Anyone else never use pre workout?

and the study he was referring to

Nope, that's the study you have referenced. Have you read it? You should. Then provide a synopsis of why there were a few peaks observed.
after calling calling TNE placebo and talking out his ass on a compound he's never once used.

Again mischaracterizing what I said.

Very bad faith on your part.

Never called TNE placebo. Learn how to use words. I characterized any performance improvement felt when using water based test suspension as a pre-workout a placebo effect.

I am reading you still don't appreciate the difference between a suspension and solution. Read about them. Guess what...test base in oil can also be a suspension.

Also, I wonder how you know what compounds I've used?
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Nope, that's the study you have referenced. Have you read it? You should. Then provide a synopsis of why there were a few peaks observed.

Never called TNE placebo. Learn how to use words. I characterized any performance improvement felt when using water based test suspension as a pre-workout a placebo effect.

I am reading you still don't appreciate the difference between a suspension and solution. Read about them. Guess what...test base in oil can also be a suspension.

Also, I wonder how you know what compounds I've used?
I've already given you the synopsis of why the peaks occurred. I'll link it for you again, with shiny colors so that your brain can hopefully process it this go around.


Heres the screenshot of you saying it's placebo. You also say that TNE and test prop are similar in pharmocokinetics, yet if you read the study above (in the shiny colors i created just for you) it clearly states that "in other words we don't see the same types of decay rates with blood androgen levels in non esterfied preparations that are seen in esterfied preperations". TNE is a non esterfied preperation. Test prop is an esterfied preperation. So no, the pharmocokinetics are not the same, or similar. you're wrong again.


And I knew you haven't used it (the oil or aqueous form) the second you called it placebo. After being called out on it, you would have defended your point by stating your own personal experiences with the compound, which you have still yet to do. You still haven't acknowledged or admitted to having experience with it. Instead you link me a 13 year old horse study using IM test suspension, and conveniently leave out the details about the immediate absorption in the bloodstream. You then say that test suspension and test prop behave similarly, when test props absorption is rather linear, and test suspension has a variable absorption rate due to the solid particles that have to be absorbed, leading to a more irregular graph, that again i've re-linked you with shiny colors.

Type-llx was completely right about you. You're one of the reasons (among other reasons) he posts less frequently here, and as hard as you try, you'll never come anywhere close to mimmicking him. He's much smarter than you, has actual hands-on experience in what he preaches, and is overall much more knowledgable than you. You're like a cheap chineese generic HGH with low purity and high dimer, and he's pharma grade Serostim. If you don't understand or appreciate the metaphor, then I can't help you there.

Now myself, I'm not a medical professional, a biologist, chemist, whatever. If I don't know something, or I don't have experience with something, I will preface any opinion or input I have by readily stating that I do not have experience in the subject, even if I share my input on the matter--and if im wrong, or I make a mistake, I'll own up to it. I don't think you possess this quality. Perhaps your ego is too fragile to admit your mistake? You don't really strike me as the narcassistic type, just someone who is obviously on the spectrum.

You did infact say TNE was placebo. You also said its similar to test prop. you're wrong on both aspects, but I'm glad you've taken the time to educate yourself on the subject more. I think you're more knowledgable now on TNE than before this conversation took place, so you're welcome for the guided research. Just take the L and move on.
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You did infact say TNE was placebo. You also said its similar to test prop. you're wrong on both aspects, but I'm glad you've taken the time to educate yourself on the subject more. I think you're more knowledgable now on TNE than before this conversation took place, so you're welcome for the guided research. Just take the L and move on.
I'm not really trying to involve myself in whatever this is but you guys are doing this publicly so... I just feel like this argument should have ended way back in the day when you both realized you were talking about different preparations of testosterone. Readalot thought you were feeling placebo from suspension but you weren't even taking that's the end of it, no? I don't understand why this is still escalating. You guys shouldn't have even been fighting about anything to begin with. Maybe I missed the big insult that happened here. Just my 2 cents because yeah you guys are doing this shit publicly.
Readalot thought you were feeling placebo from suspension but you weren't even taking that's the end of it, no?

If you read above you see I tried that approach to clarify and find common ground once again. Didn't work. Instead I received about 10 thumbs down reactions and insults.

You did infact say TNE was placebo. You also said its similar to test prop. you're wrong on both aspects, but I'm glad you've taken the time to educate yourself on the subject more. I think you're more knowledgable now on TNE than before this conversation took place, so you're welcome for the guided research. Just take the L and move on

I am empathetic to you. You continue to insult and mislead rather than have a civil discussion. Over the last week you seemed to want to act aggressive to me. Stating I sound like LE? Lol.

Ok, you just couldn't fathom my placebo comment so time to lash out? Carry on, continue on with your tantrum.

You've educated me on nothing. You brought up the equine study not me. You've ignored the material I shared with you. I even went to the trouble to provide this. Repeat: your claim that I brought up the equine study is false. Very strange behavior.

Regarding the equine study, actually read it instead of posting some synopsis from musclechemistry or wherever you got that screenshot. I am glad you referenced the study as I've always had concerns about it.

For the benefits of members here I will review it as I have time this week. See if you can find the glaring issue** with it rather than denigrating me and making comparisons to another member here. My goal is certainly to act nothing like him behavior wise. Careful who you idolize.

**Hint: look up the solubility of testosterone in water then go back and look at the word you circled twice up above in post 103. Now look again at the title of the graph. Notice anything?
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I got this pre workout called big bang and it’s insane. It’s 150mg caffeine, 4mg yohimbine, 100mg teacrine, all of the standard pump products, noopept, and 75mgs DMAA.

I took a full scoop and it was way too much. My bench went up 15 lbs but my heart rate was much higher than what I’m comfortable with. I no longer use more than a quarter scoop, but in all honesty a regular can of c4 works just fine.

I vote for just a regular energy drink or coffee as the best PWO.
Yeah I used to use "c4 ultimate" it had 350mg caffeine in 1 scoop. Its good stuff but the tingling gave me anxiety. I switched to coffee but couldn't seem to get a accurate amount of caffeine so I switched to caffeine pills. Plus it doesn't stain my teeth

But c4 was my favorite pwo I ever tried

I think the worst was "insanity labs" I didn't feel a single thing from it besides being tingly. Like it had no kick at all

Close second would be "total war", it was very weak and I got bad headaches from it
Fk training on stims I’m way more down with some dbol or var pwo (I really want to try TNE/suspension, even though readalot posted stuff shitting all over that idea idgaf ahah anyone I know who tried it loved it n I’m curious :P ).
You should try tren no ester

Just the pure unesterfied anger will give you a PR on everything
Stim-free pre + tadalafil; caffeine/dmaa if needed for me

Very interesting how 90% of the responses to this are "caffeine or nothing"... Have you guys all tried pump-only pre? Any reason why you wouldn't besides not feeling like drinking it or paying for it?
I had really high hopes for the stim-free version of Gorilla Mode since Derek has like an hour long video talking about how great all the ingredients are, but I didn't really feel much different from it. Like, it tasted and felt a little... weird? But not in a positive way, no amazing pump or anything. I got better pump from a sample of ADAbolic from Steel supplements but that shit was too pricey for me to buy a whole tub of. Might spring for it someday though.
I had really high hopes for the stim-free version of Gorilla Mode since Derek has like an hour long video talking about how great all the ingredients are, but I didn't really feel much different from it. Like, it tasted and felt a little... weird? But not in a positive way, no amazing pump or anything. I got better pump from a sample of ADAbolic from Steel supplements but that shit was too pricey for me to buy a whole tub of. Might spring for it someday though.
I stopped at "derek"

You realize he gets paid to say how great it is. Right?
I stopped at "derek"

You realize he gets paid to say how great it is. Right?
Obviously it's his product lol, I know he's a meme but the big fancy words were very convincing! Not a lot of people out there talking openly about the specifics of PED use so that was appealing when I first started looking into it. I was only out like $40 so no huge loss anyway.
Don't you guys worry about getting boners while you're at the gym and stuff? Or do you always snap one off before going to the gym, coincidentally right after applying test cream to your anus for several minutes?
You have to be aroused for an erection to be achieved using cialis or viagra lol sometimes you gotta hit the waistband tuck and everything’s covered. Post nut clarity is for after the gym imo lmao
You have to be aroused for an erection to be achieved using cialis or viagra lol sometimes you gotta hit the waistband tuck and everything’s covered. Post nut clarity is for after the gym imo lmao
As long as you have a strategy to deal with the problem. I took viagra as a joke in my 20's(thrill issues) and it caused a problem for about 3 days afterwards. Just the sensation of rubbing against my underwear was enough to get the blood flowing. I could see it being a problem. I see a lot of guys talking about taking it pre-workout and I wonder how that goes.
As long as you have a strategy to deal with the problem. I took viagra as a joke in my 20's(thrill issues) and it caused a problem for about 3 days afterwards. Just the sensation of rubbing against my underwear was enough to get the blood flowing. I could see it being a problem. I see a lot of guys talking about taking it pre-workout and I wonder how that goes.
I mean all these pump products people are talking about on here are nothing compared to cialis/viagra. Like useless garbage I’m not kidding. The pumps are incredible I can’t even begin to describe lol. I usually get random boners half the day anyway without it so I guess I’m advanced at dealing with the “side effects” haha
I mean all these pump products people are talking about on here are nothing compared to cialis/viagra. Like useless garbage I’m not kidding. The pumps are incredible I can’t even begin to describe lol. I usually get random boners half the day anyway without it so I guess I’m advanced at dealing with the “side effects” haha
Shit man. You're starting to convince me.
Maybe I should revisit this stuff.
Shit man. You're starting to convince me.
Maybe I should revisit this stuff.
5-10mgs cialis an hour before you lift I guarantee you will see and feel noticeably different pumps. Also good for the prostate and ever so slightly lowers bp. All it does is relax the blood vessels in the muscle allowing more blood flow, that’s it. Penis just happens to be a muscle lol