infinitylabs, tabs and raws are available in USA warehouse, legit product, the best price

I don't want to have too many orders. If my business gets too big, it will be easy to be targeted. I don't want to make too much money at once. What I want is a steady stream of income. So it's enough to only serve those customers who trust me. Of course, you can continue your performance, but my customers will hardly leave because of this. If I make you unable to survive because I steal your customers, I can leave. I'm sorry that this incident makes everyone look like a clown.
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Sorry sir, I don't think you are here to ask me a friendly question.
Besides, even if I publish it, you will have other accusations against me, lol
If I don't publish the test report, I will have no customers, I understand this, so let's just have no customers here
I want to reiterate that your accusations are all nonsense and futile. People with independent thinking ability will judge me, and I will not lose my mind because of your abuse.
I am also a victim in this whole incident. In short, my client bought tablets from me, sent them for testing, and shared the mosaic test report with me.
Got some surprisingly good news! I remember this source @infinitylab being bashed by so many due to the stolen reports he posted, that he got from his customer. I’m the type to find out for myself before assuming. Now I was hesitant but I’ve ordered few orals from this source and was impressed with the Anavar , Halotestin and proviron. My girlfriend was having great results with the anavar 10mg. So I decided to get the anavar 10mg and 25mg and proviron 25mg tested to see how accurate it was. Now others can assume and have their own opinions. Im strictly going off my person experience with few others that also used their orals that I gave to.

Far as the stolen test report, I’m now believing a customer of his tried to pretend to get orals tested for a price reduction and simply sent him someone else’s test results and it backfired but mainly backfired on @infinitylab by assuming his customer was being honest.

Again I’m just simply going off my experience with test samples I had done.
I just wanted to clear the air here in regards to the issue with the Jano tests and what really happened. Long story short, back in the spring I had promised Infinity I would get a couple of their compounds tested and share the results with them. I have never personally dealt with Jano but had a buddy who said that he had and was familiar with his whole process. I asked if he could do me a solid and send them in for testing and he agreed to do so. Well when he sent the results back to me he told me that he didn‘t want his personal information disclosed and therefore had blocked it all out. Never once did I question it or personally go on to Jano’s site to check the codes because I thought I could trust the guy. Obviously that wasn’t the case and we all now know what really happened. I question if he’s ever even used Jano before because he should have known better and that people could still check them using the codes and view all the information he had blocked out ‍♂️.

But Infinity Labs 1000% had nothing to do with any of this. I take full responsibility and am definitely embarrassed by all these issues this has caused for everyone involved. First and foremost I would like to apologize to whomever’s reports were taken, Infinity Labs and the whole Meso community. Regardless of what my name tag says, I’ve been apart of this forum for almost 7 years now. While I may not post a lot, I am very familiar with both a lot of the sources as well as members on here.
Look I don't know what happened with this hole test situation, but what I can say is this, and I have no ties to this Source in any fucking way. Have I dealt with them? Yes, but I haven't dealt with them in 6 to 8 months now. Anyway what I can say is, when I did do business with them they were completely legit, and professional with everything. as far as communication goes, to the product being tested (on my end. You name it. So I just felt like because they were always good to me I owe it to them to come on here, and seeing this and at least be honest, and say, this company is not a scammer trust me. Well you don't have to trust me, but I still wanted to say it.
Why can't we stick together to keep each other warm and learn from each other's strengths instead of attacking each other? Will attacking me help you increase your performance? One more friend means one more way. This is especially true for those who work in the gray industry. Instead, we all should keep a low profile,
Not sure how much clearer I can be on the question. One more time....
