Im lost with my PCT


New Member
Hi, im 26 years old, around 210 lbs. 8 weeks ago I started my first cycle with anadrol 50mg once daily, stanozol 2 shots per week (100mg) and boldelone 200mg per week since de 4th week.
Im finishing my cycle only with stanozolol + boldelone and im planning on taking one shot of sustanon at the end of everything to protect my gainzzzz.
To be completely honest im lost about PCT.
someone pls
Hi, im 26 years old, around 210 lbs. 8 weeks ago I started my first cycle with anadrol 50mg once daily, stanozol 2 shots per week (100mg) and boldelone 200mg per week since de 4th week.
Im finishing my cycle only with stanozolol + boldelone and im planning on taking one shot of sustanon at the end of everything to protect my gainzzzz.
To be completely honest im lost about PCT.
someone pls
Let me see if I'm correct here. You decided to start an AAS cycle without a solid PCT plan?

And I'm going on a limb here. You probably didn't do any blood work also?
i know it wasnt a wise move not thinking on my PCP
of course i made my blood work (except testosterone levels)
thanks in advance
i know it wasnt a wise move not thinking on my PCP
of course i made my blood work (except testosterone levels)
thanks in advance
Also notice you didn't run any Test in your cycle. That should always be a base for stacking.

Better go read up on your gear and PCT. I wish I can help but I haven't run any of your Gear yet to give advice.

I've only ran a test, primo, and HGH cycle so I only know my PCT cycle for that.

PCT is super important. If not done correctly you'll cause some temporary to permanent problems. Start seaching and reading. Google is your friend. Read all the threads.
You started 8 weeks ago, but how long are you cycling for? Are you able to get PCT meds at all or are you just confused about which ones to get and how much to take?
being completely honest i took some advice of some buddies at the gym and they didnt mentioned anything about PCP when i started my cycle.
i was planning on going up to 12 weeks just with stanozolol and boldelone.
im able to get everything i need for my PCP i just dont know shit about it
lol that's what I thought too, did he just run out of some of his gear before planned or what? And a shot of sust at the end? A SHOT? As in one?
LoL total newb status. He took advice from newbs at the gym that didn't mention PCT. SMH

That one shot in the end threw me off. Don't know what it's for or will do.
This one shot of sustanon deal doesnt make any sense. Don't. Just don't. That will do absolutely nothing for you, and adding more testosterone to your body will not protect your gains, bro. I feel you need to spend some time browsing the forums, it doesn't take long to see where you went wrong.
Looks like a big bag of fresh assholes.
Litterally I don't even know where to start.
I guess his plan is to pct with sust?? Yeah, you guys work on that^ I'm gunna go bang my head against a wall.

Its actually scary. The crash when he comes off cycle without a proper PCT will suck balls.
any suggestions are welcome
The best suggestion your gunna get is to start reading, if you don't know where to start you can start with all the stickys, read everyone one of them start to finish.
Then go to the cycle logs and see what first cycles are supposed to look like. That is just a start. You have years more of reading to do op, I read for 4-5 hours a day for months on end before I even thought about pinning gear.
im a newb my cycle is a mess, i should research before doing this shit but really right now im so fucked i should see and adrologist?