Is HPLC steroid testing profitable?


New Member
Supposing the net profit for each test is $100 (it´s likely a bit lower, probably more like $60 or $80)
you'll need 500 tests to break even with $50k HPLC equiment costs.
I can see 500 tests being easily achievable in a years time if your in that kind of business imo.
there is also cost of consumables, you cannot just pump your samples into equipment and have results. Solvents, standards, separation columns (they can cost up to $1000 and last only for a few hundreds tests) other parts.

Then you need to buy new, run standards again to calibrate. This is the reason I am concerned about the results when somebody runs something in the basement. You can have false readings or be way off.
I don't think they actually buy HPLC equipment planning to test gear, right from the beginning.

Rather, when existing labs get that big-pharma contract suddenly cancelled and installments are due
...they consider testing gear (and maybe other drugs too)
there is also cost of consumables, you cannot just pump your samples into equipment and have results. Solvents, standards, separation columns (they can cost up to $1000 and last only for a few hundreds tests) other parts.

Then you need to buy new, run standards again to calibrate. This is the reason I am concerned about the results when somebody runs something in the basement. You can have false readings or be way off.
@mercury You seem very knowledgeable about HPLC I must admit
why don't you get in the HPLC testing business yourself?
(even if it's for pharma QC, not gear testing)
There was a guy with nick name Angus he was professor at University in Texas. He was on eroids, testing for people.

At the end it got him time in jail, lost job. It was not worth.

You could I setup something and accept only from countries where having small amounts for personal use in legal. But when UGLs start sending you samples and posting results all over the place it will get attention of LE sooner or later. I remember Simec had some legal problems and they were refusing samples from USA.
There was a guy with nick name Angus he was professor at University in Texas. He was on eroids, testing for people.

At the end it got him time in jail, lost job. It was not worth.

You could I setup something and accept only from countries where having small amounts for personal use in legal. But when UGLs start sending you samples and posting results all over the place it will get attention of LE sooner or later. I remember Simec had some legal problems and they were refusing samples from USA.
Yeah, you'll probably need to move to another country (and take the HPLC machine with you)

Why don't you get in HPLC pharma QC?
Again, you seem very knowledgeable, so not doing it would be a wasted talent.
There was a guy with nick name Angus he was professor at University in Texas. He was on eroids, testing for people.
No. That's still not true. Angus didn't do any testing. Angus wasn't a professor at the University of Texas. And neither was the guy who actually did the testing for him. The facts have changed in the last 18 months. Read below \/
Remeber Angus from eroids, he is serving now jail time for testing for UGLs.
That's not true. Any prison time for Angus is due to conviction for conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute and dispense Schedule III controlled substances for selling at least $600,000 worth of anabolic steroids during a 7-month period via the Internet on websites like trustedanabolicsolutons.

The guy who actually tested UGL steroids in this case was the director of the mass spectometry lab at Auburn University. That guy only received a misdemeanor steroid possession charge and that was only because he didn't have DEA license to test controlled substances.