Anyone else never use pre workout?

Inner forearm is great! Anyone ever put a dime size amount of cream on their gf’s delt?! The cream makes women horny af!!! It’s a great aphrodisiac
I've actually never tried pre-workout.
Sometimes I'll get a black coffee from the front desk to drink while I get changed and warm up. Is that comparable or do these pre-workout drinks hit much harder?
Not up the ass. I said anus, not rectum (but that could work as well). You would rub on the anus. Very effective admin site for rapid tmax.
Imagine adding this to your pre-gym routine.
I'm surprised to learn that the testosterone suspension behaves like prop. I would have thought it would spike quickly considering it's in water and would absorb quickly. That assumption probably demonstrates how little I know about this stuff. I'm fine with that.
I'm having a hard time understanding why the oil-based version would work quicker than the water-based, assuming the effect of the oil-based version isn't actually placebo...?
Imagine adding this to your pre-gym routine.
I'm surprised to learn that the testosterone suspension behaves like prop. I would have thought it would spike quickly considering it's in water and would absorb quickly. That assumption probably demonstrates how little I know about this stuff. I'm fine with that.
I'm having a hard time understanding why the oil-based version would work quicker than the water-based, assuming the effect of the oil-based version isn't actually placebo...?
Thanks for the follow up. Perhaps I will do a thread on all this. I can understand the material is dense and simply providing the reference material for independent study is probably unrealistic.

Test suspension is a suspension. The testosterone crystals once injected are just that....solid particles. Once in the tissue they aren't immediately soluble and take time to dissolve. It so happens that this dissolution with the particle size distribution of test suspension matches a very similar temporal profile with test prop. Of course the actual time release mechanism for the respective compounds is different. In the case of the former its dissolution of the active drug. In the latter case its absorption and cleavage of the prodrug.

Testosterone dissolved in oil with appropriate solvents is a different animal (solution). All the testosterone has to do is diffuse from the depot into the bloodstream. Once it reaches the bloodstream its elimination is rapid (on the order of 10 min as shared in reference I provided). I have no literature data on PK profile for testosterone dissolved in oil and my hunch is it is slower than troche or cream placed on the right location. Its use was abandoned very early on (see extensive literature review I shared) due to its PK profile being so rapid. The testosterone still has to leave the oil depot and enter the bloodstream. However, this formulation delivers testosterone to the bloodstream more rapidly than Test suspension or test prop solution.
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I've actually never tried pre-workout.
Sometimes I'll get a black coffee from the front desk to drink while I get changed and warm up. Is that comparable or do these pre-workout drinks hit much harder?
A lot of them are so high in caffeine that it's a VERY different beast- I usually only do one or two cups of coffee a day so if I take a full scoop of pre that's like 300+mg caffeine I am in for a bad time. Way too distracting to be useful.
I provided examples. Did you see the other posts?

Anus/labia are the best ones. Avoid areas with significant subcutaneous fat.

Gotcha. Thank you.

I am hesitant to think anus is practical for preworkout considerations. I don't want to an oil stain on the seat of my shorts in the gym.

Maybe it doesn't work that way. I don't know.
Stim-free pre + tadalafil; caffeine/dmaa if needed for me

Very interesting how 90% of the responses to this are "caffeine or nothing"... Have you guys all tried pump-only pre? Any reason why you wouldn't besides not feeling like drinking it or paying for it?
Dude went from saying ""Placebo. TNE IM behaves very similar to Test Prop in its pharmacokinetics", to talking about shoving test cream in the anus.


"It is known that the testosterone base (Figure 1) has a short half-life of roughly a few hours; thus, it is often subjected to esterification in order to increase the half-life by intramuscular injections and avoid daily administration [10]. The esterified forms of testosterone possess a half-life ranging from around less than 1 day for testosterone acetate, 1 day for propionate, 2.5 days for phenylpropionate, and up to 3.1 days for testosterone isocaproate [11]. In this regard, the length of the ester can be correlated with the length of the carbon chain; thus, the longer the ester, the longer the half-life."
I drink a lot of ultra Monster (the white ones), so I never felt the need to use pre-workout due to being concerned of my daily caffeine intake, however I got some pre as a Christmas present last year. I definitely had 3-4 great workouts from taking it, and then one not so good and I haven't touched it again now in a few weeks.

Handy to have around on days you may need it, however I couldn't see myself using it before every workout.
and the study he was referring to, for the aqueous form (test suspension) and its alleged comparison to test prop was done on horses, yet he failed to mention the two plasma concentration peaks of test suspension, with the first being nearly immediate.

"The disposition of testosterone from this formulation was characterized by an initial, rapid absorption phase" "There were atleast two plama testosterone concentation peaks. The first peak is almost immediate"

So regardless if we're talking test base in Oil, or water, there's still the initial onset, which is why TNE is a very effective pre workout. funny how he leaves this part out to fit his narrative, after calling calling TNE placebo and talking out his ass on a compound he's never once used.

and the study he was referring to, for the aqueous form (test suspension) and its alleged comparison to test prop was done on horses, yet he failed to mention the two plasma concentration peaks of test suspension, with the first being nearly immediate.

"The disposition of testosterone from this formulation was characterized by an initial, rapid absorption phase" "There were atleast two plama testosterone concentation peaks. The first peak is almost immediate"

So regardless if we're talking test base in Oil, or water, there's still the initial onset, which is why TNE is a very effective pre workout. funny how he leaves this part out to fit his narrative, after calling calling TNE placebo and talking out his ass on a compound he's never once used.

View attachment 278991
Try harder. Read.

Careful with the clowning. We know how that ends. Repent.
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