Damn Tron, can’t believe you got the promo gear from eroids and went straight here with your brand new company LOL. Name should be PromoFed Pharma.
That's the first thing you you've said that I can at I

Damn Tron, can’t believe you got the promo gear from eroids and went straight here with your brand new company LOL. Name should be PromoFed Pharma.
I don't have an account on eroids, "Bighulk". Eroids doesn't allow sales unless you are verified. I'm not even sure how that works. And purchasing bulk gear for bulk prices is not "promo gear". The whole reason people purchase bulk is to resell it. Is it not? I've been doing this for a few years. Just never attempted online sales. I'm assuming "Tron" was a scammer on eroids seeing how that account appears to be banned and you use that term here in a derogatory manner. You can call me whatever you wish. It's not going to prevent me from my attempt at expanding. I completely expected a lot of negativity when I came here. Regardless I AM getting order inquiries via email. Those customers will purchase and receive what they pay for in a timely manner. And hopefully they will share their experiences HERE...I'm sorry if it bothers you that I'm trying to make money.
I like my version better.
No, you're wrong. The gear is all photoshopped...in fact there's actually nothing there but the note. That's the only thing that's there. I even photoshopped the table that the non existent gear is sitting on. and only one of the plastic bags is real. I photoshopped the others. And there ARE titties in the picture. But I photoshopped those our. BIG ONES.
I don't have an account on eroids, "Bighulk". Eroids doesn't allow sales unless you are verified. I'm not even sure how that works. And purchasing bulk gear for bulk prices is not "promo gear". The whole reason people purchase bulk is to resell it. Is it not? I've been doing this for a few years. Just never attempted online sales. I'm assuming "Tron" was a scammer on eroids seeing how that account appears to be banned and you use that term here in a derogatory manner. You can call me whatever you wish. It's not going to prevent me from my attempt at expanding. I completely expected a lot of negativity when I came here. Regardless I AM getting order inquiries via email. Those customers will purchase and receive what they pay for in a timely manner. And hopefully they will share their experiences HERE...I'm sorry if it bothers you that I'm trying to make money.
Bro you literally type like him, paragraphs, mannerisms, etc.
Bro you literally type like him, paragraphs, mannerisms, etc.

Bro you literally type like him, paragraphs, mannerisms, etc.
You must know him well. I've never been able to identify someone by how they type. It really doesn't matter man. call me "Tron" or "asshole" or whatever/whoever you want. All I'm doing is offering a service in which if someone buys I'll send them what they order. I'm trying to make a profit..YES. of course. But I'm not scamming. I don't see why anyone would hate on someone for doing that. Just like going to a store. you see a product but don't like the price you don't buy it and look somewhere else. my prices are what they are brother.
I'm 45, anyone under 35 is a kid! Lmao
Haha oh yeah? wait until you turn 55! The thing is with TRT and GH we can still have young bodies. The face thing ...well...there's always botox I suppose. I feel extremely youthful. Lots of energy and I can still go extremely hard in the gym. And I'm going to continue to do so until my body won't let me. I look at guys like Ronnie Coleman and it makes me sad. But to compare myself to Ronnie Coleman is just silly.
Not really silly, I understand your meaning with the comparison. Coleman just broke himself though
What's up guys and gals. I'm new to this forum. I did read the rules and I didn't see anything about not being able to solicit steroid sells. I'm going to be completely transparent with everyone here. I purchase in bulk from overseas quality sources for special low bulk prices and resell them. I do this with some US domestic sources as well but only those who have proven themselves over a course of time and have jano tests to back up the quality of the products along with a history of good reviews. Primarily recent reviews is really of top importance. I have been selling locally for a couple years and have built a flawless reputation in my local area. My reputation is of utmost importance to me. In some cases like this new venture into online sells all I have is my word and a list of products with prices a lot lower than you'll find on these sources actual websites to which I'm hoping to gain trust in the community. I'm super "small time". I'm not looking to get rich. I'm just looking to generate enough revenue to eventually stop doing this and open my own legit business. I'm 100 percent US domestic. I don't ask for anything for the Shipping accept what it costs me. I'm not making a whole lot on each product because I truly believe once a few people experience my services word will get out quickly. when it does I'll quit my full time job and dedicate all my time to filling orders and keeping bulk orders coming in to maintain stock. I've got one other business partner so right now this is a two man operation. I don't have a SET T/A on the products but I can tell you as SOON as you send the funds I'm putting the order together and it will be Shipped out immediately. I don't play with peoples money. I've been burned once or twice in my 15 years of dealing with underground sources online and economically it makes ZERO sense for me to take your money and run when I can make so much more in the long run by providing a good honest service in a not so honest world. I'm asking for a $100 minimum order for right now but I'm willing to work with you if you don't quite meet that minimum. The products I have right now are Parapharma, Hilma Biocare and DC pharmaceuticals. Once I sell out of the DC pharmaceuticals I'm going to only be selling Parapharma and Hilma. Those are the two companies I've negotiated bulk purchase deals with. I'll be getting a wider selection in the near future. I do have a decent selection right now though. Man, just email me and I'll gladly be transparent with you on any questions you might have. All of my products DO have the expiration dates and everything up to par. it's all very recent purchases. Email me and I will send you a price list. On most orders I'll say the shipping is just an additional 10 bucks. I'll supply you with a tracking number and keep you updated on the entire process. I'm just a regular guy that's been struggling in this post covid world (well sort of "post") It IS still going on but we are getting along a lot better now than when it first came around. I'm trying to earn your trust in an untrustworthy world so I do plan on it being an obstacle. But I can only compensate for that through providing flawless services for you. If you like any of the brands I listed then you are REALLY going to like my prices. And the fact you don't have to go through overseas sources to get the products is a huge factor swaying in my favor to succeeding. Email me and let's chat. Thank you for reading this and am looking forward to becoming a positive staple in this community for providing excellent products and excellent service with even MORE excellent prices.

I'm going to say this guy's because it needs to be said. I want to start with a genuine apology for all of my rookie mistakes here. All of the written rules as well as unspoken rules that you all go buy. I have absolutely zero malicious intentions. I'm trying to make money. I'm offering a product and will send it if purchased. There's absolutely no way I can say I'm not a scammer because that has to be proven and I completely respect that. I've got one guy that ordered a few items and another inquiry that is planning to order. I hope they share their experiences here. My introduction is VERY cringe worthy lol. Honestly guys I'm intimidated by all the vets here and stumbled my words as I typed. And as far as my Long winded p q68
First Baby!

Also boy did you miss a-lot;

-Proof of stock with folded up piece of paper, dated and "meso rx" written on it.
-Tell us the prices as well as what you offer, I shouldn't have to email you to find out.
-You say you have jano tests, then post them.
-It's not new source friday.

-Do you store customer data?
-Do you reimburse for customer blind testing?
-What do you accept for payment?

Prepare to get torn apart by everyone else...
Canine to you and everyone else I'm going to say what needs to be said. I apologize GREATLY for my ill prepared introduction. And the cringe factor is completely embarrassing and I truly am humiliated and very humbled by the constructive criticism. (even the guys that told me to fuck off) lol. As far as my long winded paragraphs that's me being nervous on what I say and just the fear of failure. I'm not trying to become a big source by any means nor am I capable. My prices are set so that I can make some profit and I'm not making a big profit but enough so that it's worth my time. That being said the prices are what they are. If you order you WILL get what you order in a timely fashion. I don't expect a lot of orders. Never was it my intention. Just reaching out and of course if I make one sale it was one sale that I wouldn't have made otherwise. And I actually do have one order from this and one other strong possibility. I just hope they can share their experiences on here. If I don't make anymore sales after that my wish is to still be a part of this forum. I have a lot of experience but not nearly the experience of some of the vets on here. I'll share what little I know and learn what I don't know. I hope I can stick around and you all can get to know me and vice versa. I've tried a couple other forums (not as a source) but honestly I just didn't like the vibe. Never decided to be a part of the communities. I honestly like the way you guys came at me and set me straight. I appreciate that kind of communication because egotistical meat heads like us don't really respond to anything else lol. Thanks guys. I'm glad you got a laugh at my expense on my cringe worthy intro. At least there's THAT. I'll learn from it and do better. in the meantime I hope I can contribute positively to this community. Thank you again.


"valiant Distribution"-