Introducing myself and inquiry on recovery of first ever mild test cycle.


New Member
Hello everyone,

My name is Steve and I'm happy I found this forum. I'm in my late 30's and I'm currently on a mild cycle of Test Prop (525 mg) per week. This is the first cycle of my life, since I have never touched test or anything else before. I haven't even ever used an OTC test booster.

I have clomid and nolva on hand and once my cycle is done, which will be in two weeks, I will be starting pct 3 days after my last pin.

My questions to you today are ..........

What dosages per day of clomid and nolva would you recommend, along with 4 weeks or 6 weeks total of pct? Secondly, is it pretty easy recovering from a first time cycle of Test Prop that has been mild? No other compounds have been used, as this is strictly a test only cycle for me. Before I started my cycle I was researching and asking seasoned users and they told me that a first time cycle should be test only and to not add anything else.

I have been taking (arimidex) 0.5 mg EOD during my cycle and have not experienced any negative side effects at all.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

BTW I had posted this in the wrong sections so I reposted it here. Please delete the other threads in the wrong sections. Thank you!