Injectable l carnitine?


New Member
My blasting days are over so just looking to add something to spice things up leading to the summer. Currently on 150 mg test. Was thinking of l carnitine. Anyone see real added benefits compared to the oral? Looking to just gain some lean mass for the summer. Any sides any of you guys experience as well?
Was considering trying this myself but jve heard very mixed things. And for what would be $60+ a month, I’d like some assurances.
I used inj version for a few months. 400mg pre workout along with Humalog. I can’t say I noticed anything outside of the norm so I have yet to reintroduce it.

This is just my personal experience.
I've been taking 600mg ed for past week. Not noticed anything yet. Brewed it myself so cheap enough to give it a chance for a month or two
I've used it from 400mg to 1g a day. Gives me a nice endurance boost, that's about it. Haven't noticed any sides really. Once in a while pip when I bump it up to 1g, but nothing terrible. Never tried it in oral form.