No I won't go away. I'm communicating with those who wish to communicate. If you don't like it then stop COMMUNICATING with me. I really do not understand your anger. I'm transparently offering a product to purchase. Those who purchase will receive what they order. Those who don't purchase will not receive an order because...well..ummm...they didn't order anything. Why does that anger you?
I'll continue to post here if I want to, if you don't like it too bad. You obviously don't know how meso works, you're the guest here.

And you think I'm actually angry? You better be glad you didn't come months ago when a few other members were still here. You would have got a lot more crap that the little I'm giving you.
I'll continue to post here if I want to, if you don't like it too bad. You obviously don't know how meso works, you're the guest here.

And you think I'm actually angry? You better be glad you didn't come months ago when a few other members were still here. You would have got a lot more crap that the little I'm giving you.
No you didn't understand the context of my statement. I don't care at ALL if you post here. I simply stated there's irony in you telling me to stop communicating as you continue to communicate with me. It would be rude for me to not respond. I expected "crap" to come when I came here. You say you aren't angry yet your posts seem to be directed towards me in a derogatory way. But if you say you aren't "angry" then I give you the benefit of the doubt. maybe you are just "bothered" by me and for that I do truly apologize. My intentions are not to bother anyone. My intentions are to sell products to transparently sale products to those who wish to purchase them for a profit. And unfortunately a side effect of making money is "hate". it always has and always will be. and that is something I've made peace with and it will not thwart my efforts in any way.
No you didn't understand the context of my statement. I don't care at ALL if you post here. I simply stated there's irony in you telling me to stop communicating as you continue to communicate with me. It would be rude for me to not respond. I expected "crap" to come when I came here. You say you aren't angry yet your posts seem to be directed towards me in a derogatory way. But if you say you aren't "angry" then I give you the benefit of the doubt. maybe you are just "bothered" by me and for that I do truly apologize. My intentions are not to bother anyone. My intentions are to sell products to transparently sale products to those who wish to purchase them for a profit. And unfortunately a side effect of making money is "hate". it always has and always will be. and that is something I've made peace with and it will not thwart my efforts in any way.
"My intentions are to sell products to transparently sale products " lol I even confused myself with that one.
What's up guys and gals. I'm new to this forum. I did read the rules and I didn't see anything about not being able to solicit steroid sells. I'm going to be completely transparent with everyone here. I purchase in bulk from overseas quality sources for special low bulk prices and resell them. I do this with some US domestic sources as well but only those who have proven themselves over a course of time and have jano tests to back up the quality of the products along with a history of good reviews. Primarily recent reviews is really of top importance. I have been selling locally for a couple years and have built a flawless reputation in my local area. My reputation is of utmost importance to me. In some cases like this new venture into online sells all I have is my word and a list of products with prices a lot lower than you'll find on these sources actual websites to which I'm hoping to gain trust in the community. I'm super "small time". I'm not looking to get rich. I'm just looking to generate enough revenue to eventually stop doing this and open my own legit business. I'm 100 percent US domestic. I don't ask for anything for the Shipping accept what it costs me. I'm not making a whole lot on each product because I truly believe once a few people experience my services word will get out quickly. when it does I'll quit my full time job and dedicate all my time to filling orders and keeping bulk orders coming in to maintain stock. I've got one other business partner so right now this is a two man operation. I don't have a SET T/A on the products but I can tell you as SOON as you send the funds I'm putting the order together and it will be Shipped out immediately. I don't play with peoples money. I've been burned once or twice in my 15 years of dealing with underground sources online and economically it makes ZERO sense for me to take your money and run when I can make so much more in the long run by providing a good honest service in a not so honest world. I'm asking for a $100 minimum order for right now but I'm willing to work with you if you don't quite meet that minimum. The products I have right now are Parapharma, Hilma Biocare and DC pharmaceuticals. Once I sell out of the DC pharmaceuticals I'm going to only be selling Parapharma and Hilma. Those are the two companies I've negotiated bulk purchase deals with. I'll be getting a wider selection in the near future. I do have a decent selection right now though. Man, just email me and I'll gladly be transparent with you on any questions you might have. All of my products DO have the expiration dates and everything up to par. it's all very recent purchases. Email me and I will send you a price list. On most orders I'll say the shipping is just an additional 10 bucks. I'll supply you with a tracking number and keep you updated on the entire process. I'm just a regular guy that's been struggling in this post covid world (well sort of "post") It IS still going on but we are getting along a lot better now than when it first came around. I'm trying to earn your trust in an untrustworthy world so I do plan on it being an obstacle. But I can only compensate for that through providing flawless services for you. If you like any of the brands I listed then you are REALLY going to like my prices. And the fact you don't have to go through overseas sources to get the products is a huge factor swaying in my favor to succeeding. Email me and let's chat. Thank you for reading this and am looking forward to becoming a positive staple in this community for providing excellent products and excellent service with even MORE excellent prices.
Have you ever heard of something called paragraphs and indentations? Like, grade 5 English classes?
Have you ever heard of something called paragraphs and indentations? Like, grade 5 English classes?
This comment is confusing. I understand your question and sarcasm is my second language. Third language being Ethiopian tic tock sounds. But the way you follow it up is that particular context you would be saying paragraphs and indentations are similar to grade 5 English classes and that cannot be true. Because paragraphs are subdivisions of written compositions whilst indentations CAN be cuts or notches in something OR can simply be the act of indenting (for example a sentence). Neither one can be a grade 5 English class. I DO know how to properly use paragraphs and indentations in writing. However, it's very impractical when I'm using my phone on a forum. You also don't have to use paragraphs and indentations to be smarter than someone as shown in this response to you.
This comment is confusing. I understand your question and sarcasm is my second language. Third language being Ethiopian tic tock sounds. But the way you follow it up is that particular context you would be saying paragraphs and indentations are similar to grade 5 English classes and that cannot be true. Because paragraphs are subdivisions of written compositions whilst indentations CAN be cuts or notches in something OR can simply be the act of indenting (for example a sentence). Neither one can be a grade 5 English class. I DO know how to properly use paragraphs and indentations in writing. However, it's very impractical when I'm using my phone on a forum. You also don't have to use paragraphs and indentations to be smarter than someone as shown in this response to you.
It would just make it easier to read. I got a headache reading that lol, not a great start. Good luck with all future business though. Speaking frankly, how is business?
It would just make it easier to read. I got a headache reading that lol, not a great start. Good luck with all future business though. Speaking frankly, how is business?
Only two paid orders from meso members so far. They shipped today. I sent the first order received 3 free bottles of Test C out of appreciation for being the FIRST (insert pat on own back HERE) lol. I wish I could afford to send out a bunch of free samples. It's not REALLY going to matter WHAT I do on here or what I SAY on here. I'll continue to be called a "scammer" for a while. But I completely expected that. I can't just show up on a forum as the new guy and expect everyone to trust me. All in all the vet members are properly doing what they are supposed to do. I simply can't just SAY I'm not a scammer and that I have GOOD products. It takes time and longevity to build a reputation. It certainly did with local sales. I really messed up in my introduction to this place. But I'm not one to quit in facing diversity. I'm not trying to become a big source. I'm just trying to earn some online customers here and there and let the product and service speak for itself. I've asked the members to share their experiences and hopefully they will. If I don't make it here all I hope is that ones who did purchase will come back and that they will tell others.
T R O N ————————— T R O N
What is this obsession with a former member of a completely different forum that you and a few others seem to have? Has he made such an impact on your lives that you continue to speak of him long after he is gone and not to mention was no part of this forum? I believe when you speak that much of someone after they are dead that person is considered to be a bit of a legend... no? Do you think he would be on a different forum chanting "BIGHULK3012...BIGHULK3012!!!" I'll bet NOT. I'll bet he doesn't even have a clue who you are on HERE. or are/where on the eroids forum. In fact I'm CERTAIN of it.
First Baby!

Also boy did you miss a-lot;

-Proof of stock with folded up piece of paper, dated and "meso rx" written on it.
-Tell us the prices as well as what you offer, I shouldn't have to email you to find out.
-You say you have jano tests, then post them.
-It's not new source friday.

-Do you store customer data?
-Do you reimburse for customer blind testing?
-What do you accept for payment?

Prepare to get torn apart by everyone else...


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