
As you're not mentioning this on your website, customers are buying this (at a premium price) believing it's the real thing, so you're basically scamming them. As you already know this and appealing to your morals won't work, consider whether the profit from selling this 'replica' outweighs getting stuck with the reputation of being a scammer for the rest of your existence here on Meso.
Aren’t u a source here ? Why are you in posting in this thread to begin with? Poor etiquette amongst sources that’s for sure. That’s why you will prob never source any other respectable board. SMH …
Aren’t u a source here ? Why are you in posting in this thread to begin with? Poor etiquette amongst sources that’s for sure. That’s why you will prob never source any other respectable board. SMH …
Tell me all about any other respectable board but exclude those with paid protection programmes please.
Sources don’t post in other sources threads . It’s caddy and makes u look bad, listen no one has buy anything here, but don’t come in someone’s thread and make remarks you can’t prove? Try and do that’ on OLM, PM and anasci and you will be warned then gone before u know what happened to you. Had nothing to do with lion. Just happen to be in his thread .. there are no rules here. It’s completely ridiculous as far as Board etiquette goes. What other boards to source on? Exactly
And why would you be selling this 'replica' at a premium price (and profit margin) when you actually advise your customers against purchasing it?
Does he come In your thread and tell you how to sell or how much to sell stuff for or if he feels your prices are to high? You’re ridiculous, here is some advice , mind your own fucking business.
Does he come In your thread and tell you how to sell or how much to sell stuff for or if he feels your prices are to high? You’re ridiculous, here is some advice , mind your own fucking business.
Sources should post in other sources Thread if there is reason to do so - to avoid harm being done, to make customer aware of fakes etc.etc. Whats wrong with doing that?
you dont seem to understand the mission of the meso board?
Sources don’t post in other sources threads . It’s caddy and makes u look bad, listen no one has buy anything here, but don’t come in someone’s thread and make remarks you can’t prove? Try and do that’ on OLM, PM and anasci and you will be warned then gone before u know what happened to you. Had nothing to do with lion. Just happen to be in his thread .. there are no rules here. It’s completely ridiculous as far as Board etiquette goes. What other boards to source on? Exactly
I would never make remarks I can't prove, just ones that you're apparently unable to comprehend. You want @Millard to protect sources that sell counterfeit pharma HGH or "replica" (not marked as such on the website for a reason you would never guess) from being called out? Just tag Millard with a list of suggestions how Meso can improve its board etiquette to better protect these poor sources' business from financial harm at all costs like those other respectable boards.
I’m not the one who decides who is a sponsored source here.
The banner means that I am a sponsor of Meso (= I voluntarily gave Millard some cash meow), not that Meso is a sponsor of me or any other source. There's no special treatment involved as you will notice upon reading that harm reduction thread where we got into it recently.
we think you can go to take care of yourselves, thanks,
you can ask the admin, whether we breat the rule or not,
whether we cheat others or not,
pls go away , and take care of yourselves and your thread. thanks
The banner means that I am a sponsor of Meso (= I voluntarily gave Millard some cash meow), not that Meso is a sponsor of me or any other source. There's no special treatment involved as you will notice upon reading that harm reduction thread where we got into it recently.
we think you can go to take care of yourselves, thanks,
you can ask the admin, whether we breat the rule or not,
whether we cheat others or not,
pls go away , and take care of yourselves and your thread. thanks

You could mix actual poison into your counterfeit Jintropin and would probably not bread a rule, as the admin placed the responsibility to protect the community from financial and physical harm solely on its members (and then the majority of members capable of vetting sources properly got banned).
You could mix actual poison into your counterfeit Jintropin and would probably not bread a rule, as the admin placed the responsibility to protect the community from financial and physical harm solely on its members (and then the majority of members capable of vetting sources properly got banned).

you dn't need to worry about it, we dont' cheat anybody and if someone need to order it, we will let them know it is replica,everybody have their own need, now you can go to take care of your own board, thanks, or you can go to be a guard on your own board and take care of your own goods' quality, thanks,