Injectable oil cardarine

Cardarine is too powerful for pharma. Pharma is about treating not curing. Do you think that glp-1s would be such a success if they cured obesity? You have to take them for life aka be treated for life.

Food for thought
I could not agree with you more.
Cardarine is too powerful for pharma. Pharma is about treating not curing. Do you think that glp-1s would be such a success if they cured obesity? You have to take them for life aka be treated for life.

Food for thought
I dont get your train of thoughts. You imply you need to take it to have an effect.
Its the same with cardarine. The weight loss from it is negligible, it lowers lipid values a bit, and its best effect is for cardio. But you need to take it to have an effect, it will diminish rather quickly once stopped.

Lots of people including myself took cardarine. Its not a miracle so i don't see whats in it that big pharma needed to not let out. I think anyone can agree with this, or if havent tried can try and experience. Very rare that people are astonished by it and maybe high % of those posts are made by dealers/ gear whores.

Theres that argument in the experiment they give too much for too long, and rodent subjects were genetically disposed to have cancer with high chance.
So do you think, youtubers, gymbros, drug pushers know it better than people who's life literally dedicated to it and nobody thought of that?

Or anyone who thinks cardarine was killed by big pharma could let me know what would be the reason behind it.
Or anyone who thinks cardarine was killed by big pharma could let me know what would be the reason behind it.
Cardarine=statins+glp1s+EPO (yeah exaggerated, but you get the point). It's not a miracle drug for sure, but it was called exercise in a pill for a reason. Plus you can not tweak and twist it indefinitely creating new patents, since the base drug form works so good.

I have been involved in pharma and their tactics. The sole driving force for every decision they make is one: maximizing profit.

P.S. To the wiseass that will spring like a fart out of nowhere: I don't care about your opinion based on hypothesis.
P.S.2. The carcinogenic potential is there, as with all PPARδ agonists, but as always poison is in the dosage.
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