Inflammation on the scalp


New Member
Hello everyone

I just finished a cycle of test, mast, var and I got a non stopping itching and inflamed scalp.

- I tried Nizoral, t/Gel didn’t work
- Corticosteroids Novasone didn’t work
- Enstilar Foam didn’t work
- Tacrolimus didn’t work
- Compounding cream %3 salc ac and sulphur
didn’t work

The dermatologist last time said he might refer me to one of the hair clinic

I spent lots of money on Dermatology and medicines and I still feel itching

Anyone got the same issue before ?? Or any experience about it, knowing that I don’t have any hair loss or hair male patten, also no dandruff.
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Sounds like a allergy to me. When did this start? Right after your cycle? Any other history of this? Change of a soap? Wear new hat? Has anything significant changed other than cycle?
Sounds like an allergy to me. When did this start? Right after your cycle? Any other history of this? Change of a soap? Wear new hat? Has anything significant changed other than cycle?
It happens after windtrol but if it’s allergy I don’t know what I’m allergic to ? I still use the same shampoo and same hair wax I always use.
It happens after windtrol but if it’s allergy I don’t know what I’m allergic to ? I still use the same shampoo and same hair wax I always use.
Never heard of that but then winny is something I have never done and know little about it.

But to me it sounds like a allergy. I never had a issue with shellfish until I got some in my eye, within 20 min I couldn't see and my throat started closing up.

I know there is a condition, which I cannot remember the name, that is caused by use of meds. Usually causing itchiness in the scalp, elbows, knees, etc. Never heard it related to use of winny but?

Is it a dry or oily itch? Does the skin feel thicker than normal? If there is a under or overproduction of sebum it can cause itchiness and be brought on by a change in hormones.
Hello everyone

I just finished a cycle of test, mast, var and I got a non stopping itching and inflamed scalp.

- I tried Nizoral, t/Gel didn’t work
- Corticosteroids Novasone didn’t work
- Enstilar Foam didn’t work
- Tacrolimus didn’t work
- Compounding cream %3 salc ac and sulphur
didn’t work

The dermatologist last time said he might refer me to one of the hair clinic

I spent lots of money on Dermatology and medicines and I still feel itching

Anyone got the same issue before ?? Or any experience about it, knowing that I don’t have any hair loss or hair male patten, also no dandruff.

Did the itching occur Only after you completing the cycle, or did you notice some during as well ? What were your dosages and What are you taking now, supps, diet and everything else ?
I only use test mast anavar. I’m not sure what I’m allergic to, it’s too challenging to find out when you use lots of hair products and medicine.
It could be allergy, DHT level is high causing follicles inflammation, immune system dysfunction, sometimes long term use of medicine make skin too sensitive, hard to tell.
I was hoping anyone faced this issue before and can chime in.
Have you recently gotten your bloodwork checked? Do you shave your head or do you have a full head of hair?

I’m unsure what the relation is, but when my e2 is out of control my scalp gets extremely overheated and itchy. On top of that, have extremely thick hair and if I go too long without a haircut it feels like bugs are crawling under the skin.
I just found out why ? It’s because of high DHT level which causes in some individuals inflammation of the hair follicles which causes itching. It could happen from anavar, mast, test anything that causes high dht level.

Once I stopped anavar the itching reduced. I should have used some finasteride with it plus some nizoral shampoo to keep the DHT level at bay
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