Is the crack down real?

Home brewing is not that much of a savings when you consider equipment cost to do it properly vs the prices at a place like GA.

Raws do degrade, and do not necessarily last longer than properly brewed gear. In oil, the active ingredient is completely isolated from exposure to oxygen, and the alcohol and benzoate create a bacteriostatic environment.

There's also the time and learning curve.

Then there's the unlikely, but possible legal exposure for "manufacturing".

20 vials will easily cover you for 5-6 years. and cost around $150. Just keep topping off your buffer as long as things remain as they are now, and if things go to hell, you'll have years to find some other source.

The point here, imo, is not to prepare for the apocalypse, but to have enough to ride out any drought until alternate sources inevitably develop.
I generally like all your posts but this one is not correct
Home brewing is a huge savings. The initial set up cost is very low including magnetic stirrer still under $100
Cost $3 to home brew a vial of test. At 4 vials of test you have already paid for your initial setup cost and you have 4 vials of test.
Also Raws last much much longer than when in oil
I generally like all your posts but this one is not correct
Home brewing is a huge savings. The initial set up cost is very low including magnetic stirrer still under $100
Cost $3 to home brew a vial of test. At 4 vials of test you have already paid for your initial setup cost and you have 4 vials of test.
Mind showing me the setup list of equipment I could look at to get that cost of 100? That's pretty good compared to what i expected...
I generally like all your posts but this one is not correct
Home brewing is a huge savings. The initial set up cost is very low including magnetic stirrer still under $100
Cost $3 to home brew a vial of test. At 4 vials of test you have already paid for your initial setup cost and you have 4 vials of test.

This is a discussion for the homebrew section
Head over there for this question
Got ya
It just sucks that the government cares so fucking much about testosterone being imported and go out of their way to bust up supply. Idk what the likelihood of me getting fucked over doing what I plan to do but it's funny that when I visited Japan it's 100000% legal to buy steroids. but illegal to sell and buy needles with out a prescription. I couldn't bring my trt with me so I just bought some from a ugl lab based in japan. Arrived in 4 days and I paid in cash
I don't think the government cares too much about test. They care about harder stuff that some of these sources are selling, which they shouldn't be. Fentanyl precursors, anti-depressants, drugs that get you high, etc. Test is just collateral damage in many of these cases.

They generally just go after distributors.
There will always be sources getting raided and popping up. You can also homebrew. One goes down, another pops up quickly.

That being said, the vast majority of this bullshit on these forums are coming from New Members who troll, talk shit and are generally useless.

You have no idea what's happening with the CBP, the Office of the Inspector General, Congress and the coming crackdown on parcels from China, where ALL raws come from.

I don't care how long you've been "on the scene", that doesn't mean things aren't coming you don't see.

Where are all the domestic labs buying raws through the mail from China going to replace their supplies overnight?

What countries manufacture steroid raws besides China?

This isn't coke or fentanyl. There isn't a fortune to be made off a few kilos smuggled in. This is cheap, low profit shit.

Only a fool would say "Don't be prepared, nothing will change, if one vial runs out you'll always be able easily get another quickly, no matter what. I personally guarantee it."

Do you really want to deal with the possibility of being forced off your TRT or onto a lower dose, suddenly? To what? Appease a jackass like Gigantic who doesn't know what his ass is doing, never mind complex international political dynamics?

And what is he trying to save you from? Having a few extra vials of cheap gear on hand, just in case. Think about how blatantly retarded that is.

Educate yourself.

In just this ONE session of Congress, 70+ bills have been introduced all pushing towards 100% inspection of foreign parcels entering the US, and ferocious pushback against mostly Chinese drugs coming in with the huge stream of parcels.

A house select committee has been solely focused for a year on the issue of what's coming in from China through the mail, and they WILL take action at some point.

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You have no idea what's happening with the CBP, the Office of the Inspector General, Congress and the coming crackdown on parcels from China, where ALL raws come from.

I don't care how long you've been "on the scene", that doesn't mean things aren't coming you don't see.

Where are all the domestic labs buying raws through the mail from China going to replace their supplies overnight?

What countries manufacture steroid raws besides China?

This isn't coke or fentanyl. There isn't a fortune to be made off a few kilos smuggled in. This is cheap, low profit shit.

Only a fool would say "Don't be prepared, nothing will change, if one vial runs into you'll always be able easily get another quickly, no matter what. I personally guarantee it."

Do you really want to deal with the possibility of being forced off your TRT or onto a lower dose, suddenly? To what? Appease a jackass like Gigantic who doesn't know what his ass is doing, never mind complex international political dynamics?

And what is he trying to save you from? Having a few extra vials of cheap gear on hand, just in case. Think about how blatantly retarded that is.

Educate yourself.

In just this ONE session of Congress, 70+ bills have been introduced all pushing towards 100% inspection of foreign parcels entering the US, and ferocious pushback against mostly Chinese drugs coming in with the huge stream of parcels.

A house select committee has been solely focused for a year on the issue of what's coming in from China through the mail, and they WILL take action at some point.

Yeah this sucks big time. I'm stocking up every chance I get for sure. Hope India and other places step up.
You have no idea what's happening with the CBP, the Office of the Inspector General, Congress and the coming crackdown on parcels from China, where ALL raws come from.

Where are all the domestic labs buying raws through the mail from China going to replace their supplies overnight?

Only a fool would say "Don't be prepared, nothing will change, if one vial runs into you'll always be able easily get another quickly, no matter what. I personally guarantee it."

Do you really want to deal with the possibility of being forced off your TRT or onto a lower dose, suddenly? To what? Appease a jackass like Gigantic who doesn't know what his ass is doing, never mind complex international political dynamics?

And what is he trying to save you from? Having a few extra vials of cheap gear on hand, just in case. Think about how blatantly retarded that is.
Feel free to disagree, but you didn't have to get all upset and delve into calling me a jackass to be appeased. I'm not asking to be appeased.

And I never once said that he shouldn't stock up. Sources come and go, and I'm honestly not worried about those documents you linked.

Personally, for opsec/security reasons, I would avoid clicking any links provided by Ghoul given the concern-troll content of his posts. Instead, search for relevant content on search engines such as Duck Duck Go.

And how this works is HTTP access logs at specific times on these .gov websites, usually times when Ghoul posts during an active ongoing discussion, can actually help reveal the IP address you're using (and not everyone here is using TOR or a VPN), and thus your identity. Ghoul is always phishing with such links and concern-trolling. Buyer beware.

It's simple intelligence gathering: "We have an active thread at 8:30 PM, and we received a bunch of clicks on these .pdfs at 8:31. Let's get the IP addresses of everyone who clicked these pdfs between 8:30 and 9 PM. Let's request the identity of each individual via their ISPs, and sift through profiles of likely steroid users."

That being said, feel free to stock up. I'm not saying you shouldn't.
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It seems prudent to stock up on both Raws and oils. Raws and oils when stored carefully seem to last a very long time, Having been around for 30 years and since the beginning of Meso, I certainly remember the days when it was very hard to get AAS. It seems to be cyclical, in that it gets harder to get for a few years then it gets easier again. Right now it is very easy so it is prudent to stock up.
It seems prudent to stock up on both Raws and oils. Raws and oils when stored carefully seem to last a very long time, Having been around for 30 years and since the beginning of Meso, I certainly remember the days when it was very hard to get AAS. It seems to be cyclical, in that it gets harder to get for a few years then it gets easier again. Right now it is very easy so it is prudent to stock up.
Agreed. I am not against stocking up, but I'm also not worried about a steroid crackdown. Except for maybe QSC, since they advertise on the outside of the fucking box, which is really dumb.
Yeah this sucks big time. I'm stocking up every chance I get for sure. Hope India and other places step up.
Remember, before china came into the picture, guys already source their roids from somewhere. It might be difficult and very inconvenient but it is there if you are not an idiot.

If people fail to navigate the most basic criteria in this game, which is sourcing gear, maybe it’s a good thing since that is just the start. To be able to do this without getting health problems one has to be patient to get all the blood work and medical interventions to stay healthy.

The most coat friendly is homebrewing your own. Somebody already did the calculations and the savings after the initial cost with equipment is worth it in the long run.

100g of cyp will last you 1000 weeks at 100mg dose. That’s enough buffer til you find a reliable domestic source or clinic. The cost is less the 500dollars even if you include the vials and filters.

Any monkey can do simple calculations and chemistry, it’s like baking for meatheads lol, no rocket science.
Look it comes down to this:

My advice: Keep some extra on hand in case easily acquired gea
Feel free to disagree, but you didn't have to get all upset and delve into calling me a jackass to be appeased. I'm not asking to be appeased.

And I never once said that he shouldn't stock up. Sources come and go, and I'm honestly not worried about those articles you linked.

Personally, for opsec/security reasons, I would avoid clicking any links provided by Ghoul given the content of his posts.

HTTP access logs at specific times, usually times when Ghoul posts during an active ongoing discussion, can actually reveal the IP address you're using to post on these forums (and not everyone here is using TOR or a VPN), and thus your identity. Ghoul is always phishing with such links and concern-trolling. Buyer beware.

That being said, feel free to stock up. I'm not saying you shouldn't.

You're a schizo. Paranoid that "they" will track you down via links to public information easily found via a Google search. And do what, exactly @Gigantic? Have the NSA plant spyware on your computer? Bring the clicker under Homeland Security surveillance?

And despite all that paranoia, completely ignorant of the widely reported fact that the wheels of government have been moving toward shutting off the one source every lab gets their raws from for the last couple of years.

Pointing out a drought could develop suddenly and unexpectedly, and suggesting a few extra vials would be cheap insurance in that increasingly likely possibility isn't "useless". Lulling guys into a false sense of security so they don't take this easy step to protect again that possibility is.
Agreed. I am not against stocking up, but I'm also not worried about a steroid crackdown.
Yeah, it is hard to tell. There always seem to be challenges and concerns floating around. Sometimes, they come to fruition. Most times, they don't.

Currently, I am keeping an eye on the black market for Ozempic and Monjaro. Big pharma appears to be losing a lot of money right now, and they are lobbying hard to stem the flow of black-market GLP1 inhibitors. Hopefully, AAS doesn't get swept up in the crackdown. Honestly, I think Liska was busted because he used to sell Fentanyl (at least that is what someone said), and there has been a decade-long international crackdown on fentanyl.
Yeah, it is hard to tell. There always seem to be challenges and concerns floating around. Sometimes, they come to fruition. Most times, they don't.

Currently, I am keeping an eye on the black market for Ozempic and Monjaro. Big pharma appears to be losing a lot of money right now, and they are lobbying hard to stem the flow of black-market GLP1 inhibitors. Hopefully, AAS doesn't get swept up in the crackdown. Honestly, I think Liska was busted because he used to sell Fentanyl (at least that is what someone said), and there has been a decade-long international crackdown on fentanyl.
Honestly, if Liska sold fentanyl, like at any point in time, then fuck him. Well deserved. But I don’t know how true this is, and I’d need to see some kind of proof.

But yep, I do think QSC is in the crosshairs. Hence why I’m actively looking for other sources just in case.
Agreed. I am not against stocking up, but I'm also not worried about a steroid crackdown. Except for maybe QSC, since they advertise on the outside of the fucking box, which is really dumb.

The WTF would be a reason to stock up? Because a single vendor goes down when there are a million others?

The threat of a sudden, widespread systemic problem in getting gear is the only reason. A return to something more like the situation 25 years ago. There's no need to stock up in case a single vendor goes down. That's not a reason to prepare.

How you manage to hold two stupid, opposing views in your head at the same time is impressive.
The WTF would be a reason to stock up? Because a single vendor goes down when there are a million others?

The threat is a sudden, widespread systemic problem in getting gear. A retur. to something more like the situation 25 years ago. There's no need to stock up in case a single vendor goes down. That's not a reason to prepare.

How you manage to hold two stupid, opposing views in your head at the same time is impressive.
Your inability to understand nuance is the issue here.

I am not worried about a crackdown outside of QSC domestic due to their stupid shipping practices.

I am not against stocking up, and if you feel you should stock up, then do it. If you are worried, do it. I stock up regardless of what’s going on because I don’t like to spend oodles of time on it.

These are two completely independent subjects, and can both be considered at the same time. Devolving into insults to get your point across isn’t going to win you any intelligent fans.

Keep in mind, if you acquire too much gear, and you get caught, you can get charged as a distributor. It’s a risk management game.
Truth is you never know what may happen in this day in time. Things can change in an instant in either direction at the drop of a hat. I decided recently to start making my own gear and I'm glad i did. It is just something i kinda wanted to do. I have read some people using raws that are 8-10 years old as long as they are stored correctly. I hope so as i have enough for that long now for just about every compound i feel that i will ever want to use. One less thing to worry about if shit does hit the fan. Ill be" juiced''
It seems prudent to stock up on both Raws and oils. Raws and oils when stored carefully seem to last a very long time, Having been around for 30 years and since the beginning of Meso, I certainly remember the days when it was very hard to get AAS. It seems to be cyclical, in that it gets harder to get for a few years then it gets easier again. Right now it is very easy so it is prudent to stock up.

Truth is you never know what may happen in this day in time. Things can change in an instant in either direction at the drop of a hat. I decided recently to start making my own gear and I'm glad i did. It is just something i kinda wanted to do. I have read some people using raws that are 8-10 years old as long as they are stored correctly. I hope so as i have enough for that long now for just about every compound i feel that i will ever want to use. One less thing to worry about if shit does hit the fan. Ill be" juiced''
Yeah I wanted to hear how long raws last. I plan on vacuumed sealing the extra I buy and storing it with some desciant and in a deep freezer. Should extend shelf life for years
Truth is you never know what may happen in this day in time. Things can change in an instant in either direction at the drop of a hat. I decided recently to start making my own gear and I'm glad i did. It is just something i kinda wanted to do. I have read some people using raws that are 8-10 years old as long as they are stored correctly. I hope so as i have enough for that long now for just about every compound i feel that i will ever want to use. One less thing to worry about if shit does hit the fan. Ill be" juiced''
15 year old raws. I've got 100 grams of 20 year old test cyp stashed somewhere I've been trying to find to send in to jano
Yeah I wanted to hear how long raws last. I plan on vacuumed sealing the extra I buy and storing it with some desciant and in a deep freezer. Should extend shelf life for years
Im not sure about the deep freezer thing. I am splitting all mine up in 30gram increments in Mylar bags with a 300cc oxygen absorber stored in a cool dry dark place like gun safe or something.