

New Member
Hey guys,
I've been a lurker on here for a couple months and decided to finally join. I plan on spending quite a bit more time reading and educating myself. Sometimes my deductive reasoning skills aren't the best, but I'm learning.

I'm 5'8" 175 lbs, 30 years old. Been training since high school for sports and the such. Due to recent injuries I had to take a year off of everything but legs, abs, and cardio. Still kept a good shape. Naturally, I lost muscle so that's why I'm here.

Looking forward to learnng from you gents!
Welcome to MESO bro:) Nice intro btw;) Read, learn, an don't forget to enjoy lol:D
Thanks guys. I considered using AAS back when I was around 21. However, most of the reading I did back then said that wasn't the best idea. Being 30 now, I'm glad I waited. On that note, I'm researching a first cycle. I'm hoping I can contribute to this board in the process. :)
Bro take your time. Do as much research as you can. Read as much stuff about what you want to take and put in your body. Read the good stuff the bad stuff just keep yourself educated. You'll be fine.
Welcome bro, search bar for the forum has a lot of your questions already answered just fyi. Don't post shit where it don't belong lol guys dont like that. Enjoy.
Thanks for the tips bros! I already spend too much time on here, according to the ol lady lol. I feel like I'm spinning my wheels on most of the source threads. I'll figure it out, but Ho Lee Fuck is there some ball-washing of sources. Lol. Just about the time I think I have it all figured out, someone smarter than me drops some knowledge and shoots my whole plan to smithereens. Back to reading. Cheers bros!
Thanks for the tips bros! I already spend too much time on here, according to the ol lady lol. I feel like I'm spinning my wheels on most of the source threads. I'll figure it out, but Ho Lee Fuck is there some ball-washing of sources. Lol. Just about the time I think I have it all figured out, someone smarter than me drops some knowledge and shoots my whole plan to smithereens. Back to reading. Cheers bros!

Ho Lee Fuck, I know that bitch.
She's gives the best dry handies in town.
I'm looking forward to it! I've got a buddy pushing a lab on me like he's a rep for them right now.:confused: I've politely told him I'm still doing my research trying to read about as many options as I possibly can. Always more reading I can do!
I'm looking forward to it! I've got a buddy pushing a lab on me like he's a rep for them right now.:confused: I've politely told him I'm still doing my research trying to read about as many options as I possibly can. Always more reading I can do!

Good place to start is to look at for some ugl testing scores. Other wise look around for human gear or vet gear. Take your time though and research