Introduction: ARMY RANGER/ Former Fighter/ Future Bodybuilder/ Filmmaker/ Actor/ Student

My name is sledge, I live in the Venice CA. I’m a former army airborne ranger with a deployment to Afghanistan/ Pakistan, as well as a former professional MMA fighter out of Las Vegas.

I have been using light TRT for many years and use responsibility monitoring BP and bloodwork closely.

I have no trouble getting most of my gear from a trusted reputable source that I won’t disclose here for fear of breaking any rules.

I hope to find some way to be pointed to a reputable source for HGH as the VA doesn’t recognize it’s value in helping me sleep and manage my degenerative disc disease from the years of airborne operations and wresting.

Since then, I can’t find GH or a good MMA gym (if any) LA is kind of trash for a lot of reasons.
I will tell you though, I miss takin

The recovery it gives me is unmatched and I don’t trust most sites. Obviously with the FDAs crackdown world wide on this stuff it’s gotten tremendously difficult, but I know there are many good sources out there.

I don’t wish to break any rules and I ask with the upmost respect, HOW DOES THIS WORK?

It’s extremely helpful to me, and I’m experienced in using it.

I was formally using 4iu of serostim and it transformed my body and mind. Prob 4% bf the day of weigh ins. 142.5 on weigh and over 172 on fight day!


I have since lost all of sources and I have fell apart over time. Still run TRT ie test prop
.25 ED with slin pins, occasionally VAR cycle if I have the need to get a bit more dense and juicy as I have a great source in Vegas, but I got bupkis on the GH!

Has it all gonna way unless you are Trump rich? Or what?

I hope it’s ok to slip this in here, but it’s quite important as I have degenerative disc disease as I stated before, which never occurred with using growth.

I also would like to know where you guys suggest to do labs and maybe how to read my levels probably?

I want to follow the rules here and be a good member, hopefully you dudes can show me how to maximize these compounds and turn this around!

Since moving to LA to pursuit filmmaking professionally and going to a top film school, I’ve gained massive weight AND lost muscle. I can’t believe it happened to me!

I feel like such a weak ass. I miss being a fighter and Operative Sledge over at Apocolypse Vegas #1 special operations zombie apocalypse survival experience in Las Vegas.

Now, I’m just like everyone else! I need help dudes. I hit 36 and it’s a pivotal time to create solid habits with training and compounds to lock in a solid physique for the rest of my life.

Here are my goals

Maintain bf of 7% to 13%
Be in striking distance of hitting 4-5% with a cut
Compete in first classic physique comp

Gain an additional 5-10lbs
Add mass to hamstrings/ quads
Add mass to chest (you can see in pictures)
Get a solid cardio routine for bodybuilding
Maintain perfect BP & blood levels
Find a trusted source for GH via forums

Hope you guys can help me with these goals and good to meet you all!

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My name is sledge, I live in the Venice CA. I’m a former army airborne ranger with a deployment to Afghanistan/ Pakistan, as well as a former professional MMA fighter out of Las Vegas.

I have been using light TRT for many years and use responsibility monitoring BP and bloodwork closely.

I have no trouble getting most of my gear from a trusted reputable source that I won’t disclose here for fear of breaking any rules.

I hope to find some way to be pointed to a reputable source for HGH as the VA doesn’t recognize it’s value in helping me sleep and manage my degenerative disc disease from the years of airborne operations and wresting.

Since then, I can’t find GH or a good MMA gym (if any) LA is kind of trash for a lot of reasons.
I will tell you though, I miss takin

The recovery it gives me is unmatched and I don’t trust most sites. Obviously with the FDAs crackdown world wide on this stuff it’s gotten tremendously difficult, but I know there are many good sources out there.

I don’t wish to break any rules and I ask with the upmost respect, HOW DOES THIS WORK?

It’s extremely helpful to me, and I’m experienced in using it.

I was formally using 4iu of serostim and it transformed my body and mind. Prob 4% bf the day of weigh ins. 142.5 on weigh and over 172 on fight day!

View attachment 254657View attachment 254658

I have since lost all of sources and I have fell apart over time. Still run TRT ie test prop
.25 ED with slin pins, occasionally VAR cycle if I have the need to get a bit more dense and juicy as I have a great source in Vegas, but I got bupkis on the GH!

Has it all gonna way unless you are Trump rich? Or what?

I hope it’s ok to slip this in here, but it’s quite important as I have degenerative disc disease as I stated before, which never occurred with using growth.

I also would like to know where you guys suggest to do labs and maybe how to read my levels probably?

I want to follow the rules here and be a good member, hopefully you dudes can show me how to maximize these compounds and turn this around!

Since moving to LA to pursuit filmmaking professionally and going to a top film school, I’ve gained massive weight AND lost muscle. I can’t believe it happened to me!

I feel like such a weak ass. I miss being a fighter and Operative Sledge over at Apocolypse Vegas #1 special operations zombie apocalypse survival experience in Las Vegas.

Now, I’m just like everyone else! I need help dudes. I hit 36 and it’s a pivotal time to create solid habits with training and compounds to lock in a solid physique for the rest of my life.

Here are my goals

Maintain bf of 7% to 13%
Be in striking distance of hitting 4-5% with a cut
Compete in first classic physique comp

Gain an additional 5-10lbs
Add mass to hamstrings/ quads
Add mass to chest (you can see in pictures)
Get a solid cardio routine for bodybuilding
Maintain perfect BP & blood levels
Find a trusted source for GH via forums
Hope you guys can help me with these goals and good to meet you all!

SledgeView attachment 254662
Welcome! Regarding sources, you should go to the steroid underground here and begin reading threads. You are free to discuss sources here like yours, but we don't hand them out. Because well, how can you trust what we say.

Feel free to post specific threads with your questions in there. Glad you joined.