Is Testosterone only sufficient to get big? (Non-competitive)

So here’s a study of test only, 600 mg x 20 weeks, people gained close to 20 pounds of lean mass:
A “study,” lol.

I bet it doesn’t include people who actually train and know what they’re doing.

That seems low… then again, it’s possible I’m just a pig.
I still have to see anyone grown big on low test high anabolics..... And don't tell me about Arnold and their friends because they had no idea of what they were doing.
Don’t hate me but I choose bro science over real science anyday of the week.
Haha dude. I’m just saying that they probably had ordinary people gain muscle instead of your every day run of the mill juicehead, so the effects are probably a lot more pronounced with proper training and diet, etc.
A “study,” lol.

I bet it doesn’t include people who actually train and know what they’re doing.

That seems low… then again, it’s possible I’m just a pig.
20lbs in 20 weeks of lean mass sounds low to you? ..what planet do you live on LOL
Haha dude. I’m just saying that they probably had ordinary people gain muscle instead of your every day run of the mill juicehead, so the effects are probably a lot more pronounced with proper training and diet, etc.
I’d rather listen to a dude who blasted steroids for 30 years straight instead of some study that anyone could’ve written up. Yes.. studies do get faked, they tend to leave a lot of information out. This isn’t just steroids, it’s studies in general.
Testosterone-only (as the sole AAS) is sufficient to get big, but requires managing estrogens. Don't be afraid (fear is never rational) of appropriate AI or SERM use. What matters more, though, is training & nutrition.
Haha dude. I’m just saying that they probably had ordinary people gain muscle instead of your every day run of the mill juicehead, so the effects are probably a lot more pronounced with proper training and diet, etc.
Did you read the study?
Testosterone-only (as the sole AAS) is sufficient to get big, but requires managing estrogens. Don't be afraid (fear is never rational) of appropriate AI or SERM use. What matters more, though, is training & nutrition.
Training and nutrition matters more than testosterone? Seems like all that was essentially controlled in the above study, only difference was the dosage of testosterone and it showed a linear increase of lean mass with increasing dose.
Training and nutrition matters more than testosterone? Seems like all that was essentially controlled in the above study, only difference was the dosage of testosterone and it showed a linear increase of lean mass with increasing dose.
It does when you're highly trained. I should have qualified that, true. Without referring back to even see which study you refer to (don't care, sorry) I've likely read the study, don't ya think?