Is Testosterone only sufficient to get big? (Non-competitive)

" I live in Texas where sports mean more than education. If you’re getting newbie gains at 18 years old, you are about 8 years behind the curve " so its not newbie gains because theyre training for years

And " When an 18 year old athlete hits peak test levels and puts on 25lbs of muscle over a school year what else would it be? " So it was a sudden gain at 17-19 due to something, yet " You picked the age for peak levels (18) and then chose an age AFTER the decline starts (25). "

So the 5% test increase from 17 to 18 is what allows the 18 year olds to put on 25 lbs of mass, not the newbie gains.
Honestly all roids r uselles even peds, the biggest i got was training natural with 10x the intensity then now. 99% of ppls issue is literally the training which no1 wants to hear
Then why are you here? Honestly

Just to annoy others because you have nothing worthwhile to do? Take you happy clowning somewhere else. This forum serves no real purpose for you.
who ever told you testosterone isnt going to build muscle knows shit about anything in bodybuilding write off anything this person has told you. You can get massive as fuck on test and test is what builds thick muscle and makes you massive so this dude who said that is completely wrong.
I had great gains with 200mg/week of test. I’m a big proponent in only going to TRT levels unless you genuinely need more for whatever reason.
2) I live in Texas where sports mean more than education. If you’re getting newbie gains at 18 years old, you are about 8 years behind the curve. My city’s high school recently won the state football championship. Those kids were looking like grown men by the end of their sophomore years. Nothing “newbie” about it. I was in 8th grade when the football kids were benching 2-3 plates.
and there's exactly 0% chance that they were natty
and there's exactly 0% chance that they were natty

You think 13 year olds are on gear? All the poor black kids from New Orleans in my town somehow had access to steroids for years? Listen to yourself man lmao.
The spectrum of delusion in fitness is funny to me. The 2 ends are so different. You’ve got

- Guys who think nattys can do anything. I’ve met people who said Cbum’s physique looks naturally attainable.
- Guys who think literally everyone is on steroids. There are some real freak genetics out there. If you see middle school kids benching 2-3 plates and think they’re ALL on steroids you’re an imbecile too. Or if you’re referring to the state champions in football- still an imbecile. You’d be surprised what some guys can look like after an entire life of intense training with good coaches. Clearly you don’t live in a football state.
You think 13 year olds are on gear? All the poor black kids from New Orleans in my town somehow had access to steroids for years? Listen to yourself man lmao.
The spectrum of delusion in fitness is funny to me. The 2 ends are so different. You’ve got

- Guys who think nattys can do anything. I’ve met people who said Cbum’s physique looks naturally attainable.
- Guys who think literally everyone is on steroids. There are some real freak genetics out there. If you see middle school kids benching 2-3 plates and think they’re ALL on steroids you’re an imbecile too. Or if you’re referring to the state champions in football- still an imbecile. You’d be surprised what some guys can look like after an entire life of intense training with good coaches. Clearly you don’t live in a football state.
I think a lot of people underestimate how big you can get with food and natural ability over time, as long as you get enough protein and calories.

I gained 50lbs natty in a short time during puberty, and ~70lbs from roids, but I already had 130lbs of muscle prior to roids. I just eat like an asshole, almost all protein, and don’t really do cardio.

My legs are monstrous without any real work put into them because I was fat for a while.
Assuming that you are just a fan of bodybuilding and are not a competitive athlete, is testosterone only more than enough to build good amount of muscle and get big? Like 500-750 mg test with good training, recovery and nutrition in place

Without using any other AAS or HGH.

It's all enough to build all the muscle you want.... I had a friend that was competing and his off-season was:

A bottle of test a week
A bottle of generic HGH a day
Humalog pre and postwo
Ancillaries as needed (T4, Adex etc)
Assuming that you are just a fan of bodybuilding and are not a competitive athlete, is testosterone only more than enough to build good amount of muscle and get big? Like 500-750 mg test with good training, recovery and nutrition in place

Without using any other AAS or HGH.
I used just test for 6 months and it turned me into a completely different person. Went from 65kg to 88kg. I was more than happy with the results. I’m not a big guy either, small frame and 5ft 9”. Yes people accused me of roids after a month.
So here’s a study of test only, 600 mg x 20 weeks, people gained close to 20 pounds of lean mass:


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So here’s a study of test only, 600 mg x 20 weeks, people gained close to 20 pounds of lean mass:
Yeah no idea what pounds are but I gained like 20kg of weight I say around 10-12kg of that was lean mass. Not capping, I was very happy with how it went. Literally went from a child to a man with a full beard and receding hairline in 6 months. Definitely aged like 10 years.
Yeah no idea what pounds are but I gained like 20kg of weight I say around 10-12kg of that was lean mass. Not capping, I was very happy with how it went. Literally went from a child to a man with a full beard and receding hairline in 6 months. Definitely aged like 10 years.
You didn't age ..... You finally become a MAN.

If you want Brad Pitt kid face just go on real TRT and some HGH....

So here’s a study of test only, 600 mg x 20 weeks, people gained close to 20 pounds of lean mass:
I don't trust studies 100% because they never been made on bodybuilders or people that are just training and eating for hypertrophy. The fact is just one, all HUGE bodybuilders use a boatload of Food, Test, HGH and Insulin and train hard for years. (Many add one or two other injectables on top)

The recipe is just that, there's no need to go on WebMD and read all studies of this world, to understand that clearly.
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I had great gains with 200mg/week of test. I’m a big proponent in only going to TRT levels unless you genuinely need more for whatever reason.
I've also had decent gains with 240 mg/week TRT Cyp - though after 10 years of lifting I want to be bigger and not sure what the next step is.
I've also had decent gains with 240 mg/week TRT Cyp - though after 10 years of lifting I want to be bigger and not sure what the next step is.
nicksplat aaahh real monster GIF
There are some claims that testosterone is all glycogen and water gains and that is it is a poor muscle builder. Especially those who are pro oral AAS or deca
Whoever made those claims lacks the basic ability to think. One could argue that testosterone is the best muscle builder. Yes there are stronger anabolics, but our body’s know what to do with test, and we tolerate it well. I’ve also seen an HDL of 52 on 2 grams of test. There’s not an anabolic on the planet besides test that allows this.