If primo nuked my e2, will masteron do the same?

The screenshots with collection date 10/12/23 was 500T/400Primo (Probablt closer to 600T, 450 Primo as I was overdrawing like crazy)

1/15/24 was 200 Test, 70 primo
On a side note: How do you feel with that ferritin? That's about where I'm at. The problem is, I'm honestly a lower energy person, so I can't tell if I'm a bit fatigued or just lazy. ;)
I run mast almost year round. Never crashed my e2 and always feel good on it and libido is insane.

Primo on the other hand makes me feel like shit, no libido, soft erections.. tried it twice even with high dose of test ratio still the same.. never touching primo again lol
Same effect w/ primo. And blood work showed it wasn't due to low e2. Can't figure out why but clearly primo doesn't agree with me. Which sucks because everyone seems to love it.
On a side note: How do you feel with that ferritin? That's about where I'm at. The problem is, I'm honestly a lower energy person, so I can't tell if I'm a bit fatigued or just lazy. ;)
That was taken a little bit after donating blood, so I just took some iron supplements and it’s back in a normal range.
I'm that rare case that doesn't get any affect towards estradiol when on primo. I do get dry joints on Masteron after running it a few weeks.

I typically run either of them in a 2:1 test/DHT ratio, so 200mg test with 150mg of the other (yeah, small doses dgaf). My estradiol on primo never dips below 65pg, on mast it stays around 50pg so I guess something is happening. Libido and erections are the same on either one unless I tank my SHBG with an oral.
You could try throwing in some dbol or hcg with the primo to get your e2 back up. But I would get lab work to prove you actually have low e2 on primo instead of going by subjective feels
I must've ran 300 test 150 or 200 primo i forgot now.. Instantly killed my libido though for some reason. Im talking about 2-3 days after injection..
Same thing happens to me. I start feeling the effects way before the dose has reached full concentration.

Has anyone seen a difference between mast E and P? I tried E recently and I did not get the same mood boosting effects as I do on P.
So what is a GOOD way to run primobolan?
I would start on a 2:1 Test to primo ratio, so if you are using 500mg of Test you can start with 250mg Primo get your bloods and sed where you at.

On a 2:1 ratio my E2 stay always on range (mid 40s) but you may have a different response.
So what is a GOOD way to run primobolan?
My first go was 450 test 200 primo. Figured I can start the primo low and go up after a few week. I dident wan to nuke e2. But I loved that dose bc I felt greater and needed no ai other then the first week.

After 3 weeks I bumped to 500 test & 300 primo and that was fine as well. I was loving it. I then switch to a brand of test I never used and when I started that test my e2 went out of wack
My first go was 450 test 200 primo. Figured I can start the primo low and go up after a few week. I dident wan to nuke e2. But I loved that dose bc I felt greater and needed no ai other then the first week.

After 3 weeks I bumped to 500 test & 300 primo and that was fine as well. I was loving it. I then switch to a brand of test I never used and when I started that test my e2 went out of wack
why switch test ? Once you find a source you have done your research on and like stick with it. Buy 10 vials at a time, when you have 3 vials left order 10 more.
On 200/70 you were still feeling shit with 45 e2 or better? You're just one of the many guys that need to run test higher and honestly if you're not having sides from pushing test higher i don't see why it would be a bad idea of taking 750 test and 400 primo for example instead of taking 500 test and 700 masteron.

As far as i can understand people search for a second anabolic when they hit the ceiling with test and the side effects don't worth to push it higher. For us gymbros and low level competitive bbers who still trying to put some good mass on perhaps pushing test higher is a better choice.

I'm no expert at all dude, just saying my opinion..but when i see guys that wanna run 200 test and push mast or primo or dhb to a gram i cringe a little and i'm talking about gymbros and average users chasing size and muscle mass because if you're ifbb pro you already have the mass and you need more of the cosmetic drugs to fine tune your physique. This is what i'm understanding so far from my research, maybe i'm wrong..
I agree but with one caveat. Personally I aromatize a lot so I always keep test low and add nandrolone or Primo higher.