've found that accepts insurance but they require that you come in for weekly injections and max is 600 test level. That's how they make there money. I can't afford to miss that much work as round trip 2-3 hrs.

If I am gonna be normal, then I want to be highest normal possible while in range
A friend of my cat can get me test from compound pharmacy. I think that person is simply selling his TRT dose. Wants $100 for 800mg. Is this a double dick rape? Sorry if I asked an appropriate question.
If you have decent insurance try a clinic. I had one blood test through them and at my second visit they gave me the results which was low. They instructed me how to do my own shots gave me a vial of cyp, needles, alcohol pads the works. lol. You could probably do it cheaper on your own but with co-pays price of cyp Im paying about $600 a year out of pocket. I have medical advice with a phone call, proper bloodwork and a legal script. Its cool they mail my prescription right to my house, syringes, draw needles cyp.
If you have decent insurance try a clinic. I had one blood test through them and at my second visit they gave me the results which was low. They instructed me how to do my own shots gave me a vial of cyp, needles, alcohol pads the works. lol. You could probably do it cheaper on your own but with co-pays price of cyp Im paying about $600 a year out of pocket. I have medical advice with a phone call, proper bloodwork and a legal script. Its cool they mail my prescription right to my house, syringes, draw needles cyp.

I prefer to use insurance but can only find 1 clinic in my area that accept insurance and they won't allow self injections. Can you please pm me your clinic? Please feel free to ignore if not ok which I completely understand.
Nut,there are online clinics that will have you get bloods and a physical locally, then mail you test, AI and syringes.
Expect to spend about $1500 to $2000 a year
20 some odd years ago, a vial of cyp cost around $10 with a prescription. It cost around $30 from a bud who was the local mega dealer. Funny how nothing has changed.
Sorry for my ignorance and I slowly learning. How much is mg is 1 vial? Is it simply 250mg times 10 = 2500mg? And if that cost around $30 then the offer I got is worse than double dick rape
Nut,there are online clinics that will have you get bloods and a physical locally, then mail you test, AI and syringes.
Expect to spend about $1500 to $2000 a year

That's about $120 to $165 a month. I guess I'll need to determine if I want to pay more and self injection or less and commute 2-3 hrs weekly.

Are the online clinics more willing to get levels to high normal (1000ish range)?
Your test level will fluctuate 300 ng/nl or what ever units from morning to night. After lifting it will change also.
Update: Successfully found a clinic. Took 3 tries. They don't take insurance. I will pay out of pocket $49 1st appointment & bloodwork + $99/month (basic plan) includes test cyp + anastrozole + 1 doc visit annually ONLY. I provide 2 bloodwork annually. Starting dose 120mg + .25mg anastrozole weekly. I already have 2 months supply of hcg. Once I run out of hcg, I will upgrade to $159 premium plan. It includes test cyp + anastrozole + hcg + 2 bloodwork 1 doc visit annually. This clinic will keep me in their version of "optimal" t levels which is between 800-1197.

Rx will be delivered to me sometimes in near futre. Can't wait as I will be devirginezed (1st time self injection)

can somebody correct me if I am wrong. Test cyp comes in 5ml vials @ 200ml/l. I will start with 100mg weekly which equals 400mg/month. Does this mean I will have a surplus of 600mg?