Introducing SPC/SNP – Premium USA Domestic Peptides at Unbeatable Prices!

never ever in my time of peptides have i ever seen vendors with same cap colors.. and amounts... Maybe it's maybelline.. maybe it's bought.
I don't actively go around looking at other vendors cap colors before we choose what to cap our products with. We determine it by our own production runs. Right before the green top 10's, we had red top 10's. And we tested those ones in august.


  • Test Report #47894 (2).webp
    Test Report #47894 (2).webp
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download.jpeg.webpits only you and the Lord and Savior and your bullshit at this point. Regardless of where who and when. Yall do not lyphonize in the us. Unless you share a spot with brandon from aminos . No one give a shit y'all got a peptide flex. People care when you try to lie and skirt around.
View attachment 296597its only you and the Lord and Savior and your bullshit at this point. Regardless of where who and when. Yall do not lyphonize in the us. Unless you share a spot with brandon from aminos . No one give a shit y'all got a peptide flex. People care when you try to lie and skirt around.
So is that the requirement to lyophilize in the US now? We need to share a lab with someone? lol
So at first the USA based lipholyzation was not supposed to get out, now you are using it as a marketing gimmick. Then you say...
I am closely involved in the lyophilization process and can share any procedures or concerns with anyone about the production process.
I'm sure we will have some folks be very interested in asking LOTS of questions about that.
You can start with showing us pics of your mfg environment. If it is indeed in the US, general supplies and machine controls should all be in English. I'm sure that's a small request from what you are offering to share. Not that it proves anything, except you are willing to play ball.
So let me get this straight: you’re a Shanghai-based wholesaler who finishes some of your peptides in a USA facility and others in an China facility, which are all under your direct management, and you have the English grammar of a US native with a graduate degree in English lit? And your website has the phone number for peptide sciences in the privacy policy (I assume that’s just poorly executed plagiarism but is a fun detail nonetheless). That math isn’t checking out.

Also, you dropped something about people here having an agenda against you, care to elaborate who that is, what the agenda is, and what evidence you’ve got to support it?
Just because someone uses our name to sell a product, it doesn't mean it was produced by us. One of the reasons why we have become public facing is to address concerns such as this that have taken place in the past.
So let me get this straight.. someone went out of their way to have professional labels made with your company logo and name and slapped them on a vial of reconstituted shit just to give your business a bad name? Thats quite the effort