Why didn’t you use all the guacamole from street sales and use it to invest in brewing yourself and doing it right? That’s where the real money is here
I've considered that man. Thought about it for years. The truth is this is still a money maker with a lot less work and potentially a lot less trouble. I don't want to become a big source at all. And I don't want to be rich. I want me and my family to be comfortable. That's it....
Big Scammer alert. Your account and this fake ass sources account were made in the same day.
What's your actual motive? I can't understand when people just "hate" for no reason...I can't wrap my mind around that. Unless you only promote certain sources on mesorx...going through the introductions of a lot of other new sources it looks like several of them were torn apart as well. "vetting"? Is that what you call it? Listen, just knowing that you want me to leave is making me get nice and cozy. And I guarantee after I'm several orders in with happy customers, bloods done, products reviewed you'll STILL be calling me a scammer. And I'll STILL be right here. Taking orders and shipping them.
That's a straight up lie.
It does say we both joined on Feb 18... How long did you wait for your account to get approved? Mine took a little over 2 weeks. And I'm willing to bet there are several accounts that were waiting for approval that ALL got approved on the 18th. Either way. It doesn't matter. Thanks for posting. I was afraid if someone posted they would get bashed just for ordering from me. It DOES "look" really fucking suspicious that both our accounts joined on the 18th though. You got your products. Another member gets his tomorrow and I've got 4 pending. As long as everyone posts something and orders keep coming in eventually everything will come to light completely...I'll still be getting called a scammer though I'm sure lol. I kind of like playing this villain role these guys have created for me. It's funny watching people getting really mad over absolutely NOTHING.
It does say we both joined on Feb 18... How long did you wait for your account to get approved? Mine took a little over 2 weeks. And I'm willing to bet there are several accounts that were waiting for approval that ALL got approved on the 18th. Either way. It doesn't matter. Thanks for posting. I was afraid if someone posted they would get bashed just for ordering from me. It DOES "look" really fucking suspicious that both our accounts joined on the 18th though. You got your products. Another member gets his tomorrow and I've got 4 pending. As long as everyone posts something and orders keep coming in eventually everything will come to light completely...I'll still be getting called a scammer though I'm sure lol. I kind of like playing this villain role these guys have created for me. It's funny watching people getting really mad over absolutely NOTHING.
Well I didn't realize our accounts were made on the same day. I think you're right we really didn't but they were approved with a group of others on the same day. Either way I'm satisfied. I got the product I wanted and got it fast for a fair price. I guess I get the paranoia but dang...lol.
Well I didn't realize our accounts were made on the same day. I think you're right we really didn't but they were approved with a group of others on the same day. Either way I'm satisfied. I got the product I wanted and got it fast for a fair price. I guess I get the paranoia but dang...lol.
It's all good. I'm still getting orders regardless of the negativity. It's probably preventing several people from. ordering but that's actually what I want...just a few here and there for online sales.
Calm down and stop getting yourself all wet, Tron, we’re not friends by a long shot.
I will NOT prevent myself from getting all wet. and YES we ARE friends. I just haven't had time to respond to every one of your pm's. You won't give me enough time to answer one before sending me another. It's not that I don't like you. it's just that I'm busy. Is that what this is all about? me not responding to your pm's fast enough?
@Valiant Distribution neta wey gracias !
Appreciate the quickness with the parapharma I was in a bind with will get back at you with bloods just waiting on my pharmacist in Mexicali HCG & roloxofin on back order.

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First I'll say thank you for posting. second I'll say I'm glad your account wasn't created the same day as mine like the last guy that posted lol. and third i don't carry those single amps shown in your picture. I suppose you are just showing your current stash but you definitely didn't get the amps from ME. When you get your bloods be sure you are only on the products I sent you. Enjoy. That Bold 500 is great shit man.
I will NOT prevent myself from getting all wet. and YES we ARE friends. I just haven't had time to respond to every one of your pm's. You won't give me enough time to answer one before sending me another. It's not that I don't like you. it's just that I'm busy. Is that what this is all about? me not responding to your pm's fast enough?
You got jokes Tron, good deflection.