Anyone else never use pre workout?

Sup guys, is it just me who never uses pre workout? Never really drank caffeine to much. If I do get some pre it’s the non stim pump formulas. Anyone else the same ?
I use it occasionally but don't find it necessary, prefer a cup of coffee before the gym, I usually get instant coffee and shake it up with cold water in a water bottle cause fuck paying 8$ for starbucks.
i never used pre workout once I started taking gear.
recently i started using it again just to drink it in the morning instead of coffee or energy drinks.
its cheaper and easier.

back in the day preworkout would hit me hard and me and my friends would be chatting it up and lifting for hours, nowdays it doesnt hit like that. Im not talking shady stim preworkouts either, i mean NO explode and c4. I had a caffiene tolerence back then too, so maybe im just heavier, or the doses were higher back then.. but i remember c4 being 300mg a scoop, and i take 300mg now and its nothing like it was.
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