Is Ment hair loss safe?


So I take 1mg of finasteride a day with no sides. I use 2% ketoconazole shampoo a few times a week. I use 5% RU-58841 and 5% minoxidil foam on my scalp daily. Clearly, I concerned about further hair loss. Even on primo, I experience no loss of hair on this regiment.

I want to add NPP but I’ve read it’s not a good addition to finasteride. I think Ment would be a good alternative. Does Ment have the same reaction and destroy your hair like NPP/Deca with finasteride?

Also does any have anyone first hand experience with whether or not Ment is hair safe?

Yes, I know all this shit is bad for your hair.

I have a transplant scheduled for year. Just need compounds that will keep from accelerating the loss.

I never took ment. I did like npp 100 a week test 250 a week while on fin for 2 months I didn’t notice any extra shedding with npp/fin.
when i was on fina 1mg a day i never had hairloss from any compounds. with your hair loss protocol you could blast grams of test and never lose one single strand of hair. thats a heavy hair loss stack.
I hope so. My hair line has receded just from genetics. I have a hair transplant scheduled early next year. So once I get my hairline back, I don’t want my money to go to waste or more importantly have my hair recede again.

I honestly think I’m just gonna take the chance and run NPP despite what I’ve read about its reactions with finasteride. Reports seem mixed about it with some people having no hair loss. The accelerated hair loss reaction might be a bunch of bro-science. I’ll just have to rely on the RU-58841 to halt the hair loss if finasteride is ineffective against nandrolone.

It can’t be that much worse than DHTs.
I hope so. My hair line has receded just from genetics. I have a hair transplant scheduled early next year. So once I get my hairline back, I don’t want my money to go to waste or more importantly have my hair recede again.

I honestly think I’m just gonna take the chance and run NPP despite what I’ve read about its reactions with finasteride. Reports seem mixed about it with some people having no hair loss. The accelerated hair loss reaction might be a bunch of bro-science. I’ll just have to rely on the RU-58841 to halt the hair loss if finasteride is ineffective against nandrolone.

It can’t be that much worse than DHTs.
you should be fine. when i was on 1mg fina never lost a hair strand on deca. i think deca is one of the more mild drugs when it comes to hairloss.
1mg oral fin+5%RU+5%Minox is a very serious hair protocol.

I've never heard of anyone having hair loss issues with Trest/Ment, but it's only started to gain in popularity over the last couple years, it could be affecting some people and the reports are just too few that they are falling through the cracks sort of thing.
I hope so. My hair line has receded just from genetics. I have a hair transplant scheduled early next year. So once I get my hairline back, I don’t want my money to go to waste or more importantly have my hair recede again.

I honestly think I’m just gonna take the chance and run NPP despite what I’ve read about its reactions with finasteride. Reports seem mixed about it with some people having no hair loss. The accelerated hair loss reaction might be a bunch of bro-science. I’ll just have to rely on the RU-58841 to halt the hair loss if finasteride is ineffective against nandrolone.

It can’t be that much worse than DHTs.
have you try it yet?
Try reddit compound experience thread's. There is a bunch of anecdotal reports there. From what I have read it's pretty hair safe although some users report extreme hair loss, but I would take that reports with a grain of salt.