Injectable L-carnitine vs oral, is it worth it?

Very nice Jestopherson, I noticed some people say there's get cloudy when trying to brew this maybe lay out your exact recipe for the 140ml to help people out. stuff like:

heat temp?
magnetic stirrer or what setup
did you let it completely cool before filtering

Noticed many guys asking about it so this would help out alot. I just ended up ordering a shit ton of Inno so I'll do this next time.
Hey man much appreciated!

Honestly I just winged it. I have a very basic set up. When I move to actual homebrewing I'll be upgrading.

It was originally going to be 150mls but I accidentally started filling a vial without the filter and just tossed it.

So I did 75g of L cart. Using displacement I continued to add bac water to a 200ml beaker, until it reached 150ml, mixing as I went. For heat I just warmed water up in a pot briefly then lowered the beaker into it to make sure there wasn't a direct heat source on the glass(can't say how warm exactly but hot to the touch. I never left the l cart in for more than 20-30s or so). It was cloudy for quite sometime. Took about 15-20 minutes of stirring to reduce the cloudiness to a clear liquid. Then with the solution still warm I ran 10ml at a time through a sterile 0.22um syringe filter. Leaving all vials and caps inside the pressure cooker until I was finished with the previous one.

The end result is what you see. I compared it to my inno l cart and they look damn near identical in colour. I did 500mg(1ml) after finishing capping and crimping to make sure I didn't screw up somehow. Worst part is you won't know until you do. It has slightly more bite than the inno l cart for me, but I've always gotten pip from that one. All in all it ended up being about $3 a vial everything included. Currently experimenting with 1g a day just to see. Definitely getting good pumps and vascularity.
Hey man much appreciated!

Honestly I just winged it. I have a very basic set up. When I move to actual homebrewing I'll be upgrading.

It was originally going to be 150mls but I accidentally started filling a vial without the filter and just tossed it.

So I did 75g of L cart. Using displacement I continued to add bac water to a 200ml beaker, until it reached 150ml, mixing as I went. For heat I just warmed water up in a pot briefly then lowered the beaker into it to make sure there wasn't a direct heat source on the glass(can't say how warm exactly but hot to the touch. I never left the l cart in for more than 20-30s or so). It was cloudy for quite sometime. Took about 15-20 minutes of stirring to reduce the cloudiness to a clear liquid. Then with the solution still warm I ran 10ml at a time through a sterile 0.22um syringe filter. Leaving all vials and caps inside the pressure cooker until I was finished with the previous one.

The end result is what you see. I compared it to my inno l cart and they look damn near identical in colour. I did 500mg(1ml) after finishing capping and crimping to make sure I didn't screw up somehow. Worst part is you won't know until you do. It has slightly more bite than the inno l cart for me, but I've always gotten pip from that one. All in all it ended up being about $3 a vial everything included. Currently experimenting with 1g a day just to see. Definitely getting good pumps and vascularity.
Damn bro that’s awesome I can’t wait
How would you rate the pumps and vascularity like comparable to and aas?
Hey man much appreciated!

Honestly I just winged it. I have a very basic set up. When I move to actual homebrewing I'll be upgrading.

It was originally going to be 150mls but I accidentally started filling a vial without the filter and just tossed it.

So I did 75g of L cart. Using displacement I continued to add bac water to a 200ml beaker, until it reached 150ml, mixing as I went. For heat I just warmed water up in a pot briefly then lowered the beaker into it to make sure there wasn't a direct heat source on the glass(can't say how warm exactly but hot to the touch. I never left the l cart in for more than 20-30s or so). It was cloudy for quite sometime. Took about 15-20 minutes of stirring to reduce the cloudiness to a clear liquid. Then with the solution still warm I ran 10ml at a time through a sterile 0.22um syringe filter. Leaving all vials and caps inside the pressure cooker until I was finished with the previous one.

The end result is what you see. I compared it to my inno l cart and they look damn near identical in colour. I did 500mg(1ml) after finishing capping and crimping to make sure I didn't screw up somehow. Worst part is you won't know until you do. It has slightly more bite than the inno l cart for me, but I've always gotten pip from that one. All in all it ended up being about $3 a vial everything included. Currently experimenting with 1g a day just to see. Definitely getting good pumps and vascularity.

Seems like lack of warming for long enough is probably what they're running into when making it. @LittleD90 you will be shocked at the pump if you hit your carnitine with your preworkout meal, I typically use it fasted pre cardio so not as noticeable but it can get you pretty veiny.
Could you inject carnitine subcutaneously with an insulin needle, maximum 0.5ml per area? Or will it not be well absorbed and the only effective method would be intramuscular? I have access to carnitine from a pharmacy from Spain, the product is called butcher and it comes in a box of 10 ampoules 200mg / ml 5ml ampoule. And if it were intramuscular, could you put the entire dose of one 5ml 30min before training? Thanks brothers
Hey man much appreciated!

Honestly I just winged it. I have a very basic set up. When I move to actual homebrewing I'll be upgrading.

It was originally going to be 150mls but I accidentally started filling a vial without the filter and just tossed it.

So I did 75g of L cart. Using displacement I continued to add bac water to a 200ml beaker, until it reached 150ml, mixing as I went. For heat I just warmed water up in a pot briefly then lowered the beaker into it to make sure there wasn't a direct heat source on the glass(can't say how warm exactly but hot to the touch. I never left the l cart in for more than 20-30s or so). It was cloudy for quite sometime. Took about 15-20 minutes of stirring to reduce the cloudiness to a clear liquid. Then with the solution still warm I ran 10ml at a time through a sterile 0.22um syringe filter. Leaving all vials and caps inside the pressure cooker until I was finished with the previous one.

The end result is what you see. I compared it to my inno l cart and they look damn near identical in colour. I did 500mg(1ml) after finishing capping and crimping to make sure I didn't screw up somehow. Worst part is you won't know until you do. It has slightly more bite than the inno l cart for me, but I've always gotten pip from that one. All in all it ended up being about $3 a vial everything included. Currently experimenting with 1g a day just to see. Definitely getting good pumps and vascularity.
I’m a complete moron and when Sym had floater gate it took a while before I was even comfortable refiltering some of the oils before I trashed the rest. Refiltering killed my hand and took like 30-45 minutes per 10ml.

What did you use to run the L car through the syringe filter? I’ve wanted to make my own L carnitine for a while now. But have literally zero idea what I’m doing.
I’m a complete moron and when Sym had floater gate it took a while before I was even comfortable refiltering some of the oils before I trashed the rest. Refiltering killed my hand and took like 30-45 minutes per 10ml.

What did you use to run the L car through the syringe filter? I’ve wanted to make my own L carnitine for a while now. But have literally zero idea what I’m doing.
Running water based carnitine through a whatman syringe filter is gonna be leagues different than filtering oils.
Could you inject carnitine subcutaneously with an insulin needle, maximum 0.5ml per area? Or will it not be well absorbed and the only effective method would be intramuscular? I have access to carnitine from a pharmacy from Spain, the product is called butcher and it comes in a box of 10 ampoules 200mg / ml 5ml ampoule. And if it were intramuscular, could you put the entire dose of one 5ml 30min before training? Thanks brothers

Spain and Mexico sometimes tout this as some spot reduction thing but it definitely is not and subq it's not gonna feel good. Carnitine helps with fat loss but not in a spot reduction way.

I just slin pin it IM in my delt, if you really wanted to you yes you could yam 1000mg PWO but 5ml @ 200mg sounds not fun.
Spain and Mexico sometimes tout this as some spot reduction thing but it definitely is not and subq it's not gonna feel good. Carnitine helps with fat loss but not in a spot reduction way.

I just slin pin it IM in my delt, if you really wanted to you yes you could yam 1000mg PWO but 5ml @ 200mg sounds not fun.
So what dose would you put in? And in deltoids could I put subq?
So what dose would you put in? And in deltoids could I put subq?
Pin IM dude. Sub q hurts like a bitch and makes a lump.

I rotate between delts and quads using a 0.5" 1ml 29g slin pin. Takes 15s to draw. Then just push it till it dimples in and I've had no problem. Like 2x I've had minor delt leakage
Damn bro that’s awesome I can’t wait
How would you rate the pumps and vascularity like comparable to and aas?
As @muscletrain said. Taking it with carbs will yield the greatest results. As the insulin spike helps drive it into the mitochondria of your cells. Im just finishing a cut so I wasn't able to take full advantage of taking it with carbs, but if you do your 500mg/1ml then have a high carb meal. I believe I read 40-50g is sufficient. You'll notice increased fullness after you're saturated from a week or two of use. I definitely had acouple higher carb days and I noticed it.

I noticed increased pumps(similar to being on test, not quite as good as var or dbol pumps). Increased vascularity. Im about 13-14% bodyfat but my quads constantly have multiple veins popped since starting it. My endurance. Jesus, thats where I saw the biggest increases. I went from half ass no cardio jogging 0.5km. To being able to steadily run at 11-12km an hour for 3km straight in about 2 months. That feels like insane progress to me. I've also noticed a few points go down on my bp as well but the increased cardio is also a factor.

Then there's the androgen receptor upregulation that will help gear keep its efficacy throughout a cycle.

You won't just feel like hell ya. Like you would a week into running abunch of var. But honestly this stuff is definitely worth running in my opinion. With just the health benefits alone. It apparently has blood thinning capabilities which when on cycle with increased hemocrit, I see that as a plus. But I could be wrong.
I’m a complete moron and when Sym had floater gate it took a while before I was even comfortable refiltering some of the oils before I trashed the rest. Refiltering killed my hand and took like 30-45 minutes per 10ml.

What did you use to run the L car through the syringe filter? I’ve wanted to make my own L carnitine for a while now. But have literally zero idea what I’m doing.
I just used a 10ml leur lock syringe. Though I'm going to get a few 30-60mls for next time. Save refilling it every vial
As @muscletrain said. Taking it with carbs will yield the greatest results. As the insulin spike helps drive it into the mitochondria of your cells. Im just finishing a cut so I wasn't able to take full advantage of taking it with carbs, but if you do your 500mg/1ml then have a high carb meal. I believe I read 40-50g is sufficient. You'll notice increased fullness after you're saturated from a week or two of use. I definitely had acouple higher carb days and I noticed it.

I noticed increased pumps(similar to being on test, not quite as good as var or dbol pumps). Increased vascularity. Im about 13-14% bodyfat but my quads constantly have multiple veins popped since starting it. My endurance. Jesus, thats where I saw the biggest increases. I went from half ass no cardio jogging 0.5km. To being able to steadily run at 11-12km an hour for 3km straight in about 2 months. That feels like insane progress to me. I've also noticed a few points go down on my bp as well but the increased cardio is also a factor.

Then there's the androgen receptor upregulation that will help gear keep its efficacy throughout a cycle.

You won't just feel like hell ya. Like you would a week into running abunch of var. But honestly this stuff is definitely worth running in my opinion. With just the health benefits alone. It apparently has blood thinning capabilities which when on cycle with increased hemocrit, I see that as a plus. But I could be wrong.
Damn I didn’t know it had all those added benefits like the endurance and blood thinning
Well if I take dbol with it .....
Definitely even more stoked to run it
Is there a time frame with the carbs ? Like pin 15 min prior or right before eating
Damn I didn’t know it had all those added benefits like the endurance and blood thinning
Well if I take dbol with it .....
Definitely even more stoked to run it
Is there a time frame with the carbs ? Like pin 15 min prior or right before eating
I can't remember the exact time frame but 15 minutes would probably be fine. I try and pin and eat something within 30 minutes. Then hit the gym around an hour after that
Ok well fuck I finanly got everything (though the vials I got online look funny like super thick glass) anywho I made it exactly as he stated in the video but this shit is still like settling in the vial at the top ?? And when I got the carnitine from pure bulk it was almost wet looking and had visual moisture on the inside of the bag...I’m really debating putting this in me lol and somehow even tho I weighed 10.1g of carnitine and did 12.25ml bac water I ended up with like 22mls when I pushed it thru (FYI used a 25mm diameter filter went fast as hell) all I can think is my scale sucks
But the settling part is odd and a lot of things crossed my mind when making it like how do y’all clean the beaker and glass rod prior to using ? I just washed with antibacterial soap and dried em with clean paper towels lol
And when I mixed it it left a ring around the beaker even though it was constantly being mixed
I’m thinking the batch of carnitine I got was trash fuck who knows
Here’s what it looks like
Last photo is after shaking it 3FC900DC-754B-4B6C-8CE3-136DE714EE8B.jpeg7796E3F7-230D-4AFB-A0F6-E8964A387AC0.jpegA62A1508-8816-4932-B6BE-704233EE13A5.jpeg
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@Jestopherson are you still running it these days? I'm probably going to attempt my own brew of this stuff soon.

As @muscletrain said. Taking it with carbs will yield the greatest results. As the insulin spike helps drive it into the mitochondria of your cells. Im just finishing a cut so I wasn't able to take full advantage of taking it with carbs, but if you do your 500mg/1ml then have a high carb meal. I believe I read 40-50g is sufficient. You'll notice increased fullness after you're saturated from a week or two of use. I definitely had acouple higher carb days and I noticed it.

I noticed increased pumps(similar to being on test, not quite as good as var or dbol pumps). Increased vascularity. Im about 13-14% bodyfat but my quads constantly have multiple veins popped since starting it. My endurance. Jesus, thats where I saw the biggest increases. I went from half ass no cardio jogging 0.5km. To being able to steadily run at 11-12km an hour for 3km straight in about 2 months. That feels like insane progress to me. I've also noticed a few points go down on my bp as well but the increased cardio is also a factor.

Then there's the androgen receptor upregulation that will help gear keep its efficacy throughout a cycle.

You won't just feel like hell ya. Like you would a week into running abunch of var. But honestly this stuff is definitely worth running in my opinion. With just the health benefits alone. It apparently has blood thinning capabilities which when on cycle with increased hemocrit, I see that as a plus. But I could be wrong.