Hi Meso,
Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a mid 40s male from California. I've never bought anything from the UGL until just recently. The last time I think I read about this stuff, all this testing didn't exist and a good quality source was based on customers not dying and their gainz. A bit to sketch ass for me.
But man, things have really changed. Vendors now test almost everything for purity and hopefully soon for sterility!
And the peptide scene is also amazing. Tirz from a trusted vendor is like 1/100th the cost vs Eli Lilly. It's amazing.
Anyway, I hope to learn from you all and I'll share my experience too. I hope to become a somewhat valuable contributor. At the very least, I am very pro vendor testing - I want the goal posts to be as close to pharma as possible - yes, even if it costs more. There comes a point in everyone's life where harm reduction is the name of the game and is worth the extra money.
Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a mid 40s male from California. I've never bought anything from the UGL until just recently. The last time I think I read about this stuff, all this testing didn't exist and a good quality source was based on customers not dying and their gainz. A bit to sketch ass for me.
But man, things have really changed. Vendors now test almost everything for purity and hopefully soon for sterility!
And the peptide scene is also amazing. Tirz from a trusted vendor is like 1/100th the cost vs Eli Lilly. It's amazing.
Anyway, I hope to learn from you all and I'll share my experience too. I hope to become a somewhat valuable contributor. At the very least, I am very pro vendor testing - I want the goal posts to be as close to pharma as possible - yes, even if it costs more. There comes a point in everyone's life where harm reduction is the name of the game and is worth the extra money.