Injectable superdrol SCIENCE/Experiences

Hey my Ring camera caught your liver running down my street and it came up to my porch and started jumping up and down screaming.
The dosage:

Dbol 5mg twice per day (10mg total)
Superdrol 5mg once per day

at time of lab currently running for 35 days

View attachment 290520

Did not work out 2 days before the lab so AST and ALT are probably at thier lowest possible values.

There were a few days I took 10mg of superdrol, and a few days where I didnt take any.
A lot of people don't get bloods on orals, they either run them for months out of ignorance, or they stick to 4 weeks to be safe.

I'm going to get bloodwork in 3 weeks and we will see what my ALT,AST and GGT look like.

Theres a lot of dogma surrounding orals from the days before people were getting bloodwork, around superdrol especially because of the pro-hormone days, where each capusule was like 3 designer hormones mixed into each pill.


Took 12mg injectable sdrol this morning mixed with my test cyp MCT shot. Might have tasted it slightly in my mouth, not full blown guiacol like in injectable anadrol but something or maybe it was just in my head.
I don't think it really kicked in until hour 3-4 and I went to the gym hour 2.5. I workout at 0600 when the gym opens, might end up pinning when i take my nightly piss so its full on when im at the gym

BP is 124/71 5 hours post injection.
Your liver values will be worse. Sdrol is a known hepatotoxic and it's one of the worst offenders out there. Anadrol on the other hand is not that bad, certainty not what the urban legend says about it (used to be given in 100mg/day dosages for 6 months straight to kids with anemia)
Your liver values will be worse. Sdrol is a known hepatotoxic and it's one of the worst offenders out there. Anadrol on the other hand is not that bad, certainty not what the urban legend says about it (used to be given in 100mg/day dosages for 6 months straight to kids with anemia)
yeah I didn't mean to imply that sdrol wasn't liver toxic, my point is that rarely do people get bloodwork to actually see whats going on.

Also provide some evidence to the debate about liver passes/enzyes etc on oral vs injectable
I'm interested in this too. It would be great if someone that HAS HAD experienced the same shitty sides running sdrol, and if they were actually able to combat them, what was their secret ?? I have tried using tudca, NAC, and glutathione.
A lot of people don't get bloods on orals, they either run them for months out of ignorance, or they stick to 4 weeks to be safe.

I'm going to get bloodwork in 3 weeks and we will see what my ALT,AST and GGT look like.

Theres a lot of dogma surrounding orals from the days before people were getting bloodwork, around superdrol especially because of the pro-hormone days, where each capusule was like 3 designer hormones mixed into each pill.


Took 12mg injectable sdrol this morning mixed with my test cyp MCT shot. Might have tasted it slightly in my mouth, not full blown guiacol like in injectable anadrol but something or maybe it was just in my head.
I don't think it really kicked in until hour 3-4 and I went to the gym hour 2.5. I workout at 0600 when the gym opens, might end up pinning when i take my nightly piss so its full on when im at the gym

BP is 124/71 5 hours post injection.
Udated my thread if you want to see how my cycle went. I fucking love superdrol, but it gives me the same side effect as everything else eventually.
I obliterate my body all day, and then sleep 2 hours because im still jacked up just tossing and turning in bed.
I've been using oral superdrol PWO only for 2 weeks. I have a good amount of experience with the oral version, I haven't used injectable before.

40mg/ml injectable superdrol just arrived today.

Does anyone have any experience with the injectable version?

For example, thoughts on PWO timing/dosage/half life/strength compared to the oral version etc...

If I pin it pre-workout with my daily test shot with MCT carrier oil, will this affect the absorption? should I do it separately?

I really like superdrol, the only side effect I experience is hypoglycemia. (that means its hella strong, so it is what it is)

I've been using anadrol with it as well.
Some steroids are born as orals for a reason, the metabolites that liver creates while breaking down them.
When you inject them, you inject something different.

If you are already on Anadrol just raise the dose of it.... It makes no sense to add Superdrol on top.

Proviron Halo SD Winstrol they fit better during last 2-6 weeks of a prep, I wouldn't touch them on off-season/growth phase.
Day 5..

Split between left and right pecs:

-150mg Test E
-157.5 Nand PP
-120mg Tren A
-120mg Trest A

Split every 3 hours, taken with a meal:

-100mg Oxymetholone
-100mg Methandrostenolone
Hey with the trest ace what's your weekly dose? Have been considering it for the rebound but unsure. Are you using letrozole?

When I put calories in again the goal is to get from 195 to 230 in 6 weeks with minimal fat gain. Hoping to hit a 435 bench, the is why I'm strongly considering ment ace over super drol.
Your liver values will be worse. Sdrol is a known hepatotoxic and it's one of the worst offenders out there. Anadrol on the other hand is not that bad, certainty not what the urban legend says about it (used to be given in 100mg/day dosages for 6 months straight to kids with anemia)
That is exactly what I through by listen to everyone else, until I decided to run it and get my bloods done. Turns out, in my case, injectable sdrol doesn't affected my liver enzymes at all.
Hey with the trest ace what's your weekly dose? Have been considering it for the rebound but unsure. Are you using letrozole?

When I put calories in again the goal is to get from 195 to 230 in 6 weeks with minimal fat gain. Hoping to hit a 435 bench, the is why I'm strongly considering ment ace over super drol.
840 a week I think. 7x120 =840? I’m honestly not sure lol, I’m a bodybuilder not a rocket scientist.

Would be great for a rebound. Thats what I’m doing.

Yes, I am using letrozol.

Ment over sdrol imo.
That is exactly what I through by listen to everyone else, until I decided to run it and get my bloods done. Turns out, in my case, injectable sdrol doesn't affected my liver enzymes at all.
Check for GGT and Bilirubine not AST ALT those don't give you any info about SD.
I can tell you that with 40mg SD daily for 5weeks had no problems on liver, the problem was shitting (was shitting like a goat) and staying awake.

I will never touch that again for offseason.

If you like the look just stack Anadrol with 1/3 1/5 of Winstrol instead.
I.E. 100 Drol + 20-40 Winny daily
Some steroids are born as orals for a reason, the metabolites that liver creates while breaking down them.
When you inject them, you inject something different.

If you are already on Anadrol just raise the dose of it.... It makes no sense to add Superdrol on top.

Proviron Halo SD Winstrol they fit better during last 2-6 weeks of a prep, I wouldn't touch them on off-season/growth phase.
I disagree. IMO, proviron is extremely underrated. Probably one of the most versatile compounds, because of what is does. It binds to shbg in a way most compounds don't and in return Freeing up more Test which is what we aim to achieve especially in a growth phase, or a bulk
I disagree. IMO, proviron is extremely underrated. Probably one of the most versatile compounds, because of what is does. It binds to shbg in a way most compounds don't and in return Freeing up more Test which is what we aim to achieve especially in a growth phase, or a bulk
High dosage androgens do the same thing. And more free test is not the answer to ideal.hormkne environment for growth
High dosage androgens do the same thing. And more free test is not the answer to ideal.hormkne environment for growth
Why would you want to use a higher dose of anything if you can get the same effects, using less androgens. More is not better. Higher dose equals more sides, and in order to deal with those sides it then requires more ancillaries, which come with sides themselves. The equations become that much more elaborate and technical, it becomes that much more difficult to control. This forum is here partly for harm reduction it should be #1, The majority of people on this forum are being taught high everything is better, and I would be willing to guess large majority would not be able to inject anywhere except in VG, I would be surprised if they even knew what VG was. Me disagreeing was more or less with the fact that proviron should not be used only in the last 2-6 weeks of prep. That it is versatile and be beneficial when used for bulking, recomping or prepping.
Check for GGT and Bilirubine not AST ALT those don't give you any info about SD.
I can tell you that with 40mg SD daily for 5weeks had no problems on liver, the problem was shitting (was shitting like a goat) and staying awake.

I will never touch that again for offseason.

If you like the look just stack Anadrol with 1/3 1/5 of Winstrol instead.
I.E. 100 Drol + 20-40 Winny daily
I did check all markers. However I would never run for 5 weeks. Winny during my pre contest hits my liver markers and lipid profile terribly. No go. Again, this is my personal experience, based on my bloods.