Is that clomid or enclomphine?

Did they actually write Enclomiphene on the front, tricking people in to thinking it's actually enclomiphene?! That's a shady ass move and I would be careful to trust such a company.
Did they actually write Enclomiphene on the front, tricking people in to thinking it's actually enclomiphene?! That's a shady ass move and I would be careful to trust such a company.
You have to take the good with the bad.
At least the vendors are honest about it though...


  • Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 8.17.31 AM.png
    Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 8.17.31 AM.png
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This has been talked over about this particular brand.

That Indian product is clomid. It is misleading. It's like putting a symbol that looks like a Ferrari on the front but it's really a mustang when you read the fine print.

There is a reason why it says clomiphene citrate and equivalent to enclomiphene. Not that it is enclomiphene
Did they actually write Enclomiphene on the front, tricking people in to thinking it's actually enclomiphene?! That's a shady ass move and I would be careful to trust such a company.
Unfortunately. that company has some of the best tested Indian generics lol
Huh? You sure talk a lot of shit for someone thats been here for 2.5 weeks. Try engaging in the conversation at hand for once instead of just wasting space on this forum.
Huh? You sure talk a lot of shit for someone thats been here for 2.5 weeks. Try engaging in the conversation at hand for once instead of just wasting space on this forum.
length of membership is not as important as activity.

I'm just saying

Not trying to get in this argument btw
Would agree if it was quality engagement, not chasing dudes asking for physique pics
You come here and ask a reddit tier question and reaffirm your reddit membership by saying enclomiphene is more efficient, better results, less sides than testosterone. Of fucking course I want to see your physique because all of that is incorrect and only something a dyel redditor would say.

Have you started your dbol only cycle yet? Then pct