Is Nandrolone worth it with my goals?

LOL noted. I guess everyone is built different? Were you not using an AI while on the test + npp?
Not until I got symptoms. One dose of aromasin 12.5mg and raloxifene 50mg knocked it out by the next day.
I think I've figured it out though so I'm going to try another experiment with it in the future. I use testosterone cream which is applied twice a day so it's somewhat similar to TNE and I was just reading nandrolone can be a bitch with TNE. I think the constant rapid spikes in test/e2 could be to blame so next time I will try test e instead since I have plenty, check e2, and then try NPP again
You’ll realize that nandrolone brings on a whole fucking bag-o extra sides. Progestin sides, fuckery with neurotransmitters, it’s an aldosterone agonist, upregulates estrogen receptors..,,

IMO the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. But yes, on a mg-mg basis, it’s nitrogen retention is hard to beat.

I have to run low test, and mast 1:1 with nandrolone.

Some do well with it. And I’m jealous. Squishy joints and your full as a fucking house.
I’ve previously done a 500mg test and 450mg NPP cycle and felt the best I’ve ever felt in my life, but had a floppy donkey dick that could never get off.

About to try 250 Deca and 500mg test. I’m curious if Deca will fuck me up vs. NPP, which did nothing but make me feel great.
I have run low dose NPP (80mg/wk) along side TRT (120-200mg/wk) for quite some time now. It’s been a great addition to TRT with zero known side effects. I do slightly increase my test at times but still stay at a TRT dose.
I have slowly added size and always look full with good pumps in the gym. Not sure how long I will continue to do this, I do have concerns of how damaging this could be as research shows NPP/Deca can be harmful to the contractility of the heart.

I also just added low dose of primo (120mg/wk) for a summer cut. I will keep the primo in for 8-10 weeks.
I have run low dose NPP (80mg/wk) along side TRT (120-200mg/wk) for quite some time now. It’s been a great addition to TRT with zero known side effects. I do slightly increase my test at times but still stay at a TRT dose.
I have slowly added size and always look full with good pumps in the gym. Not sure how long I will continue to do this, I do have concerns of how damaging this could be as research shows NPP/Deca can be harmful to the contractility of the heart.

I also just added low dose of primo (120mg/wk) for a summer cut. I will keep the primo in for 8-10 weeks.
I'm with you on this. Feel great and good blood work on a little bit of added nandrolone and it's potent even at that dose. Some studies don't look good but in the real world bodybuilders and athletes are living long lives after using it even without medications like nebivolol or telmisartan.
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I'm with you on this. Feel great and good blood work on a little bit of added nandrolone and it's potent even at that dose.
I’m a low dose guy all around. I’ve never done large amounts of any AAS and have always seemed to get good results with low dose. The gains may be slower than if I blasted higher amounts but I have not had any sides from the AAS’s I have used by doing it this way.
I’m a low dose guy all around. I’ve never done large amounts of any AAS and have always seemed to get good results with low dose. The gains may be slower than if I blasted higher amounts but I have not had any sides from the AAS’s I have used by doing it this way.
This is the way. This is what I do as well. Some of us don’t care about being IFBB professionals. Some of us just want to enjoy our lives and bodies more.
You’ll realize that nandrolone brings on a whole fucking bag-o extra sides. Progestin sides, fuckery with neurotransmitters, it’s an aldosterone agonist, upregulates estrogen receptors..,,

IMO the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. But yes, on a mg-mg basis, it’s nitrogen retention is hard to beat.

Man this sounds scary and is a turn off lol. Does that apply to NPP, or is that just Deca? Honestly doesn't sound worth it from this perspective. Thanks though this is important to know!!

Squishy joints and your full as a fucking house.

This sounds amazing though lol.
I’ve previously done a 500mg test and 450mg NPP cycle and felt the best I’ve ever felt in my life, but had a floppy donkey dick that could never get off.

About to try 250 Deca and 500mg test. I’m curious if Deca will fuck me up vs. NPP, which did nothing but make me feel great.
That is encouraging to hear (except the donkey dick part hahaha), and at such a high dose too - nice.
I have run low dose NPP (80mg/wk) along side TRT (120-200mg/wk) for quite some time now. It’s been a great addition to TRT with zero known side effects. I do slightly increase my test at times but still stay at a TRT dose.
I have slowly added size and always look full with good pumps in the gym. Not sure how long I will continue to do this, I do have concerns of how damaging this could be as research shows NPP/Deca can be harmful to the contractility of the heart.

I also just added low dose of primo (120mg/wk) for a summer cut. I will keep the primo in for 8-10 weeks.

So you're not even cycling for gains, you're basically just adding a dose of NPP to your TRT regimen?
Nandrolone is fun til its not.

Strong and full yeah, but I felt like shit all the time. Depressed, moody, bitchy, high sex drive but couldn't finish, can lift but no motivations, its alot of progesterone so classic aromatase inhibitors arnt going to help.

If I could go back in time, id rather run a couple mgs of tren the 19-nor benefits and call it a day. But nandrolone doesnt agree with me so that might be worse lol
OP, as you can see; everybody will have a different opinion about a compound and until you give something a try yourself you will not know for sure how you will react. I personally love Deca but I have learned through the years that I just prefer the long esters. I prefer not to have to pin more than 2X week. I remember Dan Duchaine saying how horrible Adrol was and how you will be pissing brown after about a week, get bloated and puffy and feel like complete shit. I avoid Adrol for years. When I finally tried it, I loved it. I didn’t experience any of the side effects he was describing. Live, experiment and learn my man✌
Nandrolone is fun til its not.

Strong and full yeah, but I felt like shit all the time. Depressed, moody, bitchy, high sex drive but couldn't finish, can lift but no motivations, its alot of progesterone so classic aromatase inhibitors arnt going to help.

If I could go back in time, id rather run a couple mgs of tren the 19-nor benefits and call it a day. But nandrolone doesnt agree with me so that might be worse lol
Man, sorry to hear that! But at least you know what (doesn't) work for you - and thanks for sharing.

OP, as you can see; everybody will have a different opinion about a compound and until you give something a try yourself you will not know for sure how you will react. I personally love Deca but I have learned through the years that I just prefer the long esters. I prefer not to have to pin more than 2X week. I remember Dan Duchaine saying how horrible Adrol was and how you will be pissing brown after about a week, get bloated and puffy and feel like complete shit. I avoid Adrol for years. When I finally tried it, I loved it. I didn’t experience any of the side effects he was describing. Live, experiment and learn my man✌
Yes, I can see that now, definitely true. Thanks for sharing your personal experience as well.
Nandrolone is fun til its not.

Strong and full yeah, but I felt like shit all the time. Depressed, moody, bitchy, high sex drive but couldn't finish, can lift but no motivations, its alot of progesterone so classic aromatase inhibitors arnt going to help.

If I could go back in time, id rather run a couple mgs of tren the 19-nor benefits and call it a day. But nandrolone doesnt agree with me so that might be worse lol
Npp just after a week or so felt worse than tren. I was more angry on tren and had a few days that first week of some real rage feelings, but that subsided and i was just edgy. NPP I didn’t even feel human I just had no emotions and didn’t care about anyone else. Had to go as I’m in a relationship I care about lol. And this was 140mg of each
Man, sorry to hear that! But at least you know what (doesn't) work for you - and thanks for sharing.

Yes, I can see that now, definitely true. Thanks for sharing your personal experience as well.

Yea read every post as a N-1 case study. Some do fine with nandrolone.

Regarding mood….usually a sprinkle of nandrolone will actually improve mood. It’s over a period of time, the neurotransmitter effects usually become a problem at higher doses.

In rats, the amygdala lights up like a Christmas tree on high nandrolone (fear/anxiety/stress response)
Start with Deca NPP before trying Deca Durabolin. If you can't handle the sides, you're likely to have the same issues on Deca Durabolin dialed up for a while.
Npp just after a week or so felt worse than tren. I was more angry on tren and had a few days that first week of some real rage feelings, but that subsided and i was just edgy. NPP I didn’t even feel human I just had no emotions and didn’t care about anyone else. Had to go as I’m in a relationship I care about lol. And this was 140mg of each

You mean currently or from your past time experience?
You mean currently or from your past time experience?
Took 140 tren on contest prep, that ended about 4 weeks ago. The first few weeks out of contest prep I switched to 140 npp but that was fucking with me mentally a lot so I dropped it and about a week later I started feeling better

Now that being said, I was on a lot of drugs that were still in my system. The tren, anavar, proviron, and masteron were all still in my system so I may try npp low dose again in the future as there was a good chance it was all the prep drugs interacting with the nandrolone
Yea read every post as a N-1 case study. Some do fine with nandrolone.

Regarding mood….usually a sprinkle of nandrolone will actually improve mood. It’s over a period of time, the neurotransmitter effects usually become a problem at higher doses.

In rats, the amygdala lights up like a Christmas tree on high nandrolone (fear/anxiety/stress response)

Do you know if neurotransmitter effects are only temporary (while on)?

