that ninja edit. anyway, I'm not sure how inept you are but it takes me 30sec to click on someone's post history and skim the priors?

rhetorical question about your ineptitude btw, as you're showing it quite nicely.
Touchdown. Order last monday...arrived today. Super discreet and fast. Order is correct.
also around March 18/20.....
Maybe just poor technique then due to being in a rush. I've pinned quads many times without issue. This last time went bad somehow and gave me a hematoma. Basically bled out into my leg.
march 18....
Well I took a chance on this guy and gotta say happy so far. Ordered on a Saturday and got it today (Monday). Super quick and very responsive to any questions I had. Now to give the product a try!View attachment 162089
more March...
I had some sustanon with unbearable PIP that came on seconds after the injection. You can go an Amazon and buy a vial of sterile grapeseed oil and dilute it with that.
Sustanon! Seems a little different than the first Test E Cycle @ 500mg!

That's a straight up lie.

the only lies here are coming from you, Valiant Tron.

too fucking ez. gg no re.