If not competing, is test only enough to get big?


New Member
Some schools of thought are claiming that testosterone is a poor PED since it is very androgenic and that it’s androgenic nature prevents muscle growth from occurring as well as derivatives and other anabolics do.

The other school of thought is that Testosterone is the king and can be used to build good muscle mass and strength.

If you are not to compete and want to get reasonably big and strong, is it fair and possible to say that Testosterone used alone with good diet, training and recovery will help you get there?

Why use Primo, deca, orals etc then?
300 - 400 mg of test a week is more than enough to make you way bigger than your average gym goer

all you ever need for that if your diet and training are on par

I took many compounds in the past and yeah you look great on blast/cycle but it is really hard to sustain the gains made on anything other than test imo
Some schools of thought are claiming that testosterone is a poor PED since it is very androgenic and that it’s androgenic nature prevents muscle growth from occurring as well as derivatives and other anabolics do.

The other school of thought is that Testosterone is the king and can be used to build good muscle mass and strength.

If you are not to compete and want to get reasonably big and strong, is it fair and possible to say that Testosterone used alone with good diet, training and recovery will help you get there?

Why use Primo, deca, orals etc then?
What are the alternatives?
Tren and deca?

everything else is weak AF, primo is much weaker than testosterone, so that wont help you get anywhere a little more testosterone can't. Orals are orals and you don't keep the look and shouldn't be ran for months on end to build mass unlike testosterone. EQ i have no real opinion on, as I haven't ran it personally, some guys say its strong , but back in the day no one ran it under like 600mg/900mg, so how strong can that be?

Going back to Tren and deca, they are both non bioidentical hormones that most people don't run over 500/600mg of. Not only that, but even at half of those doses, they can have wicked health and mental side effects.
People still read old forum info about deca and think its side effect free a part from erectile dysfunction but this is very far from the truth.

Meanwhile you can run high doses of testosterone without going nuts.
all you have to do is manage estrogen and the other side effects you may get, can be controlled much easier with ancillaries than the side effects from 19nors. Your emotions or personality might be amplified but you're not processing foreign hormones causing a host of other feelings and causing a cascade of effects that aren't your norm.

No deca mystery gyno or personality change, no losing your job on tren, no realizing the sudden depression for the past 2 months that made your GF leave you has been low estrogen from Primo/EQ.
Thanks for everyone who responded. I have asked a similar question before, but based on the responses, I could still not convince myself that it was the go to decision, to stick to test only.

At the moment, I am running test Sustanon Aspen (Turkey) at 750mg per week + 100 mg Rimobolan (Primo) per week. Week 2 only. Still cannot see any libido increase, in fact have more of ED to be honest, and strength gains have not been remarkable.

I had a blood test done already, all markers are spot on.

Test came back at 62.34 ng/ml - ref range 2.27 - 9.67

Estrogen came back at 57.4 pg/ml - ref range 0-84

My Sustanon and Rimobolan are 100% real. Why am I not seeing anything? The ED is a disaster and the thing is limp! Is my E still high? Or maybe it is the primo doing that? What should I do?
Thanks for everyone who responded. I have asked a similar question before, but based on the responses, I could still not convince myself that it was the go to decision, to stick to test only.

At the moment, I am running test Sustanon Aspen (Turkey) at 750mg per week + 100 mg Rimobolan (Primo) per week. Week 2 only. Still cannot see any libido increase, in fact have more of ED to be honest, and strength gains have not been remarkable.

I had a blood test done already, all markers are spot on.

Test came back at 62.34 ng/ml - ref range 2.27 - 9.67

Estrogen came back at 57.4 pg/ml - ref range 0-84

My Sustanon and Rimobolan are 100% real. Why am I not seeing anything? The ED is a disaster and the thing is limp! Is my E still high? Or maybe it is the primo doing that? What should I do?
why are you running pharma test?

im guessing your e2 test is the unsensitive version, that e2 is pretty much ideal lif thats the case.

its only been 2 weeks
Thanks for everyone who responded. I have asked a similar question before, but based on the responses, I could still not convince myself that it was the go to decision, to stick to test only.

At the moment, I am running test Sustanon Aspen (Turkey) at 750mg per week + 100 mg Rimobolan (Primo) per week. Week 2 only. Still cannot see any libido increase, in fact have more of ED to be honest, and strength gains have not been remarkable.

I had a blood test done already, all markers are spot on.

Test came back at 62.34 ng/ml - ref range 2.27 - 9.67

Estrogen came back at 57.4 pg/ml - ref range 0-84

My Sustanon and Rimobolan are 100% real. Why am I not seeing anything? The ED is a disaster and the thing is limp! Is my E still high? Or maybe it is the primo doing that? What should I do?
In terms of getting big and strength, it’s only been two weeks, and if you’ve tried this same thing before then It’s not the gear it’s your eating and workouts.

Are you taking an AI at all ?
why are you running pharma test?

im guessing your e2 test is the unsensitive version, that e2 is pretty much ideal lif thats the case.

its only been 2 weeks

Why not to run Pharma Grade if I have access to it? I have a few friends in pharmacies in Istanbul and distribution, and can get anything from them. All human grade.

It was not a sensitive one I believe.
Two weeks is not much. I agree. But the ED that happened so quickly is definitely bothersome. I can only hope it will improve in a few weeks time.

Could it be the primo causing ED?
In terms of getting big and strength, it’s only been two weeks, and if you’ve tried this same thing before then It’s not the gear it’s your eating and workouts.

Are you taking an AI at all ?

Two weeks only, exactly two. I know it is still quite early. And I want to believe that gains will come soon. I am not running AI, just 100mg primo per week since it is believed to modulate E2.

My ED is the worst thing. Before starting the cycle, I had no issues. Now, my member is literally limp. No boners, no sex drive and no thoughts about it.
Two weeks only, exactly two. I know it is still quite early. And I want to believe that gains will come soon. I am not running AI, just 100mg primo per week since it is believed to modulate E2.

My ED is the worst thing. Before starting the cycle, I had no issues. Now, my member is literally limp. No boners, no sex drive and no thoughts about it.
well if you didnt have primo it would have to be high estorgen, but since you chose to start two steroids at the same time it could be low estrogen from primo, but this is unlikely at 100mg, but no way to be certain especially with a non-sensitive test , i dont know how primo affects a non sensitive test. without the bloodwork id say your estrogen was high
Thanks for everyone who responded. I have asked a similar question before, but based on the responses, I could still not convince myself that it was the go to decision, to stick to test only.

At the moment, I am running test Sustanon Aspen (Turkey) at 750mg per week + 100 mg Rimobolan (Primo) per week. Week 2 only. Still cannot see any libido increase, in fact have more of ED to be honest, and strength gains have not been remarkable.

I had a blood test done already, all markers are spot on.

Test came back at 62.34 ng/ml - ref range 2.27 - 9.67

Estrogen came back at 57.4 pg/ml - ref range 0-84

My Sustanon and Rimobolan are 100% real. Why am I not seeing anything? The ED is a disaster and the thing is limp! Is my E still high? Or maybe it is the primo doing that? What should I do?
Please tell me this is not your first blast.

I see you’re just using the primo for AI purposes essentially. How were things when you blasted test alone in the past?
Please tell me this is not your first blast.

I see you’re just using the primo for AI purposes essentially. How were things when you blasted test alone in the past?

Not my first blast. Will be 3rd one.

First was test only at 500mg. Had the same issues time to time during that blast, but not used AI.

Second was Test at 500mg with Anadrol at 100mg per day . Was awesome and the gains were far better than the 1st.

For my 3rd blast, I decided to skip Oxy due to being scared of potential liver issues and hepatic adenomas. Just increased the test dose to 750mg this time and added just 100mg of Primo for E control.

I wish I could add 100mg Anadrol again, but after reading some logs on pro muscle of certain people getting adenomas after allegedly using 17-A oral AAS, drifting away from that