Is Insulin the real killer in bodybuilding and not AAS/GH

From what I've gathered going through the reports, indeed.

The combination of long term abuse causing severe heart hypertrophy combined with acute insult, such as severe dehydration, coronary artery spasms from cocaine etc is quite a lethal combo.
Okay now we're talking janoshik!
As a diabetic myself I can tell you that symptoms of hypoglycemia become less and less as time goes on. As someone screwing around with insulin who isn't dependent on it, yea when sugar drops their body will go into a fight or flight mode where they'll sweat, become irritable, and act confused. As someone who dips over and over again I can tell you that these symptoms can disappear and you won't know it and then you'll prick your finger and your glucose will be fucking 40!

What all these guys ARE NOT SHARING is that they are in fact diabetics who absolutely cannot come off the insulin. You cannot shovel that much food down your throat for years on end, walk around at that kind of mass, constantly run high amounts of HGH and insulin without turning yourself into a damn diabetic.

I would not wish diabetes on anyone. God if I could go back to a day where I could just fucking eat and not worry about sticking myself with insulin, pricking my finger 5x a fucking day, or the mood fluctuations depending on how my glucose is......

Stay the fuck away from insulin, I don't give a damn if your Ronnie Coleman or Joe Schmoe, nobody wants to live as a diabetic!!

Man you would like to know what was your insulin dosage and which types did you use? if you dont mind
* i would like to know
Truth be told, I took insulin on occasion for durations of less than 4 weeks and usually never exceeded 10iu per day. I primarily ran humulin R, I would say about 4 or 5 runs total in my 20's, again durations of less than 4 wks total and rarely used it more than once a year. I used humalog maybe twice during that time.

I ran HGH 2-3x at the most during that time period. I had experience using insulin with the HGH as well as insulin solo, which is why I'm saying that solo was more fat gain than anything now looking back on it.

I run lantus and nolvalog pens now, since I'm prescribed them. I use about 36iu per day of the lantus (24 hr insulin) and I would say on average of 60 units a day of nolvalog, but if I'm eating pretty tight and lowering carbs I can get away with about 30iu a day of nolvalog.

There are so many things concerning glucose that ppl aren't aware of, for example often times WITHOUT any carbs it can get more elevated since the liver dumps sugar into the bloodstream as a survival mechanism. Also, those workouts first thing in the a.m. on an empty stomach can jack your glucose up since the liver especially likes to dump the sugar in that scenario too. Fats can slow down carbohydrate digestion and elevate sugar as well. Something like a ribeye steak with no carbs at all can jack my sugar up to hell and back. It's very tricky, you learn what works and what doesn't over time. For myself, the best thing to control my glucose is a carb controlled diet with proper insulin to accomadate it, but NOT a carb deprived diet. If I keep it under 40 grams of carbs per meal I can usually stay about 5iu per shot of insulin. The average human releases about 50iu per day of insulin naturally I think.

So think of exogenous insulin in a similar way to natural amounts. You eat like shit , you need more insulin and hence store more fat. If someone not on insulin eats like shit they'll produce more insulin and store more fat.
Truth be told, I took insulin on occasion for durations of less than 4 weeks and usually never exceeded 10iu per day. I primarily ran humulin R, I would say about 4 or 5 runs total in my 20's, again durations of less than 4 wks total and rarely used it more than once a year. I used humalog maybe twice during that time.

I ran HGH 2-3x at the most during that time period. I had experience using insulin with the HGH as well as insulin solo, which is why I'm saying that solo was more fat gain than anything now looking back on it.

I run lantus and nolvalog pens now, since I'm prescribed them. I use about 36iu per day of the lantus (24 hr insulin) and I would say on average of 60 units a day of nolvalog, but if I'm eating pretty tight and lowering carbs I can get away with about 30iu a day of nolvalog.

There are so many things concerning glucose that ppl aren't aware of, for example often times WITHOUT any carbs it can get more elevated since the liver dumps sugar into the bloodstream as a survival mechanism. Also, those workouts first thing in the a.m. on an empty stomach can jack your glucose up since the liver especially likes to dump the sugar in that scenario too. Fats can slow down carbohydrate digestion and elevate sugar as well. Something like a ribeye steak with no carbs at all can jack my sugar up to hell and back. It's very tricky, you learn what works and what doesn't over time. For myself, the best thing to control my glucose is a carb controlled diet with proper insulin to accomadate it, but NOT a carb deprived diet. If I keep it under 40 grams of carbs per meal I can usually stay about 5iu per shot of insulin. The average human releases about 50iu per day of insulin naturally I think.

So think of exogenous insulin in a similar way to natural amounts. You eat like shit , you need more insulin and hence store more fat. If someone not on insulin eats like shit they'll produce more insulin and store more fat.

Do you believe it was the insulin use which gave you diabetes?
Why I'm starting to believe this:

The high profile deaths of Luke Sandoe, Dallas Mcarver, and rich Piana and many more. I think they're all insulin related.

In the case of Rich Piana, he passed out and went into a coma. I've heard people say it's because he took not enough insulin before a photo shoot that day. Insulin probably led to everything that happened here.

Dallas Mcarver, died and choked on his food.
Sounds an awful lot like insluin was a part of this too.

Luke Sandoe. His friends are literally suggesting it was from insulin use.

So I'm looking at it like maybe insulin is silently causing the deaths in bodybuilding in the background... Not the AAS or Growth hormone nearly as much.
A looot of these guys are drugs abusers. Cocaine, whatever other shit is going around. A lot have major health problems that doctors bring up, and they ignore.

None of us here are doing ourselves any favors, but let's not pretend fucking with hormones is half as bad as other shit Piana or McCarver were doing.

I used to live in a country famous for its powerlifters. Fucking everybody doing speed all the time.

Inverse... my brother is a slob with type one diabetes. Eats like shit, whatever else. Only times he had issues on insulin was not having enough on him.

He's in his mid 40's, healthy as could hope for.
So are you saying than that when AI pushes estrogen too low it puts these things mentioned at risk? Or is it AI use in general?

I'm basically saying both.

it has other issues too such as insulin resistance, etc.

E2 protects from a lot of the health risks associated from AAS use.

Crushing it down is risky.

Just like Anabolics are at supraphysiological levels, so E2 generally should be too.

Its all about balance and ratios.
I'm basically saying both.

it has other issues too such as insulin resistance, etc.

E2 protects from a lot of the health risks associated from AAS use.

Crushing it down is risky.

Just like Anabolics are at supraphysiological levels, so E2 generally should be too.

Its all about balance and ratios.

Thanks for enlightening me. I don't know everything there is to know, and that's why I'm here.
According to the Anabolic Dr on YouTube rich piana died of steroid abuse. Ie heart attack. His heart was 4x the size of the norm. He was under the care of anabolic doc. The ortopsy said nothing about insulin related death.
According to the Anabolic Dr on YouTube rich piana died of steroid abuse. Ie heart attack. His heart was 4x the size of the norm. He was under the care of anabolic doc. The ortopsy said nothing about insulin related death.

He really should have gone into more detail. That video was pretty scarce on real analysis.

It was more of a scare video.
According to the Anabolic Dr on YouTube rich piana died of steroid abuse. Ie heart attack. His heart was 4x the size of the norm. He was under the care of anabolic doc. The ortopsy said nothing about insulin related death.
Rich piana was not a typical steroid user. Everyone talking about how bad steroids are and how they killed these guys well what do you think will happen when you take grams of gear for multiple years...
1. Rich - rec drug user who documented his heavy gear usage and extreme weight gain periods: use a shit ton of gear with rec drugs and fluxuate weight rapidly and your body (usually heart) goes “nope.”
2. Dallas - use enough gear to then carry 300+lbs around all day stacked on top of a heart issue and...your heart says “nope.“ Dallas could’ve lived if his team gave him the proper advice to shut it down and be safe after the Arnold incident; he had a decade of BB success ahead of him. Didn’t need to rush.
3. Luke - suicide...

So..yeah. Def insulin.
1. Rich - rec drug user who documented his heavy gear usage and extreme weight gain periods: use a shit ton of gear with rec drugs and fluxuate weight rapidly and your body (usually heart) goes “nope.”
2. Dallas - use enough gear to then carry 300+lbs around all day stacked on top of a heart issue and...your heart says “nope.“ Dallas could’ve lived if his team gave him the proper advice to shut it down and be safe after the Arnold incident; he had a decade of BB success ahead of him. Didn’t need to rush.
3. Luke - suicide...

So..yeah. Def insulin.

i heard that the whole coronavirus issue is due to a mutant escherichia coli culture used to make insulin... Insulin doesnt forgive anyone