
our Jintropin is a high quality replica, it is not made in our own lab, so we dont' want to test it , but we are sure its quality is good, for we don't get any complains from our customers.
we just made orange top puretropin gh and grey top puretropin gh in our lab, :)
Is this a joke?
Test and EQ are overdosed by 10%. Deca is overdosed by 20%. Primo underdosed by 10%. Either you’re not testing your raws and adding the “10% extra for the big guy” or your brewer sucks at his job.
Why has your precious source not answered the simplest of questions in this thread?
LOL, he’s not my precious source and I can’t answer that for him. I’m not married to anyone and honestly if I decide to use someone else i will. His stuff works and my bloodwork is good so I will keep using it for now.
Needs to be said you are running a sponsored log, for those new members here who don't know. We have a Better hgh source, with way cheaper prices and better purity.

I have been using, and have been pleased with the orange tops. I have been paying $1200 for 10 kits. If you have a better source I would definitely be interested in trying them. I would especially love a domestic source as the orange tops come directly from China.
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Also, I have been using Iron Lion raws for a long time. I use them because they have been consistently solid.

However, it is a PITA to ship from China (I constantly have to find a receiver) and their prices are not cheap. I just paid out the ass for some Primo Raws...I would LOVE to find a domestic source with decent prices.
Actually it’s not. I have called out my old sponsored source when gear was not up to par. I will never sugar coat anything if it’s not solid gear. So far things are good. If at anytime things go the other way I will most definitely call out Iron Lion. That’s why I always do bloodwork because the proof is in the pudding. I have been doing this long enough that I know what my levels should be. So far IL gear is on par with my typical levels.

I wasn’t implying that my strength was only going up because of Iron Lion gear, because you’re right that would be silly. I was simply stating since I’m pushing now that my strength is going up. Maybe I worded it incorrectly. I appreciate your opinion man and by no means have any hard feelings. I will be logging my progress all the way up to my Pro Debut and would love to have you follow along. Take care bro.

I don't mean to knock you...I have seen your pics and you look very good. However you got your pro card in classic physique and not open bodybuilding, I've seen a bunch of guys in classic who never placed higher than second in their class (class winners then can compete for the overall) in open at local shows switch to classic and boom, get a pro card. I just feel that needs to be pointed out. Having said that I have had the same (consistently good) experience with Iron Lion for years, that is why I have not tried anyone else in a while.

Also, in terms of the HGH, a lot of the criticism has been directed at their attempt to copy Jin's.....and I agree that copying a proven product does raise some red flags. Why do that? It does not make sense because the orange tops have consistently been a proven product. I used Jins back in the day and I think the orange tops are close to as good.

Like I said....I have had consistently good results from IL raws and HGH. I can't take a risk on bad products, so I stick with them. But guys on here are saying there are better products for better prices and shipped domestic. I would be very interested in those products. Please PM me if anyone has info they would like to share.

Happy lifting to all.
I have been using, and have been pleased with the orange tops. I have been paying $1200 for 10 kits. If you have a better source I would definitely be interested in trying them. I would especially love a domestic source as the orange tops come directly from China.
Look at Opti here. He has better quality with better prices and usa domestic. His blacktops tested at 97% purity, 11iu, and $110 each.