Injection Tracking-How’s Everyone Doing it?

I have a casual calendar you write by hand and i personally write down the start day of the cycle, the compounds, milligrams and injection frequency. If i made changes to the cycle, i write down the day and what changes i made. That's it. I rotate in 6 injection spots and i remember where is my next pin, also i pin every other day so there's zero chance i forget when i have to pin.
This is similar to what I’m doing expect i dont do every other day and im doing a few peptides as well daily so it gets confusing but i do all the notes and info, i seem to spend a lot of time on that side of things. Thanks for the idea of writing out the whole cycle then I could preplan sites actually.
The med reminders on AH are super helpful, especially if you are juggling multiple compounds each week. You get the same notifications on Apple Watch also, if you have one.
Thank you! How do set up meds on Apple Health? I’m an Apple User and I think that’d be a great safeguard but I didn’t see it in health, maybe I just overlooked it, but lmk
General reply; thanks to all who reply I really appreciate the input. I think I can take a bit from each of you and create something that’ll work.
Thank you! How do set up meds on Apple Health? I’m an Apple User and I think that’d be a great safeguard but I didn’t see it in health, maybe I just overlooked it, but lmk
From the browse menu scroll down to the medications tab. From there it’s pretty much a walkthrough process to add new meds/gear.

I’ve never done an excel spreadsheet in my life, does google sheets count? but I get what you’re saying! Thanks man!
Google sheets is the same as excel. I keep the maim file in my google drive and have a shortcut on my phone's desktop.

The sheet itself is very simple. All the dates in the first column. Then some simple formulas that I made where I can put weekly dosage and depending on the injection frequency and concentration it tells me how much volume to inject every time. A column to log the injection site and a column for comments.
Bunch of nerds in da chat
I pin by feelz every 4 day test E.
I also pin test U by feeling 10 days.
Am I 100% accurate? Maybe
Is there a smarter way? For sure write it down... but nerds to that
There's a calendar on my fridge that has abbreviations on each day for compound & dose. I can see what I did in the past and what's coming tomorrow.

I don't track injection site anymore. I always put a band-aid on the injection site so I can at least see the most recent site and my memory isn't completely shot [yet].
There's a calendar on my fridge that has abbreviations on each day for compound & dose. I can see what I did in the past and what's coming tomorrow.

I don't track injection site anymore. I always put a band-aid on the injection site so I can at least see the most recent site and my memory isn't completely shot [yet].
we all seem to have "our Rituals " as far as " procedures that go with" our multiple daily injections lifestyles, i too use the calender on the "pantry door" , also on my calender on i phone devices ipad etc so i have my past, current and i keep it "current" ,,,,,,,,