Willing to submit SOME ? You mean the non fake stuff ?
Provided with lab choices ? So your going to inspect them ? What the fuck ?
Bloods only tests for Test.
Pics asshole don't think I am forgetting either.
I'd stay away from this lab people. There are better choices.
I have attempted to stay civil throughout the existence of this thread, but sorry, a post like this is going to require me to bear some teeth.
What do you expect from us, honestly? For us to send out our ENTIRE stock of gear for ALL of it to be tested. Let's say we do that, what's next? We post pictures of the test results and you go, "Well you could have fabricated that!" Is one vial of each product (hence, SOME of our stock) not enough? Where is this arbitrary line drawn that makes it enough. So sending out one of each vial isn't good enough, but send out 5 of each oh yeah man totally legit.
By "provided with lab choices" we meant YOU (the members at Meso) pick the labs we send gear for testing to in order to ensure unbiased results. Because if we picked the labs, people like you would just go, "You're picking the labs? Sounds like you're just gonna send to people you know!!!"
It's like it's some big fucking conspiracy, this huge elaborate scam just to pull a few bucks from you. Seriously. Think of how much it is costing us to host a website, switch to a paid secure email service, get launched on other boards (which we are in the process of paying for right now), and all of that. You seriously think we'd go to all this trouble just to scam you out of a few bucks? We eliminated the minimum order. We're totally just sitting here going, "Fuck yeah we just got 70 bucks each from 5 people, what a good investment we made putting together this scam." For fuck's sake, getting on AniSci is going to run us 500 dollars a month itself. Promuscle at least 1000 dollars a month, 1200 if we choose to be on the main forum. Working on being at the Iron Den as well.
Yet you're advising people to not even place tiny orders to test our gear because oh no what if it's a scam. As if those tiny orders would even begin to cover the investment it took to build this "scam."
I'd like to see this perfect lab you're imagining here where they show you the lab results for every vial in your order, alongside pictures of their cooking setup while they made it, maybe one where they're tugging on each other's dicks, timestamps and all included. We're here doing something that isn't quite so legal in plenty of places and you want us to photodocument every aspect of our operation and post it on a public site. Sorry but we're not big fans of building case files for police, they take our tax money let them do the work. Unless you order gear from god himself, I have a hard time imagining your source does all of that for you. The second you were asked to name one of these Holy Grail sources, you start saying, "nah man I don't have time for that." Don't have time to type out a few words, but plenty of time to make absurd demands of sources amirite?
Fuck me if this sound unprofessional, but holy shit, you make a compelling argument for why kids should stay in school. I'm all for being skeptical, but what you're doing isn't skepticism, it's just indicative of you having too many chromosomes.