Injectable L-carnitine vs oral, is it worth it?


New Member
Is it worth using the injectable solution over oral? Does it really work better or just a gimmick?

Anyone tried both and can compare the differences on how they felt?
Much better than the oral and you avid issues with TMAO. 100% works better as bioavailability on oral is like 10% max.

Great for pumps if taken with carb meal @ 500mg PWO and a lot of guys swear by it for pushing down to super low bf %. Can't say I notice it increasing fat loss at my current level but I run it.

Has other benefits like increasing androgen receptor sensitivity etc.

tldr; oral version is garbage, injectable is pretty much nothing but benefits.

3 iu GH / 500mg carnitine / T4 will be my cutting stack on top of Test, maybe a bit of T3 as well.
Thanks for the info.

Has other benefits like increasing androgen receptor sensitivity etc.

I'm mainly interested in carnatine for this purpose. Apparently oral works fine for this. Do you know if injectable would work better than oral for increasing AR, or would it be the same? I'm guessing it should at least work faster than oral?
Thanks for the info.

I'm mainly interested in carnatine for this purpose. Apparently oral works fine for this. Do you know if injectable would work better than oral for increasing AR, or would it be the same? I'm guessing it should at least work faster than oral?
I guess that would depend on the bioavailability. If its only 10% as bio available then I'd assume your upregulation would be relative to that.

I do 500mg a day. Been playing with a gram a day just to see. My endurance is fucking nuts. Can comfortably run a 3k without stopping when before I could barely jog one less than 2 months ago
Thanks for the info.

I'm mainly interested in carnatine for this purpose. Apparently oral works fine for this. Do you know if injectable would work better than oral for increasing AR, or would it be the same? I'm guessing it should at least work faster than oral?
Oral is just a bad choice all around as you'd probably be injesting 4 grams a day to equal the same and you would be adding the negativity of TMAO that you do not get from injectable.

Basically my advice is use injectable or don't use it at all.
If you're Canadian. Inno has it. Or you have the option of making it yourself. Which I'm going to be doing tomorrow
Nope. found a site but looks like it ships from Australia not sure if it’s human grade

I don’t trust myself lol I can barely make Mac n cheese
Nope. found a site but looks like it ships from Australia not sure if it’s human grade

I don’t trust myself lol I can barely make Mac n cheese
Ahh shitty. Can't help ya then.

Ya im sketched out too but its essentially just mixing large quantities of bac water and l cart powder. No need for BA or BB.
Is there a step by step retard guide ? Lol
Carnitine base powder
Distilled water
1.5% BA

That's all it is and run it through a syringe filter. You're probably looking at synthetek which is legit but it comes in a 200mg/ml preparation and a weird bottle where you can just screw the top off
Already posted on a thread like this but IMO if you're willing to pin it IM then yes definitely worth it. Oral L Carnitine has a very low bioavailability and thus requires a very high dosage compared to IM. Plus half life is short and a byproduct of oral lcar metabolisation is TMAO which could hinder your cardiovascular health.

I've been thinking of a dark horse turn key formula using injectable L car and SR9009 or SR9011 as an ancillary for IM injection.

L car improves fatty chain oxidation into the mitochondria. The effects of Lcar is basically bottle necked by the amount of mitochondria you have. SR9009, similar to L car has very low / almost no oral bioavailability, but its shown in studies to increase mitochondria count. By increasing mitochondria count you can theoretically increase the ceiling for your L Carnitine dosage above that what you normally could handle and could prove to be a serious endurance enhancer for lean bulking or those cutting and want to induce better lipolysis.

This combination could be stacked with EC, YC or clen/al buterol to induce lipolysis and block lipogenesis in order to induce a greater fat loss. This would also work well with any gear as a on cycle support SR does regulate LDL/HDL levels and triglyceride levels similar to GW501516

Sorry for derailing abit but IMO, L car is only worth it if you dose high orally multiple times daily and prevent TMAO metabolisation by eating garlic, pinning it IM alone or using it with SR as a cycle support for AR up regulation and LDL/HDL regulator.

I'll link the studies tomorrow whenever I wake up or someone replies to the thread.

Accidentally replied to your thread in the wrong section lol
Damn you made a lot lol I ordered all the shit I’m just waiting now
Did you make your own ba water or buy bacteriostatic?
I just used bac water to remove a step since it was a first attempt.

My biggest suggestion is applying a small heat source when you're mixing it. Took quite awhile to dissolve everything, but it hasn't crashed at 500mg/ml. Made 140ml worth. Only took acouple hours

It was a sweet basic bitch introduction to homebrewing
I just used bac water to remove a step since it was a first attempt.

My biggest suggestion is applying a small heat source when you're mixing it. Took quite awhile to dissolve everything, but it hasn't crashed at 500mg/ml. Made 140ml worth. Only took acouple hours

It was a sweet basic bitch introduction to homebrew
how many grams of l cartine to liquid did you use for 140ml i get confused with the math ratio im a idiot i know
I just used bac water to remove a step since it was a first attempt.

My biggest suggestion is applying a small heat source when you're mixing it. Took quite awhile to dissolve everything, but it hasn't crashed at 500mg/ml. Made 140ml worth. Only took acouple hours

It was a sweet basic bitch introduction to homebrewing
Very nice Jestopherson, I noticed some people say there's get cloudy when trying to brew this maybe lay out your exact recipe for the 140ml to help people out. stuff like:

heat temp?
magnetic stirrer or what setup
did you let it completely cool before filtering

Noticed many guys asking about it so this would help out alot. I just ended up ordering a shit ton of Inno so I'll do this next time.