Is Testosterone only sufficient to get big? (Non-competitive)


New Member
Assuming that you are just a fan of bodybuilding and are not a competitive athlete, is testosterone only more than enough to build good amount of muscle and get big? Like 500-750 mg test with good training, recovery and nutrition in place

Without using any other AAS or HGH.
There are some claims that testosterone is all glycogen and water gains and that is it is a poor muscle builder. Especially those who are pro oral AAS or deca
There are some claims that testosterone is all glycogen and water gains and that is it is a poor muscle builder. Especially those who are pro oral AAS or deca

That's what a mentor of mine for football told me also. Not true but some weight will be water. Ever heard of muscle protein synthesis?
If u have low t 200mgs makes a difference.
There are some claims that testosterone is all glycogen and water gains and that is it is a poor muscle builder. Especially those who are pro oral AAS or deca

These claims can be dismissed if you just look at any buff guy who isn't on gear. When an 18 year old athlete hits peak test levels and puts on 25lbs of muscle over a school year what else would it be?

Test alone won't turn you into Ronnie but it will certainly put you a few steps ahead of nattys
Would he be unable to put those muscle on at 25 or is it the 10% test increase that makes him buff, not the newbie gains?

Honestly all bbding forums are a time waste, ud get bigger if u figured out how to afford 100+ ius of hgh a day then overdiscusing same 15 compounds for 50 years now Like some magical shit is gona come out yet yates 40 years ago was as big as all top bbders today.

you take 100+IUs of GH for a year, ill take "the same 15 compounds" and i guarantee i build more muscle.

go back to reddit
Would he be unable to put those muscle on at 25 or is it the 10% test increase that makes him buff, not the newbie gains?

Honestly all bbding forums are a time waste, ud get bigger if u figured out how to afford 100+ ius of hgh a day then overdiscusing same 15 compounds for 50 years now Like some magical shit is gona come out yet yates 40 years ago was as big as all top bbders today.

That’s a hilarious and ignorant response. I will inform you so you don’t make the same mistake twice.

1) The peak testosterone levels during male puberty are a lot more than a 10% increase.

2) I live in Texas where sports mean more than education. If you’re getting newbie gains at 18 years old, you are about 8 years behind the curve. My city’s high school recently won the state football championship. Those kids were looking like grown men by the end of their sophomore years. Nothing “newbie” about it. I was in 8th grade when the football kids were benching 2-3 plates.
That’s a hilarious and ignorant response. I will inform you so you don’t make the same mistake twice.

1) The peak testosterone levels during male puberty are a lot more than a 10% increase.

2) I live in Texas where sports mean more than education. If you’re getting newbie gains at 18 years old, you are about 8 years behind the curve. My city’s high school recently won the state football championship. Those kids were looking like grown men by the end of their sophomore years. Nothing “newbie” about it. I was in 8th grade when the football kids were benching 2-3 plates.
1) The difference between test levels at 18 and 25 are 10%

2) did they just start working out at 18? If yes thats what the newbie gains come from. If not the reason they didnt make the 25lbs of muscle gain at 17 isnt the 5% test increase. Even a 50% test increase is uselles unless you started real low. The reason is the newbie gains.
you take 100+IUs of GH for a year, ill take "the same 15 compounds" and i guarantee i build more muscle.

go back to reddit
A pro bbder with all roids under the sun eating 6k calories for 20 years being obsessed with bodybuilding and on a bunch of synthol vs random person with acromegally. The random person is bigger.
1) The difference between test levels at 18 and 25 are 10%

2) did they just start working out at 18? If yes thats what the newbie gains come from. If not the reason they didnt make the 25lbs of muscle gain at 17 isnt the 5% test increase. Even a 50% test increase is uselles unless you started real low. The reason is the newbie gains.

1) You are truly a buffoon. An imbecile. You picked the age for peak levels (18) and then chose an age AFTER the decline starts (25). Why don’t you compare a 12 and 19 year olds test levels? You know, when the most substantial growth for men takes place?

2) By your logic then nobody would ever grow naturally after the first 9-12 months of lifting. Newbie gains and AAS are the only way to grow (except testosterone).
Once the newbie gains pass you will literally never get bigger without GH or Deca because test levels don’t matter.

I’m gonna just consider you a troll because I don’t want to believe people can actually be this dumb. Here’s an idea- crash your test levels and put on 20lbs of lean mass with just GH. Prove us all wrong. Get buff with 100ng/dl test levels.
500-750 mg test with good training, recovery and nutrition in place
Yes, it's more than enough to get big. You can even use less. More important than anything else is diet and training.

Big is subjective though, to most people someone standing at 6-6'2 at 215-230lbs with body fat under 20% is considered a big and muscular man.
Honestly all roids r uselles even peds, the biggest i got was training natural with 10x the intensity then now. 99% of ppls issue is literally the training which no1 wants to hear
Yes, it's more than enough to get big. You can even use less. More important than anything else is diet and training.

Big is subjective though, to most people someone standing at 6-6'2 at 215-230lbs with body fat under 20% is considered a big and muscular man.e
Honestly all roids r uselles even peds, the biggest i got was training natural with 10x the intensity then now. 99% of ppls issue is literally the training which no1 wants to hear
I would agree, but I can't say steroids are useless. They are necessary at certain point to level up. Training is very important but you can only get so far naturally. Rarely someone naturally can bench press 400lbs for example unless that person is genetically gifted, but then again his natty status is in question most of the time.
1) You are truly a buffoon. An imbecile. You picked the age for peak levels (18) and then chose an age AFTER the decline starts (25). Why don’t you compare a 12 and 19 year olds test levels? You know, when the most substantial growth for men takes place?

2) By your logic then nobody would ever grow naturally after the first 9-12 months of lifting. Newbie gains and AAS are the only way to grow (except testosterone).
Once the newbie gains pass you will literally never get bigger without GH or Deca because test levels don’t matter.

I’m gonna just consider you a troll because I don’t want to believe people can actually be this dumb. Here’s an idea- crash your test levels and put on 20lbs of lean mass with just GH. Prove us all wrong. Get buff with 100ng/dl test levels.
No you are a buffontar, you said " When an 18 year old athlete hits peak test levels and puts on 25lbs of muscle over a school year what else would it be? "

Indicating he didnt make those gains at 16 or 17 but it was a sudden increase and change from 17 because he " hit peak test levels ". And the change from 17 to 18 is way less than 18 and 25

2) where did i ever indicate about someone not growing past newbie gains?

3) no ur a moron, i also said " Even a 50% test increase is uselles unless you started real low. " And now ur saying " crash your test levels ".

And even then people with acromegally have 0 test and put on upwards of 150 pounds within 3 years.