insulin question

joe barnes

New Member
I have never went the insulin route , i just never knew enough of about it ti try,,anyway one of my buddies is running novolin r at 20 iu post workout today as im leaven he is in his car drinking a 44 oz big red (soda) im like dude really ??? he said his coach has him do it...drink 44 oz soda 10 min after pin.... so 20 iu novlin 10 min later 60 grams whey iso then 44 oz soda one hr later high protein high car low fat dinner...i really dont get the soda part is it the sugar???? he says 44 oz soda just as good as virtago....this guy competes in npc national level and placed top 10 twice
I have never went the insulin route , i just never knew enough of about it ti try,,anyway one of my buddies is running novolin r at 20 iu post workout today as im leaven he is in his car drinking a 44 oz big red (soda) im like dude really ??? he said his coach has him do it...drink 44 oz soda 10 min after pin.... so 20 iu novlin 10 min later 60 grams whey iso then 44 oz soda one hr later high protein high car low fat dinner...i really dont get the soda part is it the sugar???? he says 44 oz soda just as good as virtago....this guy competes in npc national level and placed top 10 twice
dont quote me or follow anything i do, i think there are healthier ways to get your b.g. in a good range but running slin is like going on a vacation to FL. you need to make sure you have the gas to get where you want. like the sugar is just to make sure his b.s. doesnt make him go hypo. think there are better ways but if he is placing 10 in npc seems like he is doing good