Im taking 875mg testosterone during a cut/recomp. Do I add 5mg Halo, 200 DNP, 5IU insulin or 8mg Injectable sdrol?

what do i add?

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I'm taking 875mg testosterone during a recomp.

Do I add..
5mg Halo,
200 DNP,
5IU insulin
8mg Injectable sdrol?
I have been on stage 17 times....qualified for nationals but did not quite get my pro card. Each time I have been around 4% b fat.

I did not take any of what you list, except 800 test/week. I would suggest some tren/mast/primo. I also ran 5 iu's of GH. The last few weeks I would run some Winstrol. The rest is diet and cardio.

Some guys run some clenbuterol and T3, but I did not.

EDIT: I see you don't like tren or GH...But you can still get very lean with only a couple of compounds from my list. Again diet and cardio are paramount.

EDIT to edit: I read your responses....never mind, I don't think I can help you.
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Increase intensity in the gym and periodize volume

Eat maintenance calories

Drop both carbs and fat, emphasize protein
Eat the majority of your carbohydrates pre/post workout workout for nutrient partitioning - could possibly add Berberine or metformin with carbohydrate meals for better shuttling into muscle tissue

Add fasted cardio with yohimbine hcl

Keep cortisol controlled as much as possible