Is it risky to have international sourced Semiglutide shipped to my house?

I'm in Canada wanting to order Tirz from QSC but also scared that if it gets caught they might come after me. Not really sure if I take the plunge or not.
For being nice hahaha

I actually fell down this rabbit hole. All the risk seems to be on. as usual, sellers. Canada's official web pages on the topic makes no mention of legal consequences for buyers of "unapproved health care products", which Canada classifies most peptides as, but warns of all the health risks of counterfeit drugs, etc. They can of course confiscate whatever they deem a health risk, but no mention of penalties (to buyers).

Digging really deep, in rare instances where any violating party presents an unusual risk by repeatedly violating the law, intentionally evading enforcement, or selling, the case can be referred for prosecution, with - max of 90 days in jail and a $500 fine for a first offense.

That's the US equivalent of a $350 fine and 64 days in jail at current exchange rates.
Seriously, though.
You are in Canada, what is the deal with importing this kind of peptides?
You know, surely.
We know you take glps, but can we ask if you get it domestically, only?
Importation of drugs is still illegal without prescription this applies to all, hence, CBSA contacts the receiver for proper documentation and if it can’t be provided they keep it.

The gray area is peptides. This is why they label all peptides as research only even domestic labs.

The only good thing is I have not heard of any customer getting prosecuted.