I found it! The 6.2 human equivalent dose (HED) conversion is based on 60-kg human. FYI, the exact formula for higher bodyweights is:
HED = animal dose in mg/kg x (animal weight in kg/human weight in kg)
View attachment 20439
Source: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/Guidances/UCM078932.pdf[/QUOTE
I knew I remembered 6.2 from somewhere.
At any rate, the 5 mg/kg rat and 3 mg/kg mouse doses that caused widespread cancers in multiple systems are far too close to what guys are actually using (after doing the conversion) for comfort. Dylan and Co repeatedly state that since people are using well under the 3-5 mg/kg doses that caused cancer in rodents, it's perfectly safe. The never do the HED calculations, of course.
Obviously, rodents aren't perfect human models, but given how extreme the effects of this drug were, I think discretion is the better part of valor for this one.
Normally I'm not one to scold people for drug use (PEDs or otherwise), but using this stuff is just too risky. There are so many PEDs out there with well researched safety profiles that using these kinds of drugs is tough to justify, IMHO.