Injectable superdrol and winstrol hepatotoxicity?


New Member
we know injectables come with less sides and “no” liver toxicity? But is ls that really true, or can they still damage your liver?
How bad is the hepatotoxicity? Don't know I've never ran it but it acedotally seems way less. If you took the 17 alpha off superdrol, you have masteron. 17a fights oral degradation of 1st pass off the liver, making it hard on the liver.

Weird to make things that were created to be taken orally into an injectable but it still works.
I would say its considerably less toxic to the human body, I have ran oral tren tabs and oral tren injectable and the injectable i didnt feel toxic at all i actuallt loved injectable oral tren but tren tabs i could only use for a couple weeks andi would start to feel lik i was taking 100mg of anadrol or a pill of shit. just my opinion
I would say its considerably less toxic to the human body, I have ran oral tren tabs and oral tren injectable and the injectable i didnt feel toxic at all i actuallt loved injectable oral tren but tren tabs i could only use for a couple weeks andi would start to feel lik i was taking 100mg of anadrol or a pill of shit. just my opinion
It's crazy how different pathways make things totally different oral superdrol aka methyl masteron will make you a lethargic beast, while masteron without the methyl doesn't grow almost any muscle and mainly defines.

mpmd did a little 15 min delve into oral vs inj superdrol on yt but I've heard both sides. It's just as strong to inj is weak af.... I just know my oral bottle of super from 5 years ago will make me a human tank that compares to the likes of greek gods but now I wonder if it's worth it when all you do is want to sleep a couple weeks in. Fuckin age man.
It's crazy how different pathways make things totally different oral superdrol aka methyl masteron will make you a lethargic beast, while masteron without the methyl doesn't grow almost any muscle and mainly defines.

mpmd did a little 15 min delve into oral vs inj superdrol on yt but I've heard both sides. It's just as strong to inj is weak af.... I just know my oral bottle of super from 5 years ago will make me a human tank that compares to the likes of greek gods but now I wonder if it's worth it when all you do is want to sleep a couple weeks in. Fuckin age man.
no i know i used to hate my buddies when they would run that mdrol shit cuz they would be so jacked and dry and strong as a horse in just a couple weeks and here i am using test and dbol and my gains were still better but i was not like them man they looked so solid and dry that shit is unique it really is its so powerful in every catagory. it has like an effect like no other steroid imo its stronger than tren. well shit at least you got two weeks that shit would wreck me after even one week. I want to try the injectable version.
Making a 17alkylated oral steroid injectible doesn't make it no toxic, it's just more effective at a lower dosage. And making a steroid 17 alkylated completely changes the characteristics of said compound. Dbols are not oral boldenone nor is superdrol oral masteron.
Making a 17alkylated oral steroid injectible doesn't make it no toxic, it's just more effective at a lower dosage. And making a steroid 17 alkylated completely changes the characteristics of said compound. Dbols are not oral boldenone nor is superdrol oral masteron.
so injectable superdrol is different from oral superdrol? Are you saying its like tren is not metribolone?
idk, are you sure the sky is blue? Cuz i dont know dude.. I mean it could be baby blue. haha im joking but serioulsy.. are you on tren right now?
idk, are you sure the sky is blue? Cuz i dont know dude.. I mean it could be baby blue. haha im joking but serioulsy.. are you on tren right now?

I said superdrol is not oral masteron as dbol is not oral boldenone. Can you comprehend the difference between that statement and what you asked?

so injectable superdrol is different from oral superdrol?
Changing. The. Chemical. Structure. Of. A. Compound. Completely. Changes. Its. Behavior.

Superdrol is not "oral masteron." It just looks that way on paper.

You will need less mg and likely see less damage from "injectable orals."
I said superdrol is not oral masteron as dbol is not oral boldenone. Can you comprehend the difference between that statement and what you asked?
yes i got it now thank you. like i said just like trenbolone is not oral tren but you cut that out of your quote i guess
Changing. The. Chemical. Structure. Of. A. Compound. Completely. Changes. Its. Behavior.

Superdrol is not "oral masteron." It just looks that way on paper.

You will need less mg and likely see less damage from "injectable orals."
This is exactly right. Sitting in a chemisty class the nomenclature of superdrol is masteron Methylated. This does not have any application in how we use it or how we respond to it though.
Mast p

2α-Methyl-4,5α-dihydrotestosterone 17β-propionate



It's more just like a fun fact. Do not take it expecting anything similar like @narta said about bold and dbol
You will need less mg and likely see less damage from "injectable orals."
This is total bioscience PSA.

It's been discussed by those who feel the oral superdrol is stronger due to the metabolism in first pass. Just being devils advocate. I have no experience with injectable superdol and just going off acedotal bioscience feelz I've come by in the past.

I don't agree with either its stronger or weaker. 10mg oral is as high as i went oral and I'll never try injectable. The sides are just too much for me as a gym rat.
I know I am stupid by continuing this discussion, but here it goes...
like i said just like trenbolone is not oral tren
Methyltrienolone is alkylated trenbolone. Injectible MTren would be the equivalent of injectible superdrol
so injectable superdrol is different from oral superdrol?
Injectible superdrol is the SAME FUCKING THING like oral superdrol, just in a different method of administration.
I mean what should i expect im talking to a baby here....
So yes you are talking to a baby in the mirror, that is correct.

GD these kids today....

