

New Member
Hi all,

Just formally joined the forum. Wanted to intro myself per the rules. Am in my late 30s and haven't run gear since my late 20s. I got fairly out of condition due to some health issues and general workload as I hit my third decade, so the gym got deprioritized. Seperately I also got on medically prescribed TRT. Have made an attempt to get back in shape so as to better enjoy my outdoor activities (so less about lifting for strength and aesthetics and more about being able to go harder longer on the mountain). I was first diagnosed with low T well before my first cycle in mid-20s (and while no doctor would prescribe me anything at the time, it was what pushed me to get into AAS in the first place. Changed my life.) and as I settled into my career, my doctor prescribed Test seemed to cut it for a while. Eyeing my 40s (god damn that seems crazy) I realized that the TRT was not cutting it and I am venturing back into a light cycle. Nothing like I used to do when I was powerlifting, just enough to make recovery faster and endurance longer (and to maybe put on a few pounds of lean muscle).

Thanks for having me!
Welcome to the board. Thank you for sharing and it sounds like you may fit right in. Best wishes.