Is anyone else getting bad pip from castor oil?


I've been using legit bayer rimobolans from a trusted source on here for a while now and every single pin gives me PIP.

Supposedly many pharma companies use castor and it shouldn't cause PIP problems for most people. But is there anyone else out there who is also having PIP with Castor oil?

The thickness is no problem, i can get it through a 29g syringe easily. Im warming it up very much and also injecting slowly, and even tried different locations on the body, still PIP.
It's not the oil, it's the primo.

I use pharmacopeia grade castor oil exclusively for the past 9 months for my brews and have ZERO pip even with higher concentrations and BB content.
I doubt it narta, because primo at 100mg/ml is very tolerable for most, never heard anyone complain about it. It's the 200mg/ml that some people have problems with.
The only thing I’ve ever got PIP from in the past was a primo @75mg/ml.

I doubt it narta, because primo at 100mg/ml is very tolerable for most, never heard anyone complain about it. It's the 200mg/ml that some people have problems with.

Have you used primo before or are you going on what you’ve heard?
The only thing I’ve ever got PIP from in the past was a primo @75mg/ml.

Have you used primo before or are you going on what you’ve heard?
Sorry i should have clarified in my post, i switched from MCT Primo 100 i was using to the Bayer rimobolans and im having good gains but the PIP is raping me. MCT i have no problem with.
Sorry i should have clarified in my post, i switched from MCT Primo 100 i was using to the Bayer rimobolans and im having good gains but the PIP is raping me. MCT i have no problem with.
check the BB content of the rimo.... some pharma use tons of bb with castor and some people have issues with it but its pretty rare ussually BA is a more likely culprit but pharma stuff is pretty conservative with it but idk anything obout rimobolan recipe...
I’m assuming that the castor oil extends the half life by approximately 50%. I’ve not seen any studies though.

Pharma companies often don’t publish their research.
The only thing I’ve ever got PIP from in the past was a primo @75mg/ml.

Have you used primo before or are you going on what you’ve heard?
Never ran primo, might never. But going of what "I've heard" people get it at a 100mg/ml so y not 75 aswell?
Guys i found out why im having crazy PIP with bayer rimos. According to another user bayer uses very high amounts of BB in their gear.

Up to 50% BB 0% BA in Nebido Test U and 30% BB 0% BA in their (Testoviron/Rimobolan).

I think it's true, maybe even HIGHER than 30% BB, because the Rimobolan medicine information leaflet says it contains 522mg castor oil & 405,4mg benzyl benzoate per 1 ml amp.

Which is above the standard of 10-20% BB used in UGL brews.
Up to 50% BB 0% BA in Nebido Test U and 30% BB 0% BA in their (Testoviron/Rimobolan).

I think it's true, maybe even HIGHER than 30% BB, because the Rimobolan medicine information leaflet says it contains 522mg castor oil & 405,4mg benzyl benzoate per 1 ml amp.
That is correct. I think Rimobolan is 50% BB like Nebido, don't quote me on that.

You are maybe sensitive to higher BB. I would opt to continue using ugl in mct oil