Im lost with my PCT

No AI while using anadrol is hard core lmao OP sorry to bust your balls but holy shit man, this is crazy. Your changing the chemistry of your body in the most extreme way and for WEEKS bro, you gotta take it seriously. I would get some Nolva and take 40mg every day for 2 weeks, and then 20mg per day for another 2 weeks. Some people run Nolva and Clomid, read up and see if that's the way you wanna go.

EDIT: I don't know when you would start the pct though, somebody will have to chime in. Gonna be hard to figure half lives with that hot mess
im a newb my cycle is a mess, i should research before doing this shit but really right now im so fucked i should see and adrologist?
I mean I'm not gunna tell anybody to not go see a doctor cause I have better morals than that.
But a MD is not going to help you man, you abuse PEDs. He is likely not going to prescribe you the PCT things you need because of that fact.

I have seen other guys do this and nobodies gotten grilled for it, so I am going to do the same.. Go to the underground and buy the PCT things you need (assuming you know what those are).
I'll give you a hint, the source you want is the only one with NO bad reviews in all the time he's been here.
im a newb my cycle is a mess, i should research before doing this shit but really right now im so fucked i should see and adrologist?
Well look at it this way. You will learn from this first mistake. If you do decide to do another cycle, I hope you do plenty of research and have a solid plan drawn out start to finish.

You will most likely crash when you come off your cycle. You're probably going to lose all of your gains and feel weak as fuck. However your body will return to normal over time since you are young. I would go do bloods 3 to 4 weeks after cycle to compare it to your pre blood work just to make sure everything is back to normal. If your bloods come back with a bunch of red flags, I suggest seeing a doctor if you are seeking professional advice.
Your cycle is a mess and honestly I wouldn't even know when to start PCT. IMO, do blood work a few weeks after cycle and see if your estrogen and test are back to normal. Then start popping nolvadex and clomid and pray that helps.
This thread is full of awesomeness. OP, you're in the right place to get the help you need. Never been on a board as good as Meso. Some of the guys might bust your balls but we all mean well.

Next time...please dear God do some research.
Oh this reminds me of my first dbol only cycle when I was 19 lol. Thankfully my mom found my Ziplock bag a week later and threw them out because she thought it was ecstasy lmao. Dude read and for God sakes use test as a base always. We all do dumb shit so take the flaming and learn.
LoL total newb status. He took advice from newbs at the gym that didn't mention PCT. SMH

That one shot in the end threw me off. Don't know what it's for or will do.

It's to "protect my gains" and will of course also delay the onset of
effective PCT.

It's called Purchase Pin and Push fellas and is the norm for Meso's Noobs...... next up spoon feed me -- instead of doing what should have been done from the outset READ for Gods sake

OP review Meso's home page on PCT Ancillaries rather than asking others to provide the GERBER and Diapers.

Finally since you ran Bolo an AAS with a half life of 14 days and recently pinned Sust you can forget instituting effective PCT" for roughly SIX WEEKS!

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i know it wasnt a wise move not thinking on my PCP
of course i made my blood work (except testosterone levels)
thanks in advance

Last time i did PCP i thought the international space station was a UFO in the night sky having a rendezvous with me to send me telepathic signals about a sound i was hearing off in the distance being a demon that i was morally obligated to hunt and slaighter in order to save the souls of human kind. I named the demon Charlie. It turned out charlie was actually just my neighbors auto sprinkler system coming on late at night and as it spun around it would hit some bushes making a rustling sound.

Nowadays i just stick to PCT, way less intense.
im a newb my cycle is a mess, i should research before doing this shit but really right now im so fucked i should see and adrologist?

Listen bud. Get yourself some Clomid (clomiphene citrate). Take it as follows:

Day 1, 2, and 3: 100mg everyday
Day 4, 5, and 6: 50mg everyday
Day 7 to day 30: 25mg everyday

Take note, clomid has a really long half life so it will continue working for a month after you stop taking it. It works by tricking your body into thinking it has too much estrogen so it tries to increase testosterone to maintain endocrine homeostasis (hormonal balance). This is how you get your testicles back into their groov of making testosterone as the AAS you take shut your balls off.

Theres many variations of PCT, so dont just listen to me, do some research -the protocols are usually similar but theres variations. But for gods sake son, do sonething for PCT! Anythings better than nothing.

Also the advice of shooting sustanon at the end is just random as shit. Whoever advised you on this cycle, make sure you kick their ass once your balls comeback.

And as has been said, always run some testosterone in your cycle, if theres any steroid to take, its testosterone.

I hope you recover well. If you need a source for clomid go checkout the underground section, i highly recommend a guy called the pharmacist. Hes there, look for his thread.

Goodluck man and do your damn homework next time, and dont forget to punch out the guy that advised you on this cycle.
Last time i did PCP i thought the international space station was a UFO in the night sky having a rendezvous with me to send me telepathic signals about a sound i was hearing off in the distance being a demon that i was morally obligated to hunt and slaighter in order to save the souls of human kind. I named the demon Charlie. It turned out charlie was actually just my neighbors auto sprinkler system coming on late at night and as it spun around it would hit some bushes making a rustling sound.

Nowadays i just stick to PCT, way less intense.

Lmao so glad I'm not the only one bro! I hung a bunch of cd's and dvd's in the tree with fishing line to deflect the signal of the satellites that were watching me lol